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ISRAEL & THE JEWISH WORLD                                                                        May 2021                                 29

     New museum to showcase the women

     who helped build Israel

     By Abigail Klein Leichman,, March 7, 2021
            ow many “she-roes” of Israel   plished what I could not accomplish in   social, agricultural and business fabric.  the most important female Israeli art-
            can you name?                 the past six or seven years.”         History and art                       ists of the early 20  century, to contem-
     HMaybe you’d start  with Gol-            Nitzan gained help of the Haifa   “Our museum will be on women in       porary painter Haya Graetz Ran.
     da Meir, Israel’s first and only female   Foundation in raising funds for the   history and women in the arts,” Nitzan   “Women in Israel contributed
     prime minister. Or the tragic and cou-  project,  and she was given the rights   explains.                       greatly  to the establishment of the
     rageous spy Sarah  Aaronsohn and     to a former private-school building in    “The section on history commem-   state,  contributed  to  the  construction
     paratrooper Hannah Senesh.           which the collections will be housed.  orates the role of important women   of the infrastructure of settlement, ed-
        The list would include  physician     Brig.  Gen.  Gila  Kalifi-Amir,  for-  who have not been properly acknowl-  ucation, defense, law, government, so-
     Vera  Weizmann,  the  first  First  Lady   mer  Women’s  Affairs  Advisor  to  the   edged.”  Women like  Hannah Maisel,   ciety, culture, cinema and theater. But
     of Israel, who helped establish Chaim   IDF Chief of Staff, agreed to chair the   who emigrated to Palestine in 1909 with   although they left their mark, they did
     Sheba Medical Center, now the largest   museum. The board was joined by fel-  a doctorate in agriculture and founded   not receive proper recognition and re-
     hospital in the Middle East; and sec-  low Haifa residents Nadim Sheiban,   the  region’s  first  agricultural  training   spect in building society,” Nitzan says.
     ond First Lady Rachel Yanait Ben-Zvi,   director of the Museum of Islamic Art;   institute for women. And women like   “The purpose of the museum is to
     who taught Jerusalem women how to    and Prof.  Aliza  Shenhar, formerly  a   Rachel  Roos Hertz  (Harel),  a  Dutch   raise  their  profile  and  to  reshape  the
     grow vegetables, milk cows and make   deputy mayor, ambassador to Russia   Resistance fighter who moved to Israel   narrative of the critical role of women
     cheese so their husbands could go out   and first female rector of an Israeli uni-  in 1950 after winning the U.S. Medal   as full partners in leadership and public
     and build the state.                 versity.                              of Freedom and UK King’s Medal for    space design over the past century.”
        These and many other women who        “There  are  currently  about  45   Courage in the Cause of Freedom, and    Nitzan invites anyone to contribute
 HANDLER, 46, who had a “2  tier”  played – and continue to play — im-  women’s museums  in  the  world,  the   became active in the Women’s Interna-  stories or items relating to Israeli Jew-
 talk show, appears in the series. Also  portant roles in the history and culture   most  famous  of  which  are  the Wom-  tional Zionist Organization (WIZO) –   ish, Arab, Druze or Christian women,
 appearing  is  LORNE  MICHAELS,  of Israel will be immortalized later this   en’s Rights Park in Seneca Falls, New   itself founded by Rebecca Sieff (Ziv)   and even artists, poets and leaders from
 76, the creator of Saturday Night Live  year when the Israeli Women Museum   York, and the Women’s Art Museum in   from the Marks family  of Marks &   the Holocaust era who did not manage
 and the producer of  Late Night, now  opens in Haifa.  Washington,” she says.  Spencer, and  whose name  graces  Ziv   to  get  to  Israel.  She can  be  reached
 hosted by Seth Meyers (who isn’t Jew-  The museum will showcase at least   “The fundamental challenge in es-  Medical Center in Safed.  through the museum’s Facebook page
 ish, but his wife is, and he was married  100 noteworthy but not necessarily   tablishing a museum is not only in rais-  Some  of the  inspiration  for this   or by email.
 by a rabbi).   well-known women, from architects to   ing resources, but in creating a diverse   section comes from Prof. Margalit Shi-  Donations for the project are being
 On March 31, the  Forward, the  lawyers to choreographers, says found-  and significant human and ideological   lo’s Women Building a Nation, a book   funneled through the Haifa Founda-
 famous Jewish newspaper, ran a back- er Yael Nitzan.  infrastructure. The Israeli Women Mu-  published this year in Israel.  tion.
 ground piece on Joel Greenberg, who is   A curator, art historian and  TV   seum must be a magnet of significance   “In the art section, we will spot-  Abigail Klein Leichman is a writer and
 now infamous in Florida. The bottom  producer, Nitzan  has overcome  many   to the whole, or at least to large sec-  light  women whose work was not   associate editor at ISRAEL21c. Prior
 line: He isn’t Jewish, as most assume.  roadblocks  and  setbacks  in  realizing   tions of, the population in Israel.”  considered important, as well as very   to moving to Israel in 2007, she was
 His father is Jewish, but he was raised  her dream of opening Israel’s first mu-  Though Israel reportedly has the   important female artists of today   a specialty writer and copy editor at
 in his mother’s Christian faith and is,  seum  dedicated to  women. “It was a   world’s highest ratio of museums per   whose work is rarely shown in muse-  a major daily newspaper in New Jer-
 or was, a member  of a local  church.  struggle,” she admits. “Now with coro-  person, this will be the first one ded-  ums,” says Nitzan.  sey and has freelanced  for a variety
 Google this article title for more: “Dis- na, the world has everyone sitting and   icated  to  the  mostly  unsung females   Artists to be included run the gam-  of newspapers and periodicals  since
 graced tax collector Greenberg poses  listening, and in three months I accom-  responsible for weaving together  its   ut from Ziona (Siona) Tagger, one of   1984.
 as Jewish.”

                    SHAUNTELL SOLOMON, DO                   LAUREN HELME, MMS, PA-C                    ALEXIS BALLARD, LE, CME


                   M O H S   S U R G E R Y         S K I N   C A N C E R   S C R E E N I N G S           G E N E R A L   D E R M A T O L O G Y
                         A E S T H E T I C   S E R V I C E S         C O S M E T I C   I N J E C T A B L E S         D E R M A L   F I L L E R S


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