Page 63 - March On! God will Provide by Brother Aubert
P. 63
o[ departure for the West on the preceding November
8th. He did not meer Bishop John Dub-ois but the
vigorous coadjutor, John Hughes,-who was kind enough
to write a note of approval.
On the next day, Saturday, 2, Ryken was aboard
the packetboal "Mediator" bound for Portsmouth, Eng-
land. He arrived there on the twentieth, passed through
London on the twenty-fourth, and was back in Brugis
91 ,June thirtieth. His first business was to report to
Bishop Boussen's house. Here he received the-Rosati
letter that had arrived the previous October. The ple-
thora of testimonials did not overly impress the Bistiop.
- Very soon the struggle began again. I will lay but
little stress on the difficulties with His Excellenry,
Bishop Boussen. He insisred absolutely that befoie
starting my foundation, I should submit to a trial
in $ome monastery to see if indeed I was called to
such an undertaking. This was a difficult stipula-
tion to comply with.
get back to Father Van de Kerckhove. Shortly
after my return I went to see him. I spoke to him oi
the violent opposition of Father Verhaegen and
some other priests of the Society. The former an-
tagonized me in such a way that I was totally con-
fused. A Father Helias, S.J., did his best to con-
sole me.
I do not know any more whether I paid a visit to
Reverend Father Provincial Van Lil oI *y own in-
clination or whether I was sent by Father Van de
Kerckhove. Probably he sent me. I believe that
the Provincial had given orders to send me to him.
Moat likely the of St. Louis had already writ-
ten to the Belgian Provincial about my silly plan.e
Indeed, as soon as I came before him, he siarted