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                                                                             FROM THE BOARD AND STAFF OF

                                                                                                             PUBLISHED  B Y

                                                                                             The Jewish Federation

                                                                                                OF SARASOTA-MANATEE

                                                                                                 THE LARRY & MARY GREENSPON
                                                                                                FAMILY CAMPUS FOR JEWISH LIFE

 50  Years  December 2021 - Kislev/Tevet 5782                                              Volume 51, Number 11

          INSIDE THIS                     Learning our Federation’s strengths
                ISSUE:                    By Shep Englander, Chief Executive Officer
                                                                                    Throughout my career, I have been
                                                                                                                          Now, I am looking forward to el-
        21A  Jewish Interest                  n  my  first  few  months  leading   committed to strong public affairs and   evating  the  crucial  work  of  our  own
                                              The Jewish  Federation of Sara-
        29A  Israel & the Jewish World    Isota-Manatee,  I’ve  been  particu-  community  relations  initiatives. After   community  relations  arm,  the  Hell-
                                                                                                                      er  Community  Relations  Committee
                                                                                practicing law for several years, I took
                                          larly impressed with two of its many
        31A  Commentary                   strengths. First, our Federation has not   on  my  first  Jewish  non-profit  profes-  (CRC).  Generously  endowed  by  Bob
        35A  Life Cycle                   only shaped our local Jewish commu-   sional role as Associate Director of The   and  Esther  Heller,  and  ably  managed
           1B  Community Focus                               nity,  but  has  also   Jewish  Federations  of  North America   by Howard Tevlowitz and former CRC
                                                             been  a  pillar  in
                                                                                Washington, D.C., office, which man-
                                                                                                                      Director Jessi Sheslow, the Heller CRC
           8B  Focus on Youth                                the  general,  civ-  ages  the  organization’s  national  pub-  has become the key source for Jewish
         12B  Jewish Happenings                              ic,  cultural  and   lic  policy  and  advocacy  work.  I  then   public affairs and advocacy in our re-
                                                             arts  communities.
                                                                                moved to United Jewish Federation of
                                                             My  predecessor,   Pittsburgh  as Vice  President,  where  I   Over the years, our CRC has helped
                                                             Howard  Tevlow-    took charge of that Federation’s com-  Federation  build  strong  partnerships
                                                             itz,  increased  our   munity, government relations and Isra-  with key civic organizations, including
                                                             Federation’s  val-  el programs, among other roles. And as   the  Sarasota  Ministerial  Association,
                                             Shep Englander  ue  by  prioritizing   CEO of the Jewish Federation of Cin-  the  Catholic  Diocese  of  Venice,  Em-
                                          collaborative  partnerships  with  our   cinnati, I trained and partnered with a   bracing Our Differences, UnidosNOW,
                                11A       region’s leading non-profits. This is a   remarkably enterprising and insightful   NAACP,  Sarasota  African  American
                                                                                                                      Cultural Coalition (SAACC), the Sara-
                                                                                Jewish Community Relations Director
                                          great fit for me because deep collabora-
      Dr. Helen N. Fagin receives         tive community partnerships have been   and  we  launched  innovative  commu-  sota  County  Schools  and  Manatee
      Key to the City of Sarasota         cornerstones of my previous leadership   nity relations strategies that are being   County Schools.
                                          roles as well.                        emulated across the nation.                        continued on next page

                                          Lynn and Randon Carvel

                                          dedicate new campus boardroom

                                          By Gayle Guynup
                                 1B              andon Carvel, board president      The  Carvels  have  been  generous   enthusiasm  for  the  project  undoubt-
                                                 of The Jewish Federation of    Federation  donors  since  they  moved   edly  inspired  generosity  in  others,
      Aviva honors Jewish Federation      RSarasota-Manatee, and his wife       here from Memphis in the summer of    and they look forward to seeing many
      at 2021 National Philanthropy       Dr. Lynn are generously dedicating the   2012.                              meetings  and  gatherings  take  place
      Day Celebration                     boardroom in the Klingenstein Jewish      “When  Lynn  and  Randon  moved   in the boardroom for years to come.”
                                          Center-Federation  Administrative  Of-  to  Sarasota,  they  immediately  sought   Lynn, originally from Hot Springs, Ar-
                                          fices on the reimagined Larry & Mary   out  Federation  and  the  Jewish  com-  kansas,  and  Randon,  from  Memphis,
                                          Greenspon Family Campus for Jewish    munity,  and  have  been  involved  and   Tennessee, met when they sat next to
                                          Life.                                 generous ever since,” said Senior Phil-  each other on an airplane. “You never
                                              PAID POLITICAL                    anthropic Officer Ilene Fox. “With the   know who you are going to meet and
                                                                                planning for the newly renovated and
                                                                                                                      where  you  are  going  to  meet  them,”
                                10B          ADVERTISEMENT                      improved  Federation  campus  taking   Randon said.
                                                                                                                          Randon is a real estate developer
      Temple Sinai Intergenerational         This issue of The Jewish News contains a paid   place during Randon’s presidency, the   and Lynn, now retired, was a radiolo-
                                                                                boardroom in the Klingenstein Jewish
      Shabbaton brings people of all          political advertisement. The ad does not   Center-Federation  Administrative  Of-  gist who had her own outpatient imag-
      ages together                         reflect the views of, or serve as endorsement   fices was a natural fit for their support.   ing centers in the Memphis area.
                                              by, the staff or leadership of The Jewish
                                                Federation of Sarasota-Manatee.  Lynn and Randon’s early support and               continued on next page

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