P. 257
1. Separation of the leadership of the DPR and the leadership of the
MPR with the aim that the DPR would be independent in every deci-
sion making.
2. Elimination of Recall institutions. The abolition of this institution
made it impossible for members of the DPR to be dismissed for po-
litical reasons.
3. Legislative institutions could carry out their functions, namely legis-
lation, supervision and budget determination optimally. In addition,
the DPR also got two new rights, namely to propose or recommend
someone to fill a certain position if determined by a statutory regula-
tion and to determine the DPR’s budget.
Furthermore, to optimize the rights of the DPR,
amendments to the DPR Rules of Procedure were
made with the aim of simplifying the procedures
for implementing the rights of the DPR. One of the
“The relationship significant changes was, if in the previous order
between the DPR there must be at least 20 signatures representing
and the executive more than one faction to apply for the right to ask
for information from the Government, in the new
institution, especially order, 10 signatures were sufficient without hav-
the president, in ing to consider the number of factions.
Indonesia’s history With all its authority, the DPR after the reforma-
had been through tion began to show its role again in the Indone-
sian political system. The relationship between
ups and downs and the DPR and the executive institution, especially
sometimes tinged with the president, in Indonesia’s history had been
through ups and downs and sometimes tinged
tension.” with tension. During the reformation period, the
tension between the DPR and the Government
was evident during the reign of President Abdur-
rahman Wahid.
Concrete tensions between the President and the
DPR which later affected political issues were the dismissal of Admiral
Sukardi as Minister of Investment and Jusuf Kalla as Minister of Industry
and Trade. The dismissal triggered a strong reaction from several politi-
cal parties in the DPR, especially the party that recommended the two
figures as ministers. The reaction then led to the use of interpellation right.