Page 5 - Jewish News_December 2021
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FEDERATION NEWS December 2021 5A
Why Federation cares so much
about Holocaust education
By Bette Zaret, Holocaust Education and Programming
Established 1971 ccording to UNESCO (United definition and the historical and current learning specifically for teachers with
PUBLISHER Nations Educational, Scientif- examples of antisemitism, and the pre- additional resources.
The Jewish Federation of Sarasota-Manatee Aic and Cultural Organization), vention of antisemitism. In addition, through our long-
The Larry & Mary Greenspon
Family Campus for Jewish Life one of the best ways to combat an- Thankfully, our partnerships with standing Holocaust Survivor Speakers
Klingenstein Jewish Center tisemitism is through education. Sadly, the Sarasota County and Manatee Bureau, schools can request an area
580 McIntosh Road ignorance and lack of knowledge about County school districts couldn’t be Holocaust survivor to speak in person
Sarasota, FL 34232-1959 the Holocaust are growing. Recent sta- stronger. We are pleased to announce in their classrooms or via Zoom. Stu-
Phone: 941.371.4546 tistics paint a disquieting picture of that The Jewish Federation of Sara- dents can experience a life-changing
Fax: 941.378.2947 widening gaps in the knowledge and sota-Manatee officially partnered with moment when they hear a survivor’s
Website: understanding of the Holocaust with both school districts for Holocaust story of survival, resilience, hope and
the passing years. The concern is not Education Week (November 8-12). love. In the last five years alone, over
Published Monthly only that the Holocaust is fading from Throughout the week, the Federation 6,000 local students have had just such
Volume 51, Number 11 memory, but also that the lessons that sponsored live Zoom lectures for stu- an opportunity.
December 2021
60 pages can be applied to the ongoing human dents featuring renowned Holocaust Chris Renouf, Chief Academic Of-
USPS Permit No. 167 rights abuses and threats to democracy and Genocide Scholar Dame Helen ficer, Sarasota County Schools said,
January 2022 Issue Deadlines: are being lost. Hyde, and veteran and liberator Art “We are so grateful that The Jewish
Editorial: December 1, 2021 Federation of Sarasota-Manatee is
Advertising: December 3, 2021 providing such meaningful resources
CHANGE OF ADDRESS: to our students and teachers regarding
Inquiries can be sent to Bonnie Souther Holocaust Education Week. Through
at a collaborative partnership, we are
or call 941.371.4546 x0 able to provide incredible experien-
PRESIDENT tial learning opportunities for our stu-
Randon Carvel dents.”
Kathryn Wald, Coordinator for
CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER Manatee County Schools Social Stud-
Shep Englander ies and Arts K-12 Curriculum, cites
the partnership between the Federa-
SENIOR DIRECTOR OF tion and the school district of Mana-
Marty Katz Holocaust survivor Rivka Glass, who often shares her story in classrooms, tee County as one of “…great value to
receives recognition at the Sarasota County School Board meeting our students, teachers and district, as
MANAGING EDITOR In recent years, there has been Sheridan, who spoke to the students on we work together to promote diversi-
Ted Epstein a significant spike in antisemitism November 11, Veterans Day. ty and inclusion in our community.…
and hate-fueled violence and rheto- Teachers now have access to a Ho- This partnership is dedicated to ensur-
ADVERTISING SALES ric against different groups on both a locaust Education Teachers’ Resource ing our students receive consistent and
Adam Kaplan – 941.552.6307 national and global scale. The need webpage via the Federation’s web- accurate instruction on the history of
PROOFREADERS for Holocaust education could not be site, which includes age-appropriate the Holocaust and antisemitism, so that
Edward D. Cohen, Rhonda Kaplan, greater than now. and downloadable information about they develop into knowledgeable and
Elliot Ofsowitz, Heidi Schild, Surveys show that Holocaust edu- World Kindness Day, The Daffodil thoughtful global citizens.”
Jeff Sherman, Jill Simons, cation has an enormous positive impact Project, video testimonials, as well as For more information about Holo-
Linda Stern, Bryna Tevlowitz on young people’s attitudes, beliefs, lesson plans written by local teachers caust Education and Programming, vis-
behaviors and actions. Despite the de- related to teaching about the Holocaust. it, or contact me
Sarasota-Manatee strives to be the source of cisive outcomes from an understand- The website also provides professional at or 941.228.3676.
news and features of special interest to the ing of this important history, Holocaust
Jewish community of Sarasota-Manatee, to education is a requirement in only 15
provide a forum for the exchange of ideas U.S. states, Florida being one of them.
and opinions in the Jewish community, and Continuing to educate for the future
to communicate the mission, activities and is the key. Each new generation must
achievements of the Federation and its Jew-
ish community partners. understand that prejudice, exclusion,
lack of tolerance and stereotyping have
OPINIONS printed in The Jewish News of Sara-
sota-Manatee do not necessarily reflect those terrible consequences and can lead to
of The Jewish Federation of Sarasota-Mana- more aggressive forms of persecution.
tee, its Board of Directors or staff. We must teach kindness, respect and
SUBMISSIONS to The Jewish News are sub- love of our fellow human beings and
ject to editing for space and content, and to be an upstander against antisemitism
may be withheld from publication without and all acts of hate.
prior notice. Approval of submissions for The State of Florida, through De- Heller CRC Chair Mary Collier, Bette Zaret, Rivka Glass and Federation CEO Shep Englander
publication in either verbal or written form at the Sarasota County School Board meeting
shall always be considered tentative, and partment of Education requirements
does not imply a guarantee of any kind. and statutes, recognizes that instruc-
Submissions must be sent electronically to tion on the history of the Holocaust is essential to ensuring that students re- L’Chayim
LETTERS to the editor should not exceed 300 ceive a comprehensive education. The
words, must be typed, and include the writer’s statutes further mandate that the his-
name, mailing address and phone number. tory of the Holocaust, the systematic
Letters can be submitted via USPS or email
( Not all letters will planned annihilation of European Jews
be published. Letters may be edited for length and other groups by Nazi Germany and
and content. a watershed event in the history of hu- Here’s “to Life” on the Gulf Coast
ADVERTISING: Publisher reserves the right manity, be taught in a manner that leads
to refuse any advertisement and may require to an investigation of human behavior, Committed to the Jewish Community for over 20 years,
the words “Paid Advertisement” in any ad. an understanding of the ramifications Stacy is passionate about real estate and strives
Publication of advertisements does not con- of prejudice, racism and stereotyping, to build ever-lasting relationships based on exceptional service,
stitute endorsement of products, services or as well as an examination of what it
ideas promoted therein. uncompromising values and a strong work ethic.
means to be a responsible and respect-
ful person. This is for the purposes of
encouraging tolerance of diversity in
a pluralistic society and for nurturing
and protecting democratic values and
institutions, including the policy, the 1605 Main Street • Sarasota, FL 34236 • 941.951.6660