Page 12 - Jewish News_December 2021
P. 12

12A                         December 2021                                                                FEDERATION NEWS

     Volunteer Spotlight

     Larry Haspel: Hitting a hole-in-one for our community                                                                                                 Where

                                                                                                                          Wayne is confident that Larry will  Your Your
     By Sandy Chase
            lthough Larry Haspel isn’t on   Event-Conference  Center  was  born,   for  Larry.  His  tenacity,  brilliance  and   tion-cost escalation.”
            the golf course as often as he   with Larry as chair.               experience  with  campus  development
     Aenvisioned  for  his  retirement        Praise resounds from current sub-  have been a lifesaver.”              help see this project to fruition. “He’s
     from  an  illustrious  medical  career,   committee  members  CEO  Shep  En-   Exemplifying Rich’s praise, Larry   been a wonderful mentor to Federation   Dollars
     GOLF is still his focus. He:         glander, Chief Operating Officer Kim   says, “We have most of the design for   with his incredible business acumen.”
     ‹   Gives  countless  hours  and  ex-  Adler, Board President Randon Carvel   the  Catering  Center/Banquet  Hall  in   Larry  has  rewarded  Federation
        pertise  as  hospital  administrator,   and Campus Construction Team Lead-  the MEC. Now we have to get pricing   and our community. Federation board   Go
        chairing  the  Morganroth  Event   er Wayne Ruben.                      on the most cost-effective model.”    member  David  Chaifetz  summarizes,
        Center  (MEC)  subcommittee  for      Kim says, “As my project partner                                        “He’s  a  superb  decision-maker,  fo-
        The Jewish Federation of Sara-    since  February  2018,  he’s  dedicated                                     cusing on critical facts, applying great
        sota-Manatee                      hundreds of hours. His intelligence and                                     judgment  and  drawing  conclusions.
     ‹   Offers meaningful friendships    experience  as  the  CEO  of  non-profit                                    Then he uses his people skills to per-
     ‹   Lives tzedakah and Tikkun Olam   hospitals are invaluable.”                                                  suade others to agree.”
     ‹   Fosters  community  support  of      Why  his  involvement?  Larry’s                                             Larry  thrives  on  friendships.  His
        young and old                     two-word  response  fortifies  his  ded-                                    reward as committee chair is multifold.  College Scholarships Report
        And the Federation and our com-   ication:  “I’m  Jewish.... And  my  wife                                    “I’m  living  my  mantra  (Emerson’s
     munity are the winners.              Debbie, a past Federation board mem-                                        quote).  Volunteering  has  gifted  me
        Larry’s  “tee”  is  Ralph  Waldo   ber, convinced me to help develop the                                      with wonderful friends.”
     Emerson’s  quote,  “The  gift  is  for  the   campus.”                                                               The Haspels have been recognized
     giver,” enabling him to score each time   Opportunities  abound,  as  Larry                                      for  their  benevolence,  although  they
     as role model for his six children (al-  sees the MEC as central to Federation’s                                 try to be anonymous, “unless,” accord-
     though  Dori  passed  a  few  years  ago)   mission to educate and bring Jews to-                                ing  to  Larry,  “our  name  encourages
     and  five  grandchildren,  one  who’s  in   gether. “It’s the hub, the place where                               others to give.”
     the Israel Defense Forces.           we  can  enhance  community  engage-                                            He  and  Debbie  were  honored  by
        Larry became involved with Fed-   ment.”                                             Larry Haspel             American  Jewish  Committee  in  2013
     eration  through  philanthropy  and  by   Planning  for  the  future  is  para-  He, Kim and Wayne are also nego-  with the Human Relations Award. Lar-
     serving  on  the  Campus  Utilization   mount to Larry. “We must design ac-  tiating with a major national and inter-  ry serves on its regional and national
     Committee.  As  past  president  of  the   tivities  that  bring  Jews  together  to   national caterer.         boards.  In  2020,  he  received  Feder-
     Asolo Board of Directors, he had expe-  celebrate  simchas,  offer  educational   These  successes  are  even  more   ation’s  Yad Chazakah  (Strong  Hand)
     rience with the building of a rehearsal   programs  and  invite  national  speak-  impressive  given  Covid  challenges,   Award.
     hall  and  the  expansion  of  the  theatre   ers. The MEC, comprising six-to-eight   causing construction costs to skyrocket   When  Larry  says,  “I  was  reborn
     campus.                              breakout  rooms  and  a  large  Catering   because  the  supply-chain  disruptions   when we retired here,” he’s not talking
        Applying  his  knowledge  of  con-  Center/Banquet Hall, provides the per-  have  increased  expenses  for  building   about playing golf. He’s referring to his
     ducting  capital  projects,  he  recom-  fect venue.”                      structures.                           passion for tzedakah and Tikkun Olam.
     mended  building  a  new  conference     Rich Bergman, Major Gift Officer,     “The  enormous  challenge,”  Lar-     Since  relocating  from  Chicago
     center to replace Federation’s outdated   says, “I don’t know whether this center   ry says, “is that past donations are no   in 2009, he’s also been involved with
     Beatrice  Friedman Theatre. Thus,  the   project would’ve happened if it weren’t   longer  adequate  because  of  construc-   continued on next page

           Where YOU belong                                                                                                                             Volunteer Spotlight...continued from previous page

            The Larry & Mary Greenspon
            Family Campus for Jewish Life will be a
            gathering place for the entire Sarasota-

            Manatee community to enjoy. Modern spaces

            for meetings and special events; programs that
            educate, entertain and inspire; over 16 acres for

            day camp, aquatics and tennis — this is the place
            WHERE YOU BELONG.

            To learn how you can get involved in our reimagined
            campus, please visit

                                                       McINTOSH ROAD, SARASOTA
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