Page 11 - 20190122_PB HOA 2018 General Report1
P. 11

P A G E   8
      OCCUPATIONAL                                              Every year, the employers calculate the

                                                                Occupational Disease or Accident Risk
      DISEASES                                                  Premium is calculated considering the

                                                                number sicknes or accidents cases of the
      &WORK RISKS                                               past year, this premium, impact directly the

                                                                social security cost,  therefor to continue

                                                                the improvements began on 2017, the Healt
                                                                and Safety Committee was created under
                                                                Gilberto Meza, Operations Manager
                                                                coordination, this Commitee is integrated

                                                                by 32 maintneance employe, 2 guards, and
                                                                their mission is to promote and develop a

                                                                health and secure work place and culture,
                                                                this efforts had a positive effect since the
                                                                OCUPPATIONAL DISEASE RISK PREMIUM
                                                                WAS DIMINISHED BY ONE PERCENT.

                                                                 R I S K   P R E M I U M
                                                                    2017   2.59840%

                                                                                        2018 1.59840%



                                                                 COACHING PROGRAM

                                                                 Managers and Supervisors have acting as
                                                                 Coaches of the staff, every year a
                                                                 trainning program is schedule in which
                                                                 most of the times, the isntructor are the
                                                                 Managers and Supervisors, this program
                                                                 alowed us to formaly train the staff at a
                                                                 low cost, and  reinforce the ladership .
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