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JEWISH HAPPENINGS                                                                                May 2021                                 21

                                                                                            THURSDAY, MAY 20
               WEDNESDAY, MAY 19                                                            THURSD        A Y ,   MA Y   2 0

               “The Lives of Florida Jews in Professional                                  “The Best Jewish Books You Must Read!”
               Guardianships: Two Current Case Studies”                             As  “People of the Book,” Jewish readers constantly scrutinize factual
        Two Jewish women in Florida are forever marred by their traumatic life      accounts of Jewish interest and survival. One such book of consequence to
        changes in professional guardianship – isolation from family and friends,   modern Jewry is Rafael Medoff’s The Jews Should Keep Quiet, revealing
        lockdown, massive losses of assets and severe sensory deprivations.         the intrigues in America’s official detachment from persecuted Jews in the
        Florence,  in Boca  Raton,  was determined  “incapacitated”  when her       grips of death and destruction. Why was human suffering of Jewish slaves
        guardian had her tested without hearing aids despite Florence having been   unmoving to governmental officials from the top to the bottom, with all
        90% deaf for 50 years. Jan, 69, in Longwood, lived in a tiny room with      too few exceptions? This class, presented by the Al Katz Center, begins
        bars on the windows, unable to leave the nursing home for years. This       at 11:00 a.m. via Zoom. Cost: $10 per day or $50 per month for all May
        class, presented by the Al Katz Center, begins at 11:00 a.m. via Zoom.      classes. To RSVP and receive the Zoom link, please call Beverly Newman
        Cost: $10 per day or $50 per month for all May classes. To RSVP and         at 941.313.9239.
        receive the Zoom link, please call Beverly Newman at 941.313.9239.                              NCJW Council Chat

               Jewish National Fund-USA Reading Series                              The National Council of Jewish Women (NCJW) has a monthly chat group

        Join Jewish National  Fund-USA IsraelCast  host Steven  Shalowitz  and      on the third Thursday of every month. Each session will begin with infor-
        author  Francine  Klagsbrun  for  a  live  Q&A  session  about  her  book,   mation on famous Jewish women in history. The topic is different each
        Lioness: Golda Meir and the Nation of Israel. The definitive biography for   month and everyone is welcome to this free virtual chat on Zoom at 1:00
        one of Israel’s greatest leaders, Lioness covers Golda Meir’s life from her   p.m. Look forward to introducing yourself and meeting some new people,
        birth in tsarist Russia to her rise as an iron-willed, chain-smoking Prime   learning about NCJW and enjoying a lively discussion. Advance registra-
        Minister as well as life after her political career. This free event begins at   tion is necessary to obtain the Zoom link. To RSVP or for more informa-
        7:00 p.m. on Zoom. To register and receive the Zoom link, visit    tion, contact Ginny Kutikoff at or 845.531.9949.
        readingseries. For more information, contact Sarah Cohen at 212.879.9305                “A Brief History of Antisemitism”
        x243 or
                                                                                                   With Rabbi Stuart Altshuler
                          Movie Night Returns to                                    Join Temple Beth Sholom at 1:30 p.m. on Zoom for Part 1 of this Adult
             Temple Beth El Bradenton/Lakewood Ranch                                Education  series.  In this  session,  we will  explore  how Jew hatred  has
        Le Chambon (French with English subtitles) tells the story of the village   evolved from its ancient roots to the modern period, exploring its ethnic,
        of Le Chambon, France, led by its pastor, Andre Trocme. During WWII,        religious, racial and today’s anti-Zionist components. While each era has
        the village takes in Jewish children, hides them, cares for and protects    revealed  different  ideological  premises  for  antisemitism,  we  will  try  to
        them, and helps them flee to neutral Switzerland. Join Temple Beth El at    discover the common thread that existed in each era of history. Fill out
        7:00 p.m. at 5150 Peridia Blvd. East, Bradenton. We are also supporting     the form on for the Zoom password and link. No
        the Manatee Food Bank with much needed non-perishable food items, so        cost, but donations are always appreciated. For more information, please
        please bring anything you can to help our neighbors less fortunate than     call  the  Temple  Beth  Sholom  office  at  941.955.8121  or  email  info@
        us. Masks and social distancing will be required, with a limited number
        of people allowed. Please call the temple at 941.755.4900 to make your

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