Page 10 - Jewish News_December 2021
P. 10

10A                         December 2021                                                                FEDERATION NEWS

     International Holocaust Remembrance Day                                                                                                            International Holocaust Remembrance Day...continued from previous page

     commemoration to feature Susan Eisenhower

     By Gayle Guynup
     “For the dead and the living, we must   these events.” He also gave troops who   had four children and we spent consid-  my latest book by sharing a story about
     bear witness.” – Elie Wiesel         were anywhere near the camps leaves,   erable  time  with  our  grandparents  at   driving by the farm and remembering
           he Jewish Federation of Sara-   so that they, too, could be observers.  the White House, but also when they   that he used to say to me, ‘Now, you
           sota-Manatee  will  honor  In-     Susan’s father John had just gradu-  retired  to  Gettysburg  (Pennsylvania).   know,  you’ve  got  to  leave  the  place
     Tternational  Holocaust  Remem-      ated from West Point in                             We lived on an adjacent   better  than  you  found  it.’”  Susan  be-
     brance  Day  with  a  Zoom  event  on   1944 and was stationed                           property,  and  I  proba-  lieves her grandfather did just that, on
     Thursday, January 27 at 7:00 p.m. fea-  near  Buchenwald.  He                            bly  saw  my  grandpar-  his farm in Gettysburg, in our country
     turing  keynote  speaker  Susan  Eisen-  was  under  orders  that                        ents  several  times  a   and the world.
     hower.                               came  from  his  father                             week.                       Susan’s  remarks  will  be  but  one
        Eisenhower is a consultant, author   to visit the camp. “My                              “It was really good   highlight of the event, which, according
     and policy analyst focused largely on   father  went  to  Buch-                          to  know  them.  As  a   to Bette Zaret, head of the Federation’s
     national  security  and  related  strate-  enwald and took some                          grandfather,  he  and  I   Holocaust  Education  and  Program-
     gic issues. She is also the daughter of   profoundly  disturbing                         shared a common bond    ming, annually commemorates the six
     John  Eisenhower,  and  granddaughter   pictures of what he saw                          around  animals.  We    million victims of the Holocaust, and
     of President Dwight D. Eisenhower.   there.  I  was  raised  on                          were  very  involved    encourages all people around the world
        Her new book, How Ike Led, ex-    those  photos,  my  chil-                           with  the  horses  and   to bear witness and to be an upstander.
     amines the principles behind some of   dren  were  raised  on      Susan Eisenhower      dogs and other animals      The Founding Chair for the event
     Eisenhower’s  biggest  decisions  from   those  photos,  and  my   (photo credit: Miranda Harple)  on  the  farm,  where  I   is Dr. Anna Kohen who was instrumen-
     World War II to the early years of the   grandchildren  were  raised  on  those   would ride his five horses as often as   tal in starting the event in 2017 and has
     Cold  War.  How Ike Led  teaches  us   photos,” Susan said.                possible. As a general and president, I   chaired it every year since. “My par-
     about  the  man,  and  what  lessons  we   “My  grandfather  also  made  the   admired  him  because  he  led  with  his   ents, Greek Jews, were saved in Alba-
     can still learn from him today.      German  communities  surrounding      head  and  his  heart.  He  had  to  make   nia during the Holocaust and I married
        “With  regard  to  my  book,  I  cer-  these  camps  walk  through  them  and   some of the most horrific decisions any   a Holocaust survivor, so this event is
     tainly will talk about my grandfather’s   bear  witness  to  what  had  happened.   general or president has had to make.   very dear to me. This will be our fifth
     own reaction on the day he visited the   He took a very, very tough line on this,   In addition to being the Supreme Al-  year, and every year it grows stronger
     concentration  camp  at  Ohrdruf,”  Ei-  which  came  from  being  in  a  state  of   lied Commander during World War II,   and stronger,” she said.
     senhower  said.  “His  reaction  was  so   profound shock,” she said, adding that   he  was  also  the  first  president  in  the     Anna notes that Susan Eisenhow-
     pronounced and so deeply felt. He be-  he never got over it. “He once said that   hydrogen-bomb era,” Susan said.  er  will  highlight  the  importance  of
     lieved it was so horrendous that in 50   the English language does not have a   “He would always say to me, ‘You   what  her  grandfather  did  in  the  days
     years there would be many people who   word  to  describe  how  deeply  he  was   know, you have to be for something.’”   following the end of the war, bearing
     would  try  to  say  it  never  happened,”   affected by it.”              Susan adds that he didn’t like negativity   witness and sharing what he saw with
     she said. “That same evening, he sent    Susan’s  relationship  with  her   and understood the power of optimism,   the world. “We will also pay homage
     a  cable  to  General  George  Marshall,   grandfather ran very deep. Her father   and how optimism can change things.   to  our  local  survivors,  to  those  who
     U.S. Army Chief of Staff during World   was Dwight and Mamie Eisenhower’s   “He  held  onto  that  optimism  even  in   bore witness to the darkest days of our
     War II, and said he wanted him to send   only  surviving  child.  (There  was  an   his later years and was always looking   history. And we will also celebrate the
     as many congressmen and members of   older son who died at the age of three   for a constructive way forward.    righteous among us, the Jews and non-
     the news media as possible to chronicle   from scarlet fever.) “My mom and dad   “He still has a lot to say to us. I end      continued on next page
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