Page 2 - Jewish News_December 2021
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2A                         December 2021                                                                FEDERATION NEWS

     Shep Englander...continued from previous page                              Lynn and Randon Carvel...continued from previous page
        Holocaust  Education  and  Pro-   the Federation’s important engagement     Their  son  Baron  was  a  competi-  include the Chaifetz Family Holocaust
     gramming  is  another  important  pillar   and programming work with our teens   tive baseball player and had attended   Remembrance Park, the Michael Ritter
     to advance our CRC goals. Bette Zaret,   and families. She recently told me, “I   a  baseball  camp  at  IMG Academy  in   and Nancy Wolk Training Center, and
     who manages our Holocaust education,   love that in my new role I get to use   Bradenton. Seeing his potential, IMG   the  Joel  and  Gail  Morganroth  Event
     and her team of volunteers have vastly   my CRC skills to help arm our teens   asked  him  to  come  down  and  board   Center. Beyond that, we need to have
     expanded our Holocaust education im-  against antisemitism and anti-Zionism   there. “My wife and I looked at each   a safe, fun summer camp space where
     pact in our local schools as you can see   when they reach college and beyond.   other and decided that he wasn’t going   we  can  engage  our  younger  families.
     on page 5A.                          I  have  an  incredible  responsibility  to   to move to Florida unless we were able   Because  of  our  location,  we  feel  this
        We  have  built  deep  relationships   lead  our  next  generation  of  Jewish   to move to Florida,” Randon said. Very   will be a magnet for all families, both
     with  our  local,  state  and  elected  offi-  leaders.”  In  a  short  amount  of  time,   quickly, they sold their Memphis home   Jewish and non-Jewish,” he said.
     cials,  including  the  Sarasota  County   Jessi has already arranged for the teens   and  Lynn’s  business  and
                                                                                bought  a  home  on  Lido
     “By building partnerships and mutual under-                                Shores.
                                                                                    “We  came  down  for
     standing with civic and opinion leaders, the Heller                        a  year  and  let  him  go  to
     CRC helps the Federation meet one of its strategic                         high  school  there  on  the

     goals: Ensuring a Safe, Secure and Inclusive                               campus, and one year has
     Jewish Community. ” – Shep Englander                                       now become nine years,”
                                                                                Randon  said.  Their  son
                                                                                is now 24, out of college,
     Sheriff’s  Office  and  the  Sarasota  Po-  in our Shapiro Teen Engagement Pro-  and  living  and  working
     lice Department. We are proud of their   gram (STEP) to participate in an essen-  in Tampa. Their daughter
     understanding and support of the Jew-  tial-items  drive  for  Afghan  refugees.   Zoë,  27,  is  working  for
     ish  community  in  Sarasota-Manatee.   They  are  also  scheduled  to  volunteer   Jewish National Fund.
     During  my  first  90  days,  I  have  met   with All Faiths Food Bank.        Both  Lynn  and  Ran-
     over 25 public officials and seen how    Although  the  Jewish  community   don  were  very  involved
     they value and respect our community.   has been growing quickly in our region,   as lay leaders in the Jew-  Randon and Lynn Carvel (photo credit: Karen Arango)
        During  the  Covid-19  pandemic,   we are still a minority that is vulnera-  ish community in Memphis. “I was on   “The fact that we live in one of the
     Federation leadership decided to wait   ble to misunderstanding and prejudice.   the  Federation  board  and  executive   fastest  growing  Jewish  communities
     to hire a new Community Relations Di-  By  building  partnerships  and  mutual   committee  in  Memphis,  and  my  wife   in  the  nation  –  35,000  people  living
     rector. We are so fortunate that board   understanding  with  civic  and  opinion   was on the board of Jewish Family Ser-  in  Jewish  households  and  growing  –
     member Mary Collier has continued to   leaders, the Heller CRC helps the Fed-  vices. Our son went to a Jewish Day   makes the need for these services for
     chair our Heller CRC, even without a   eration meet one of its strategic goals:   School. So, we were pretty involved in   the entire family even stronger.”
     professional director. I have promised   Ensuring a Safe, Secure and Inclusive   a Jewish way in our hometown,” Ran-  “I take great pride that during my
     her  and  our  leadership  that  we  will   Jewish Community.              don said.                             tenure  as  board  president,  we  went
     have an expert community relations di-   Thank you for contributing to that    “It was my buddy Howard Tevlow-   from the drawing board to actual con-
     rector in place during the first quarter   goal.  I  look  forward  to  hearing  your   itz  who  actually  introduced  us  to  the   struction, and now our new board chair,
     of 2022.                             thoughts.  Please  feel  free  to  contact   Federation here in Sarasota,” Randon   Bruce Udell, and CEO Shep Englander
        I  also  want  to  recognize  my  col-  me  at  or   explained. “We had been here less than   will carry the project forward,” he said.
     league, Jessi Sheslow. Jessi moved into   941.343.2110.                    90 days when I got a phone call from      The decision for Lynn and Randon
     a  new  position  late  last  year,  leading                               Howard asking me to come in for a vis-  to donate to the campus project was an
                                                                                it. Shortly thereafter I became a board   easy one. “Others before us stepped up
                                                                                member.  I  then  became  a  member  of   and built the Federation. So, now it is
                                                                                the  executive  committee  as  treasurer,   up  to  us. As  the  next  generation,  we
        2021 – 2022                                                             and was elected incoming board pres-  have to step up and do what we can to
                                                                                                                      ensure that there are always Jewish to-
                                                                                ident to follow Mike Ritter. It’s been a
                                                                                crazy two years, but my term will ex-  morrows. The way to do that is to cre-
                                                                                pire at the end of this year.         ate safe, inspiring places where people
                    TORCH                                                       uary 2020, we already had a long-term   can convene, enjoy programming and
                                                                                    “When I became president in Jan-
                                                                                                                      educational events and so much more.
                                                                                vision for how we were going to repur-  It is our turn to make that a reality,” he
              SPO N SORS
              SPO N SORS                                                        pose and redevelop the campus. Initial   said.
                                                                                plans  called  for  the  Hershorin  Schiff   The boardroom in the Klingenstein
                                                                                Community  Day  School  to  move  to   Jewish Center-Federation Administra-
                    Howard Berman                                               our campus (the administration build-  tive Offices was very important to the
                    and Sharon Sexter
                                                                                ing and the old JCC gymnasium space)   Carvels. “Everybody has been affected
                 Edie and David Chaifetz                                        as a tenant. However, with Covid and   on some level by Covid. The inabili-
                                                                                the  ensuing  construction  shutdowns,   ty to shake hands, hug and be face-to-
              Leon R. and Margaret M. Ellin                                     we  had  to  inform  the  school  that  we   face with people has been just terrible.
                                                                                could not meet its timetable. Fortunate-  But I knew if we could get the admin-
                        Debbie and Larry Haspel
                                                                                ly, the school was able to find its own   istration building built out and have a
         Rosenthal Roots Family Foundation                                      property and is now thriving on its own   boardroom where we could start con-
                                                                                campus. Because of that, we had to go   vening as soon as it was safe to do so,
                          Sylvia and Norman Samet                               back to the drawing board and rethink   that would be the first step in getting
                                                                                how we were going to utilize our own   people back together. It made sense for
                         Bunny and Mort       z”l   Skirboll
                                                                                spaces,” Randon explained.            us to help make that happen,” Randon
                      Hadassah and Martin Strobel                                   It became clear the campus would   said.
                                                                                be developed in phases. Phase I was to    “Covid exposed the vulnerabilities
                                           Lois Stulberg                        get staff in a space where they could   of a lot of people in our area and I am
                                                                                be productive, creative and continue to   so  proud  of  our  community  and  staff
                                                                                engage  with  the  community.  This  in-  for continuing to support those in need.
                 We offer our very deep appreciation
              to our 2021-22 Season Torch Sponsors!                             cluded the front part of the campus and   We were able to help them in meaning-
                                                                                the new administration building. Staff   ful ways and help get them through this
                    They support our Federation’s efforts to                    will soon move into that space.       crisis. The work of this Federation is
             bring quality events and programs to our local                         Randon says he believes the next   never done, but I believe the future is
               community and help fund crucial services                         phase will include the Beatrice Fried-  very bright, and I’m very optimistic,”   Your fairytale might look a little different than
           for people in need here in Sarasota-Manatee,                         man Theatre space, which will be con-  he said.                            you once dreamed. Truth is, it’s even more
                     in Israel and around the world.                            verted into a state-of-the-art event and   For more information on how you   magical with real royalty by your side. Tidewell
                                                                                conference  center  open  to  the  entire   can support the JFED Strong & Proud   Hospice helps ensure that you have the
                                                                                                                                                           journey of a lifetime with the ones who matter
                                                                                community. It should be completed by   campaign  to  reimagine  The  Larry  &   most. Because a life shared is a life fulfilled.
                                                                                the first quarter of 2023.            Mary  Greenspon  Family  Campus  for
                                                               “My  wish  –  but  I  am  only  one   Jewish Life, please contact Ilene Fox    Learn more at or call 855.843.3935
                                                                                voice  –  is  that  the  next  phase  would   at or 941.343.2111.
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