Page 10 - 20190122_PB HOA 2018 General Report1
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                            PUNTA BALLENA HOA  L&D STRATEGIES

                 emotional intelligence

                               WORKSHOP FOR HOA EMPLOYEES

      We have implemented a training plan with                 "Emotional Intelligence Management"
      goal that our staff keep and increase the good           workshop taught to employees focused
      work, we want them to do WORK THAT                       on issues related to the development of

      MATTERS, this way we seek to develop the                 a project of integral life, dissatisfaction
      staff and that the teaching and training we              at work, work stress and relationship
      provide endure, and impact positevely in the             with coworkers; everything from the
      daily activities, at work and in their lifes. That       point of view of the control and
      is why we are going beyond the technical and             management of emotions with the aim

      purely operational, training, we are                     of creating awareness among
      transforming HOA staff from their inside.                employees of having a harmonious and
                                                               productive work environment avoiding
      Emotional needs of today’s workforce worth               generating or increasing negative
      our attention. Our goal is to have a crew more           emotions, handling unpleasant
      engaged, committed with Punta Ballena                    emotions so that they do not affect
      prestige, and we'll continue working to                  them or affect the team .

      upscale our human asset on this regard and
      moving forward.
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