Page 6 - Jewish News_December 2021
P. 6

6A                         December 2021                                                                FEDERATION NEWS

     People of the Book author/lecture series continues

     with three Zoom events in December

     By Gayle Guynup
           he  People  of  the  Book  author   of  antisemitism  and  the  role  it  plays   experience and theoretical framework   Tracy Walder: The Unexpected Spy
           lecture  series  of  in-person  and   today  in  the  white  supremacy  move-  of  how  to  discuss  and  spread  Jewish   Tracy  Walder  grew  up  in  Los Ange-
     Tvirtual  events,  sponsored  by     ment. He goes on to explain why it is   Pride.                              les and is an alumna of the Universi-
     The Jewish Federation of Saraso-     the  non-Jewish  world’s  responsibility   What was the most surprising     ty of Southern California. Though she
     ta-Manatee,  continues  in  December   to stand up to such hatred.         thing you learned during your re-     had previously planned to be a history
     with three renowned authors.                                               search for the book?                  teacher, she instead went to work for
        All three December events will be                                           The shocking thing is the similar-  both the CIA and the FBI. In the CIA,
     presented on Zoom at 7:00 p.m.                                             ities in all Jewish experiences, regard-
        The first event, on Wednesday, De-                                      less  of  where  Jews  lived. Ashkenazi,
     cember  8,  features  Ben  M.  Freeman                                     Beta-Israel, Mizrahi and Sephardi Jews
     and his book, Jewish Pride: Rebuilding                                     all worked incredibly hard to maintain
     a People. This will be followed with an                                    their  own  unique  cultures,  their  con-
     event on Thursday, December 16 with                                        nection to traditional Jewish values and
     Tracy Walder and her book, The Un-                                         their indigenous homeland, the land of
     expected  Spy.  (Tracy  was  originally                                    Israel. They also experienced versions
     scheduled to present at Temple Sinai,                                      of the same hate for hundreds,  if not
     but  due  to  a  work  conflict,  her  pre-                                thousands, of years. This demonstrates
     sentation will be on Zoom.) The final                                      just how universal the Jewish experi-
     event of the month features Tim Darcy                                      ence, both positive and negative, is.
     Ellis and his book, The Secret Diaries                                         What do you hope readers take
     of Juan Luis Vives,  on  Tuesday,  De-                                     away from reading this book?
     cember 21.                                                                     I  hope  to  educate,  inspire  and
     Ben M. Freeman:                                  Ben M. Freeman            empower Jews to reject the shame of
     Jewish Pride: Rebuilding a People        What led you to write this book?                       anti-Jewish
     Ben M. Freeman was born in Scotland,     I joined Twitter in 2018 to take part                  hate,  to  reject            Tracy Walder
     and today is a gay Jewish author and   in the fight against Jeremy Corbyn, the                  non-Jewi sh      she entered the Weapons of Mass De-
     internationally renowned educator fo-  then leader of the British Labour Par-                   definitions  of   struction office, where she worked as a
     cusing  on  Jewish  identity,  combating   ty.  I  saw  British  Jewry  embody  Jew-            Jewish  identi-  staff operations officer. Her task was to
     antisemitism  and  raising  awareness   ish pride and act as a shining beacon                   ty, and to begin   help manage the Al Qaeda threat.
     of  the  Holocaust.  Currently  based  in   to the rest of the Jewish world. I also             their journey to     In 2004, Tracy began working for
     Hong  Kong,  Freeman  now  heads  the   saw Jews not able to identify the hate                  collective  and   the FBI, where she worked on the Chi
     humanities team at American Interna-  we were experiencing due to their mis-                    individual Jew-  Mak counterintelligence case. She left
     tional School and lectures on antisemi-  guided allegiance to the Labour Party.                 ish pride based   the FBI after 14 months, and returned
     tism at universities in Hong Kong. His   These observations led me to reflect on                on an authentic   to teaching, at the Hockaday School in
     first book, Jewish Pride: Rebuilding a   my  own  journey  to  LGBTQ+  Pride,   understanding  of  Jewish  experience,   Dallas. In her fascinating memoir, The
     People, brilliantly lays out the history   which ultimately gave me the personal   Jewish traditions and Jewish values.       continued on next page

                                                                                                                                  $  Before 11/24
                                                                                                                                   $ Thereafter
                                                                                                                                 Children Under 12
                                                    HELICOPTER IN THE SKY                 LIVE MUSIC BY DJ CJ KOENIG
                                                    To Rain Down Gelt From Above          LATKES BY SAM
                                                    TRACKLESS TRAIN RIDE
                                                                                          KOSHER FOOD BY MICHAEL’S ON EAST
                                                    ICE MENORAH

                                                    ACTIVITIES FOR CHILDREN OF ALL AGES   AND MUCH, MUCH, MORE!

                                                              SUNDAY NOV 28TH, 2021     4-6PM

                                                                        At The Phillippi Estate Park
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