Page 8 - 20190122_PB HOA 2018 General Report1
P. 8

                             2018 EMPLOYMENT


                                     (1) 4,700 hotel rooms will be built from 2018 to
     LOCAL                           2021, 30% more. 1,714 (8%) opened on 2018

                                     (2) According to the statistic information, just in
     LABOR                           the State the last year (2018), the unemployment

                                     diminish 34% in group with less education and
     MARKET                          also, 6% in the group with Highschool or more,
                                     that is a big number, such data show how the
                                     labor demand grow in one year.

                           $ 1 0 , 0 0 0
                     A V G .   M O N T H L Y
                     S A L A R Y   I N   T H E
                   S T A T E   I S   T H E   2 N D
                     H I G H E R   I N   T H E
                          C O U N T R Y

          Faced with factors such as inflation and rising prices,
          the working population in Baja California Sur, Puebla,
          Jalisco, and Nayarit recorded a real decrease in their
          salaries at the end of last year, the acquisition power
          of the salary keep drooping, since the increments do
          not compensate the real cost of the basic food basket.
               2ND JOB

            A lot of workers are looking for better salaries
                            or time for a

                 to cov er household expenses

        (1) STATE TOURISM OFFICE. "In Los Cabos, 4,700 new rooms are being built with brands such as Montage, Park Hyatt, Four Seasons that will be opened between
        2018 and 2021, 1,714 rooms, according to data from the developers and the Ministry of Tourism.
        (3) MINIMUM WAGE NATIONAL COMMISION and IMSS, Mexican Social Security Institute
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