Page 50 - New Agent Real Estate training book
P. 50

on. You might be wondering, ‘Is this house ever going to sell?’

               Seller: That’s exactly what I’ve been thinking. It’s so frustrating for my family to
               be in limbo and my wife’s upset at having to keep the house ready to show
               on short notice, especially with our two little boys messing it up all the

               Agent: I understand. I know it can be frustrating. But, let’s get on the solution
               side of this. We’re doing everything in our power to help you sell your

               Remember, however, this is a changed market. In recent years, we’ve seen
               historically high prices, but the current market is adjusting us back to a more
               ‘normal’ market. That may impact you, too.
               If we don’t see increased activity with your home, we may have to adjust
               the price again.

               Seller: What kind of a price adjustment?

               Agent: Well, let’s give it a few more weeks and see what kind of activity we get.
               If we don’t get any solid offers, let’s talk about making a price adjustment
               then. I’ll check in with you every Friday to keep you updated.

               Seller: Okay, sounds good. I really want to get this sold.

               Termination of Sales Contract or Listing

               The termination of a sales contract requires a (Release Agreement Form 518) signed by all parties and
               brokers, any termination of a contract must be brought to the attention of the Broker-in-Charge prior to
               signing a release.

               The canceling of a listing agreement by a seller requires a (Conditional Release From Listing Form 250)
               and must also be brought to the attention of your Broker-in-Charge prior to signing.
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