Page 3 - Jewish News_December 2021
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FEDERATION NEWS                                                                      December 2021                                        3A

     2021-2022: A season of programs

     with purpose – Tikkun Olam

     By Trudi Krames, Sr. Director of Programming
              hen  you  hear  the  Hebrew   dition to supporting Federation’s over-  we know more Jewish households are   three plays in person from Febru-
              phrase  Tikkun  Olam,  what   all mission and tenets, we support the   living in our broader geographic area   ary through April
     Winitially  comes  to  mind?         Federation’s  strategic  mission  priori-  than  ever  before,  most  of  whom  are   ‹   Community  Lecture  with  Israeli
     Most folks think of this Jewish value   ties with age-appropriate programming   disconnected  from  traditional  Jewish   actress and activist Noa Tishby –
     as healing, repairing or rebuilding the   that intentionally educates, excites, en-  organizations or Jewish programs and   Tuesday, February 22 (in person)
     world. Their call to action is typically   lightens, energizes, enriches and enter-  opportunities. Through engagement on   ‹   Jewish Film Festival – March 2-13
     in the form of physically doing some-  tains from “babies to bubbies?” Much   our new campus, we will connect Jews   (in person and virtual options for
     thing such as lending a helping hand, or   goes into how we create our program   to Jewish life and to each other! Our   films)
     one that is monetary, such as making a   season.  We  thoughtfully  hand-select   programming will support these strate-  ‹   Women’s Day – Monday, April 4
     charitable donation. Tikkun Olam may   programs  that  strategically  represent   gic imperatives by offering unique op-  (in person and via Zoom)
     be expressed in many different forms   this exact Jewish value of Tikkun Olam.   portunities to engage more people.  To learn about our upcoming pro-
     such as bringing a community together.   We have programs and events of advo-  So, what are the next steps for you   grams  and  events,  be  sure  to  check
     All are acts of kindness in some way.   cacy, service, acts of kindness, social   regarding  programming  and  events   the Happenings section of The Jewish
        As  I  have  been  reflecting  about   justice, and preserving the health and   with  Federation?  Save  the  following   News as well as up-to-date information
     what  is  now  my  third  season  of  pro-  well-being of our community and plan-  dates for a truly exceptional season of   on the Federation’s website at jfedsrq.
     gramming  with  The Jewish Federa-   et.  We  have  broadened  our  outreach   chai-brid  signature  programming  and   org/events.  Be  informed  in  real  time
     tion of Sarasota-Manatee, I can say   and  engagement  to  the  population  at   events:                         about our programs and events via our
     that  the  work  done  by  Federation’s   large  –  a  cross-cultural  and  interfaith   ‹   Sharon  Geller’s  Knock  Knock…  Federation  eblasts  (visit
     Program  Department  is  also  a  form   platform  through  affinity  community   Jews  There: A  Talmudic  Take  on   and click “Eblast Sign Up” at the top
     of  Tikkun Olam.  The  programs  and   organizations,  schools,  universities,   Comedy  –  Monday,  December  6   of the page).
     events we strive to provide our com-  libraries, places of worship and media   via Zoom                              Also in this issue, read more from
     munity are aligned with the tenet of our   outlets.                        ‹   International  Holocaust  Remem-  Federation’s Program Team about our
 Randon and Lynn Carvel (photo credit: Karen Arango)
     Federation’s mission, Tikkun Olam. In    The  priorities  of  the  Federation’s   brance Day with keynote speaker   upcoming plans for teen programming
     upping  our  game  this  season  to  one   Program Department stem from Jewish   Susan  Eisenhower,  granddaugh-  through  STEP,  as  well  as  program-
     that is “chai-brid” (a take on the word   tradition of L’dor v’Dor – From Gener-  ter  of  former  president,  General   ming for families with young children
     “hybrid”) – live and in person or vir-  ation to Generation. Our programs and   Dwight  D.  Eisenhower  –  Thurs-  through PJ Library.
     tually – we, too, are doing our part to   events will hopefully pass on the val-  day, January 27 via Zoom           For more information, contact me at
     help heal by bringing our community   ues of our culture and traditions, and   ‹   Sarasota Jewish Theater will offer   tkrames or 941.706.0037.
     together.                            enable Jews, especially younger Jews,
        The Federation’s Program Depart-  to  explore  and  deepen  their  connec-
     ment  has  many  goals  beyond  purely   tions to Israel and the Jewish people.   Who does the Jewish community turn to for
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