Page 4 - Jewish News_December 2021
P. 4

4A                         December 2021                                                                FEDERATION NEWS

     The Chai Society honors long-term Federation donors

     By Lisa Feinman, Resource Development Manager
           ynthia  Wright,  the  inaugural   need in our local community, in Israel   to  the  1990s.  While  many  have  also   Chai  Society  Committee  by  fellow
           chairperson  of  Chai  Society   and around the world.               supported  other  Jewish  organizations   members Marcy Kennelly, Linda Lip-
     Cof The Jewish Federation of             Second,  their  gifts  have  a  cumu-  through us, the Chai Society is reflec-  son, Sue Rosin, Kim Sheintal and Deb-
     Sarasota-Manatee, introduced this se-  lative  impact  that  is  greater  than  any   tive of the support of these donors for   bie Yonker, all of whom thank our Chai
     lect group of donors to our community   one gift could be. More than 500 do-  the  Federation’s  annual  campaign,   Society members for all they do, and
     at the yearly Federation Celebration in   nor households contribute annual gifts   program  sponsorships  and  granting   have  done,  for  our  community. Their
     November.  The  Chai  Society  honors   that  range  from  $10  to  thousands  of   initiatives. The list, published on pag-  gifts are the wind beneath our wings,
     and recognizes donors who have been   dollars,  and  together  average  more   es  18A-19A,  recognizes  donors  who   and we are honored that they have cho-
     supporting the Federation with contri-  than  $450,000  each  year.  Chai  Soci-  reached or surpassed this 18-year mile-  sen us, year after year, to translate their
     butions for 18 or more years.        ety donors have been giving for as few   stone in 2020.                     generosity into mitzvot.
        Our  tradition  teaches  Mitzvah   as 18 and as many as 57 years. Since     We look forward to inducting new      If  you  have  a  tale  to  share  about
     Goreret Mitzvah, one good deed leads   the 1960s, we count more than 12,500   Chai  Society  members  each  year,  to   what inspired you to begin supporting
     to another. Chai Society members ex-  years  of  giving,  raising  close  to  $30   hearing their stories, being inspired by   The  Jewish  Federation  of  Sarasota-
     emplify this concept in several ways.  million in support for the mission and   their  loyalty  and  ongoing  faith  in  us,   Manatee,  or  if  you  have  information
        First,  the  many  years  of  support   work of the Federation.         and  to  updating  our  records  to  more   that  will  help  us  more  accurately  re-
     our Chai Society members have given      These  figures  only  account  for   accurately  reflect  the  longevity  and   flect  your  own  giving  history,  please
     the Federation have allowed us to bring   those contributions we can see in our   breadth of their generosity.   contact me at or
     countless  acts  of  kindness  to  Jews  in   computerized records, which date back   Cynthia  Wright  is  joined  on  the   941.706.0034.

     Will you be there to help?

     By Ilene Fox, Senior Philanthropic Officer
            lthough  we  hoped  the  Covid   factor, with many unable to attend Fed-  As  we  approach  our  “new  nor-   If you have already made a gift and
            pandemic  would  not  be  so   eration  programs  and  Sarasota’s  cul-  mal,” we hope you will continue to en-  are able to give more, your community
     Adebilitating  in  2021,  we  con-   tural events. Thanks to you, our virtual   joy our many virtual program offerings   would be profoundly grateful. Federa-
     tinued to experience many of the un-  programming  helped  to  fill  that  void,   and, if you feel safe, attend some of our   tion’s critical work will continue due to
     knowns  and  heartaches  associated     keeping us all connected, educated, en-  in-person events. There is nothing like   your generosity.
     with  it.  The Jewish  Federation of   tertained and hopeful.              seeing you in person!                     With  hopes  that  the  pandemic  is
     Sarasota-Manatee  responded  by  ad-     Along with meeting new challeng-      Our Jewish community has experi-  subsiding, the future is bright for our
     dressing pressing community concerns   es,  your  Federation  continues  to  do   enced unprecedented growth, and with   Jewish  community.  Let’s  make  mira-
     such  as  food  insecurity  and  physical,   the work that it always does: awarding   this growth, necessities are increasing   cles together!
     emotional  and  spiritual  needs.  As  a   religious school scholarships, support-  exponentially. If you are able to help,   You can donate at or by
     result  of  your  generosity,  Federation   ing  the  vulnerable  and  at-home  care   please consider making a year-end gift   sending a check to JFSM, 580 McIn-
     was able to bring joy into the homes   for  Holocaust  survivors,  promoting   to Federation. Gifts of any size are wel-  tosh Rd., Sarasota, FL 34232.
     of those who were suffering due to job   support  for  Israel,  providing  security   come and will be used to benefit those   On behalf of all who benefit from
     loss, illness and isolation, with Shab-  training  to  keep  our  community  safe,   who  need  it  most  and  to  continue  to   your generosity, thank you for opening
     bat meals and engagement through our   combatting antisemitism and so much   build a vibrant, resilient and growing   your heart. I can be reached at ifox@
     local  partners.  Loneliness  was  also  a   more.                         Jewish community.            or 941.343.2111.


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