Page 13 - Jewish News_December 2021
P. 13
FEDERATION NEWS December 2021 13A
Volunteer Spotlight This series highlights mission-based
Happy HanukkaH
Larry Haspel: Hitting a hole-in-one for our community Where programs and projects that are sup- from Temple Emanu-El!
ported by The Jewish Federation
of Sarasota-Manatee. Funding for
Your these initiatives is derived from the Join us for THE
Annual Campaign. The series helps
to explain where your generous dol-
Dollars lars are spent and features certain For Kids!
initiatives that enrich the lives of
Jews living in Sarasota-Manatee, lo-
Go cal projects with area partners, and friday, December 3 at 6:00 pm
overseas programs that support the
social and humanitarian needs of
Jews in Israel and around the world.
Your generous support is found in family shabbat at 7:15 pm
our tenet… To strengthen Jewish life Hurry! register at by December 1!
and identify in our community. (See $10 prepaid | LiMiTED admission $15 at the door
the article below.)
College Scholarships Report
By Jessi Sheslow, Teen & Family Programs Manager
ach year, The Jewish Feder- careers. It is a privilege to help them
ation of Sarasota-Manatee achieve their dreams by providing col- 151 Mcintosh rd. | 941-371-2788
Eawards education scholarships lege scholarships through the Federa-
to qualified applicants attending col- tion.”
lege, community college, vocational/ Kol haKavod (all our respect) to
technical school or university. This our awardees: Brett McDowall, Mack-
year, unlike last year’s unique Covid enzie Dyrda, Andrew Moor, Roger
prohibitive one, the Education Schol- Main, Jack Soodek, Elliot Golden,
arship Committee, co-chaired by Mar- Rachel Golden, Alexis Coleman, Kyla
sha Eisenberg and Laura Briefman, Cacoilo and Erica Lester.
was thrilled to award $49,810 in col- Our awardees are majoring in:
lege scholarships to 10 students for Behavioral and Cognitive
the 2021-2022 school year. The schol- Neuroscience and Pre-Med
arships went to students who demon- Sequential Art
strated financial need, a commitment Education
to community service and volunteer- Early Childhood Education
ism, and to hard work toward academic Naval Architecture
success. Psychology
Laura says, “Every year when I Zoo and Conservation Science
read the scholarship applications I am For more information about the
so impressed with the involvement Federation’s Education Scholarships,
of the students in the community and contact me at or
the passion they have for their future 941.343.2109.
Volunteer Spotlight...continued from previous page
numerous community nonprofits, al- but his fervor for charity began in
though at first, “my interest was im- Chicago, where he donated time and
proving my golf score.” money to the Chicago Jewish Feder-
Changing his mind, Larry became ation, reaping friendships while in- Join Us
involved with the Jewish Housing volved in leadership projects. He also
Council (Aviva) as board president. donated to the theater and arts.
Friend and Aviva Trustee Sheila As many in Sarasota and Chica-
Birnbaum captures his lasting effect. go attest, Larry’s background as car- FRIDAY, DECEMBER 10, 2021
“Thanks to Larry’s healthcare leader- diologist and CEO of a large hospital 10:30am – NooN
ship, he established policies at Aviva, and healthcare system at Midwestern Selby Public library
enhancing residents’ lives. His con- University, his alma mater (cardiol- 1331 1St St, SaraSota, Fl 34236
stant drive for excellence has led to ogy training at Mt. Sinai Hospital),
improved management and responsive enhanced by leadership positions on OPEN HOUSE
executive staff.” healthcare associations, have been An opportunity to learn about
Bolstered by his medical back- a boon to both Federations and other membership to the Women’s Giving
ground, Larry also supports the young. community organizations. Circle, engage with current members
At Ringling College of Art + Design, Beholden to his father, Larry says and get “in person” updates from some
of the agencies that were granted
the Haspels supported a medical resil- this immigrant and self-made man funds in 2021. *
ience program that assists students by taught his three sons to value edu-
providing necessary, available resourc- cation. “I got my ‘MBA’ and love of More than $34,000 was granted by 2021’s
Women’s Giving Circle members to seven
es and a center for those having trou- Tikkun Olam from my father, my role organizations in Israel benefiting
ble coping, especially feeling isolated model.” women and children.
during the Covid pandemic. Larry also gifts himself by enjoy-
An Ambassador Circle member of ing favorite pastimes: political read-
Embracing Our Differences, Larry also ing, the arts, travel and making lots of * Masks and social distancing required.
helped bring innovative diversity ed- friends. Nadia Ritter, Chair
ucation programming to Sarasota and And he still indulges in GOLF
Manatee students. – fortunately for Federation and our RSVP by December 3
Exemplifying his dedication to community. To register, please visit JFEDSRQ.ORG/events
QUESTIONS? Contact Jeremy Lisitza
tzedakah, he and Debbie have been If you are interested in volunteering, 941.343.2113 or
philanthropic leaders and successful there are many ways to contribute and
fundraisers for the Asolo, saying, “I’m be part of the volunteer life at the Fed-
proud to live in a community with so eration. For more information, please
many worthy charitable organiza- contact Jeremy Lisitza, Director of In-
tions.” novation and Volunteer Engagement,
Larry may have been reborn here, at 941.343.2113 or