Page 9 - Jewish News_December 2021
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FEDERATION NEWS December 2021 9A
Say Shalom at Sarasota
Farmers Market
Staff Report A concierge practice devoted to internal medicine and wellness.
favorite pastime of visitors, ary 5, February 19, March 5, March 19.
snowbirds and long-timers As a result of our 2019 Commu-
A alike is strolling the Sarasota nity Study, which reported that there
Farmers Market in downtown Sarasota are over 35,000 individuals living in
each Saturday. Jewish homes in our Sarasota-Manatee
For those of you who enjoy this area, Federation will be placing more
activity, we hope you will come say emphasis on opportunities for outreach
and raising awareness about our im-
portant projects and programs. We also
know many more Jews have moved CHRISTOPHER S. LITTLE, M.D. and STEVEN W. FINEMAN, M.D.
here in the last year-and-a-half during EXCEPTIONAL SERVICE. EXTRAORDINARY CARE.
the Covid pandemic, and we hope to
greet and engage as many newcomers Call (941) 954-9990
as we can. Visit
Please stop by at our booth, which
will be at the intersection of Lemon
and Main. We look forward to seeing
many of you!
If you have a neighbor or friend
“Shalom” to The Jewish Federation who is new to the area and would like
of Sarasota-Manatee as we exhibit to be added to our mailing list and learn
for the first time at the market on the more about Federation, have them con-
following dates from 7:00 a.m. to 1:00 tact Gisele Pintchuck at gpintchuck@
p.m.: December 18, January 22, Febru- or 941.706.0029.
Local teens study in Israel
Jessi Sheslow, Teen & Family Programs Manager
t is incredible when you get to as- Heller High graduate myself).
sist bright and adventurous teens Your Federation is helping to pro-
Iin traveling to Israel. Through the vide meaningful and lasting relation-
SKIP (Send a Kid to Israel Program) ships in and with Israel, and we are so
grants at The Jewish Federation of proud to do so.
Sarasota-Manatee, two local teens
are studying at Alexander Muss High
School in Israel (AMHSI) this fall se-
mester of the 2021-2022 school year.
Thanks to the Federation’s gener-
ous donors and thoughtful Teen Travel
granting committee, high school stu- B " H
dents and good friends, Else Weinstein C H A B A D O F D O W N T O W N S R Q
and Sitar Ben-Herut are experiencing
Israeli life and learning Hebrew while CHANUKAH
immersed in the culture and commu-
nity of the Jewish ancestral homeland,
Israel. C E L E B R A T I O N
Among the many fantastic expe-
riences, in October the girls went on
a four-day hiking trip called “Masah
Mi’yam L’yam” or “From Sea to Sea.”
There is no better way to strengthen
one’s connection to Judaism and Israel Sitar Ben-Herut and Else Weinstein
than actually being there, learning the in Jerusalem on AMHSI Fall 2021
language, experiencing Shabbat and For more information about Teen
the Jewish holidays, shopping in the Travel scholarships through the Feder-
stores, eating the local foods and mak- ation, contact me at jsheslow@jfedsrq.
ing Israeli friends (speaking as a NFTY org or 941.343.2109.
Thank You
Thank Y
for your Impact
L a t k e s , D o n u t s & M u s i c
T H U R S D A Y , D E C . 2 , 2 0 2 1 | 5 : 0 0 P M
$3,672,246 5 P O I N T S P A R K , D O W N T O W N S A R A S O T A
was invested in 2020 in worldwide community needs F R E E A D M I S S I O N
F o r m o r e i n f o :
If you would like to help more, C a l l : 9 4 1 - 9 2 8 - 9 2 6 7 | E - m a i l : R a b b i @ c h a b a d o f D o w n t o w n S R Q . c o m |
please visit JFEDSRQ.ORG/donate w w w . c h a b a d o f d o w n t o w n s r q . c o m