Page 13 - 20190122_PB HOA 2018 General Report1
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                          2018 Financial


         There are three key accounts on the balance sheet of Las Residencias HOA :
         Cash in the Operating Checking Account – $2.5 M pesos, these funds cover 3 months of

         expenses (Master fee included).
         Accounts Payable –The balance is 95% R-114 debt of the Master  Condominium fees, there isn´t
         any other liability.

         Capital Reserves – Usually this account shows funds that are available for major capital repair
         and replacement projects, nevertheless the $4.25 millions includes the A.R. balance, wich
         represents 73% of the Capital Reserve, 95% of the accounts receivables are the R-114´s debts

         wich collection process is at the Court.

         Reserve Funds                                                Accounts Receivables

                              A.R.                                                                            5%
                            $3.1M                                                   95%

      Account Receivables
   8   9   10   11   12   13   14   15   16   17