Page 26 - Jewish News_may2021
P. 26

26                         May 2021                                                                       JEWISH INTEREST

     2021 Survey on Jewish Americans’ Experiences                                                                                                       Jewish-themed Crossword Puzzle

     with Antisemitism                                                                                                                                          Your monthly crossword puzzle

     Source: Anti-Defamation League,, March 31, 2021
           he American Jewish communi-    but still within the range of the margin   in 2020). There was also a very slight   reflected in the general population sur-  is generously brought to you by
           ty continues to face significant   of statistical error (+/- 4.4%).  drop (within  the  margin  of statistical   vey response in ADL’s “Online Hate
     Tfear and anxiety from the threat        While the 2020 survey did not ask   error) from 2020 to 2021 in reported   and Harassment” report).
     of antisemitic or other hateful attacks   about more recent incidents, this year,   concern about various threats to the   Methodology
     and harassment. Following up on our   we asked participants to answer ques-  Jewish community, including verbal   The survey was conducted by YouGov,
     2020 survey results, we asked Jewish   tions based on their experiences over   harassment,  physical  attacks  and  the   a leading public opinion and data ana-
     Americans to tell us about their experi-  the last 12 months. The most notable   defacement  of synagogues or other   lytics firm, on behalf of the Anti-Def-
     ences online and off with antisemitism.   (and by far the highest) number from   Jewish institutions.            amation  League  (ADL), examining
     Their responses indicate that antisemi-  that sample: 40% say they heard an-   These  concerns  are  significant   Jewish  Americans’ experiences  with
     tism still is very much a part of Jewish   tisemitic comments, slurs or threats di-  enough  to  affect  the  daily  behaviors   antisemitism  both  online  and  offline.
     Americans’ lives.                    rected at someone else.               of many respondents, at levels similar   The survey of Jewish American adults
     Antisemitic experiences              Online antisemitism                   to  last  year’s results.  Asked  whether   over the age of 18 was conducted from
     Well over half (63%) of Jews in Ameri-  Jewish Americans frequently encoun-  they have taken specific steps to guard   January 7-15, 2021. A total of 503 re-
     ca have either experienced or witnessed   ter antisemitism online in 2021, at lev-  against violence or harassment against   sponses were collected  from Jewish
     some form of antisemitism in the last   els largely unchanged from last year.   Jews, 6% said they have avoided Jew-  Americans, 18 and older, and weighted
     five years. Even given the poll result’s   36% of respondents say they have ex-  ish institutions, including synagogues   to reflect the demographic makeup of
     4% margin of error, that’s a notable in-  perienced some form of online harass-  or Jewish events, and 13% said they   Jewish people across the United States,
     crease from 2020’s total of 54%. More   ment. Meanwhile, 31% say they have   have  avoided  identifying  themselves   according  to  Pew Research  Center.
     than half (56%) of American Jews have   been  called  offensive  names  online,   as Jewish on social media. The over-  Participants  are rewarded for general
     heard  antisemitic  comments,  slurs or   and 13% say they have been physically   all number of people who took at least   participation  in  YouGov  surveys  but
     threats targeting others in the past five   threatened.                    one protective measure was 32%, com-  were not directly rewarded by ADL for
     years, and one in four Jewish Ameri-  Concerns about the community         pared to 27% in 2020.                 their  participation  in this survey. The
     cans (25%) say they have been target-  More than half (59%) of Jewish Amer-    This level  of anxiety  and fear   margin  of sampling  error  for the  full
     ed by antisemitic  comments, slurs or   icans polled said they feel Jews are less   comes at a cost, as does targeted on-  sample of respondents is plus or minus
     threats during the same time frame. Es-  safe in the U.S. today than they were a   line harassment. As was also the case   4.4 percentage points.
     pecially alarmingly, 9% say they have   decade ago.                        in  2020, one in  three  (33%) Jewish   Donor acknowledgment
     been physically attacked in the last five   Slightly fewer respondents report-  Americans who have been harassed re-  ADL gratefully  acknowledges  The
     years because they are Jewish. These   ed being afraid of a violent attack at a   port having trouble sleeping. 16% said   ADL Lewy Family Institute for Com-
     numbers are all slightly up from 2020,   synagogue (49% in 2021, versus 55%   they had been impacted financially by   bating  Antisemitism and for its sus-
                                                                                the harassment.                       tained support and commitment  to
                                                                                    Fewer respondents report con-     fighting antisemitism.
                                                                                tacting  online  platforms  with  their   ADL also thanks its individual,
                                                                                concerns  – 29% in 2021, down sig-    corporate  and foundation  advocates
        UROLOGY TREATMENT CENTER                                                nificantly  from  43%  in  2020.  This   and  contributors, whose vote  of  con-
              •   BARZELL  •         GREEN   •         AKARY  •                 may reflect some resignation vis-à-vis   fidence  in  our  work  provides  the  re-
                                                                                                                      sources for our research, analysis and
                                                                                tech companies’ perceived lack of re-
                                                                                sponsiveness to  complaints about  on-  programs  fighting  antisemitism  and
                                         WINSTON E. BARZELL, MD, FACS, FRCS     line  bigotry and hate  (which is also     hate in the U.S. and around the globe.
                                          Diplomate of the American Board of Urology
                                             JOSHUA T. GREEN, MD, FACS                                                                                  “Jewish Journey Points”
                                                                                    White supremacist
                                          Diplomate of the American Board of Urology  Whit    e supremacist                                             By Yoni Glatt,
                                                                                    groups are the single
                                                  EIHAB AKARY, MD                   groups                                                              Across
                                                                                                                                                        1. Kibbutz cow
                                                       Urologist                                                                                        6. Nolan of ESPN
                                          CASIE WODZIEN, MSN, APRN, ANP-BC          most dangerous                                                      11. Button on a 43-Across
                                                                                                                                                        14. Humanitarian Sendler
                                                                                    domestic extremist
       3325 S. Tamiami Trail, Suite 200  6310 Health Parkway, Suite 210  4351 Cortez Road, Suite 201   domestic e xtremist                              15. Man in the field?
            Sarasota, FL 34239    Lakewood Ranch, FL 34202  Bradenton, FL 34210     threat to the nation.                                               16. Actress Thurman
                                                                                                                                                        17. U.S./Canada tourist attraction for the
      PHONE: 941.917.8488                                                                                                 Vilna Gaon?
        FAX: 941.917.8475                          a Division of 21 Century Oncology  – “Homeland Threat Assessment,”                                   19. Battles of ___ ‘Asluj (1948 engagements)
                                                                                    DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY, OCTOBER 2020                       20. Choose
                                                                                                                                                        21. It’s found in the Diamond District,
                                                                                                                                                              even in Summer
                                                                                                                                                        22. Great Rav Yosef
                                                                                                                                                        23. What some answers to this puzzle are in
                                                                                                                                                        26. French tourist attraction regarding the
                                                                                                                                                              second plague?
                                                                                                                                                        28. Judea partner
                                                                                                                                                        30. Show respect, perhaps
                         Your Local                                                                                                                     31. 3 prefix
                                                                                                                                                        32. Tragic king of literature
               Mortgage Lender                                                                                                     Charlottesville, VA; August 2017  35. Made fun of
                                                                                                                                                        36. Italian tourist attraction fit for a festive
                                                                                                                                   Photo by Mykal McEldowney        meal?
                                                                                                                                                        39. Total chaos
                          ■   Conventional, FHA, VA, and USDA                       What are we doing about it?                                         42. Org. of Judith Resnik and Jessica Meir
                           ■   Construction/Renovation Loans                                                                                            43. Binge-watching aid, in brief
                                                                                                                                                        46. Seder song
                                  ■   Jumbo Loans                                   EDUCATION.                                                          48. Brian who managed the Beatles
                              ■   Physician Loan Program                                                                                                51. English tourist attraction of woe?
                              ■   Custom Portfolio Loans                            The  Robert and Esther Heller Community Relations  Committee takes   54. 1-Across, e.g.
                             ■   Manufactured Home Loans                            a firm stand against antisemitism. We use community resources and influence to   55. You are, in Mexico
                                                                                    combat a rise in antisemitism and anti-Zionist sentiments, which often result in   56. A time
                                                                                                                                                        57. ___ Od Milvado
                                   Penny Hill Group                                 aggressive acts and rhetoric against Jews. Through education, advocacy, and building   58. Relax, with “out”
                                   Scott Kolbe, Penny Hill,                         relationships with the greater community and law enforcement, together we can   59. Turkish tourist attraction for those who
                                   and Paul Eidel                                   combat hatred, bigotry, and harassment of Jews and other minorities.          would rather look toward Israel?
                                                                                                                                                        64. Notre Dame’s Parseghian
                                   (941) 545-1275                                                                                                       65. Notable Tevet time
                                        For more information, visit JFEDSRQ.ORG/hellercrc                   66. Lessen gradually
                                   Scott NMLS# 450453                                                                                                   67. TLV locale
                                   Penny NMLS# 365464                                                                                                   68. It actually means “stupid” in Spanish
                                   Paul NMLS# 1041466                                                                                                   69. Antisemitic painter Edgar

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