Page 11 - Jewish News_December 2021
P. 11
FEDERATION NEWS December 2021 11A
International Holocaust Remembrance Day...continued from previous page
Jews who risked their own lives to save returned to their hometown where they
so many during the Holocaust.” were liberated by the Russian army. Meaningful Judaism
Anna believes that there are les- Finally, in 1946, they immigrated to
sons from the Holocaust that we must the United States. A year later, Helen
learn from today. “We must be vigilant. met her future husband, Sidney Fagin. Prayer - Spirituality - Learning
We must speak out about antisemitism. Helen went back to school and earned
We must not be silent, and we should a Ph.D. from the University of Miami, Warm Inclusive Community
never forget,” she said. where she became a professor of En-
Other highlights of the event will glish and director of Judaic Studies. Rabbi Jennifer Singer’s Uplifting Services:
include remarks from event emcee In 1994, President Bill Clinton invited
Betty Silberman; national anthems her to be on the advisory board for the Friday evenings filled with music and song
sung by the Sarasota Jewish Chorale; World War II Memorial in Washington, Saturday mornings shaped by Torah,
the invocation and an introduction D.C. contemplation, discussion
about bearing witness and being an up- “This award is meaningful to me
stander presented by current president personally because it recognizes the Traditional and contemporary liturgy
of the Sarasota-Manatee Rabbinical leadership of General Eisenhower,
Association, Rabbi Michael Shefrin of who has added credibility by showing Wide Range of Activities & Programs:
Temple Emanu-El; and words of wel- himself opening those death camps in
come from The Jewish Federation of the face of denials that they even exist- Extensive adult education
Sarasota-Manatee’s new CEO, Shep ed. Being a recipient of the Zachor/Ei-
Englander. Kate Alexander of Florida senhower Award makes me especially Books & Bagels Holiday celebrations
Studio Theatre will present a moving proud,” Helen said. Shabbat-at Home Jewish meditation
tribute to Dr. Helen N. Fagin, who was The event will include musical per- Social action Chesed
recently presented with the prestigious formances by Cantor Riselle Bain, and
Zachor/Eisenhower Award for Bearing a performance of The Prayer by Ra-
Witness at the Federation Celebration. leigh Mosely and Emma Katz (daugh- Now offering
Helen was born in 1922 in Poland. ter of Rabbi Jonathan and Marty Katz). a new membership
In 1939, when Germany invaded Po- Other speakers will include Stephen
land, her hometown was almost imme- Covert, Principal of Pine View School, category for under 55
diately turned into a ghetto. Only 17 and Andrew Warren, State Attorney of
at the time, Helen set up a clandestine Florida’s 13 Judicial Circuit, Hills-
school where she taught her younger borough County.
sister and other children. In 1942, while For more information on Interna-
Helen and her two sisters hid, their par- tional Holocaust Remembrance Day,
ents were taken away in a raid, never to contact Bette Zaret at bzaret@jfedsrq.
be seen again. After months of living org or 941.228.3676. To register for
under false identities, the three sisters this free event, visit 941.244.2042
Dr. Helen N. Fagin receives
Key to the City of Sarasota
n recognition and appreciation for to teaching the moral lessons of the
Dr. Helen N. Fagin’s efforts and Holocaust and inspiring others to de-
Iachievements, Former Mayor Ha- velop a moral compass. She has found-
gen Brody conferred the Key to the ed programs and institutions that will
City of Sarasota upon Dr. Fagin on continue those teachings, such as the
Thursday, October 28. Judaic Studies program at the Univer-
Mayor Brody said, “The Key to the sity of Miami, the Holocaust Memorial
City is given only to those who have Miami Beach, the United States Ho-
made the highest impact on our com- locaust Memorial Museum in Wash-
munity, country or culture. Dr. Fagin ington, D.C., The Florida Holocaust
is a remarkable woman who has given Museum, and the World War II Memo-
so much to humanity, and her lifelong rial in Washington, D.C.
dedication to sharing and memorializ- Dr. Fagin has impacted the lives
ing the lessons of the Holocaust makes of many thousands in Sarasota through
us all better citizens and stewards of starting the Federation’s Holocaust
the world. We’re honored she’s now a Speakers Bureau, and founding the Dr.
recipient of the Key to the City of Sara- Helen N. Fagin Holocaust, Genocide
sota.” and Human Rights Collection at New
Dr. Fagin, a survivor from Poland, College of Florida.
has dedicated her lifetime in America
Former Sarasota Mayor Hagen Brody with Dr. Helen N. Fagin