Page 33 - Jewish News_may2021
P. 33

ISRAEL & THE JEWISH WORLD                                                                        May 2021                                 33

            BRIEFS                        would not be possible,” he was quoted   the mindset of farmers but the mindset   ongoing pandemic in our communities,
                                          as saying. “They have been very good
                                                                                                                      leaving them amongst the most hard hit
                                                                                of businessmen in the agricultural sec-
                                          to me since I arrived.  Today I have
                                                                                tor.” (Viet Nam News)
                                                                                                                      and  vulnerable.  Thanks  to Watergen,
                                          trained with the Israeli team and they                                      StandWithUs and 4D Products & Ser-
     continued from previous page                                               ISRAELI TECH TURNS AIR
                                          have been very kind. That is something                                      vices we are not only spotlighting these
     IN FIRST, IRANIAN                    I will never forget.”                 INTO WATER FOR NATIVE                 issues but creating  real  and practical
     JUDOKA LANDS IN TEL                      Muki, meanwhile, did not get the   AMERICANS                            solutions that will sustain our commu-
     AVIV AND WINS SILVER                 chance  to  face  off  against  his  Irani-  Israeli technology is set to convert air   nities into the future.”
     Iranian  Judoka Saeid  Mollaei  won a   an-Mongolian opponent in the Tel Aviv   into  clean  drinking water for Native   Watergen  President  Michael
     silver medal at the International Judo   contest, having lost in his first round.   American communities in the U.S. as   Mirilashvili said this project is a criti-
     Federation’s Grand Slam  in Israel,   (Naama Barak,         part of a collaboration between Israeli   cal part of the company’s vision.
     becoming not only the first Iranian to   VIETNAMESE LAUNCH                 and American enterprises.                 “When I took control of Watergen,
     achieve victory in the country but also   ORGANIC FARM AFTER                   A crowdfunding campaign  is       I did so  with a clear vision: to guar-
     the first to compete in it.                                                underway to supply four  Watergen     antee the best quality drinking water
        Mollaei  represented  Mongolia    STUDYING IN ISRAEL                    GEN-M water generating machines to    to every human being  on the planet
     in the under-81 kilograms category,   Four young men have started  The     Native American communities in need.  through  the  deployment  of  the  com-
     where  he  came  in  second  place  after   Moshav Farm,  an  organic  farm  in   The GEN-M  atmospheric water   pany’s revolutionary drinking water
     losing  to  Sharofiddin  Boltaboev from   Khanh  Hoa province,  Vietnam,  after   generator  requires no special  infra-  from air technology,” he said. (Naama
     Uzbekistan.                          training in Israel, the world’s leading   structure  except  for  electricity  and   Barak,
        Mollaei become a Mongolian        country in agricultural technology.   collects water by cooling collected air   BASEBALL TOURNEY
     citizen  after  failing  to return to Iran   The Moshav Farm grows coconuts,   at  its dewpoint.  The  water  then  goes   TO BRING TOGETHER
     following  the  Tokyo  2019 World    pomelos,  guavas, grapes,  jackfruits,   through physical, chemical and biolog-
     Championships  in  which  he  was re-  mangos and plants for herbal medicine,   ical treatment followed by a mineral-  ISRAELI, EMIRATI KIDS
     portedly  ordered  to  lose  a  match  in   as well as raising chickens and sheep.  ization  process to  ensure  cleanliness   The  Israel  Association  of Baseball
     order not to face an Israeli opponent,   The farm’s products have been     and pleasant taste.                   (IAB) and Dubai Little  League  are
     Sagi Muki.                           distributed to more than 100 retail and   The  campaign  was launched  by   jointly planning a Field of Peace Tour-
        Muki welcomed  Mollaei  to Isra-  wholesale channels nationwide, and it   Israeli  water-from-air  tech  company   nament featuring the 12-and-under na-
     el with a tweet  that  read, “Welcome   has attracted hundreds of trainees. The   Watergen,  Native American  nonprofit   tional  teams  of Israel  and the United
     brother.”  Israel’s  official  Twitter  ac-  farm  uses automatic  drip  irrigation,   Bright Path Strong and Native Amer-  Arab Emirates.
     count also welcomed Mollaei, saying,   mist spraying and automatic  organic   ican-owned  distribution  company  4D   [As of press time] The first series
     “We’d like to give a warm welcome to   fertilizing.                        Products & Services.                  of games will  take  place,  Covid per-
     Iranian Judoka Saeid Mollaei who ar-     Nguyen Ta Dong, the team’s lead-      Each dollar donated will be       mitting, on March 21-25 at the Dubai
     rived in Israel to train with the Israeli   er, said his “studying time in Israel   matched by Watergen and 4D until the   Little  League Park. The teams are to
     team ahead of the Tel Aviv Grand Slam   helped me absorb effective professional   goal of $400,000 is reached. Israel edu-  meet again next fall in Tel Aviv.
     Competition!”                        working methods. These practical ex-  cation NGO StandWithUs, meanwhile,        Invitations have also been extend-
        The International Judo Federation   periences have given me the mindset   will promote the campaign on multiple   ed to teams from other Gulf countries
     quoted Mollaei as saying that he was   about high-quality organic agriculture.”  platforms.                      to participate in the tourney, in which
     appreciative of the Israeli welcome.     Another  founder,  Nguyen  Manh       “Access to clean drinking water   teams will play for the Unity Cup.
        “Ten years ago, even four, if you   Tien, said his time in Israel “helped me   has been a challenge for Native Com-  “We strive together to develop the
     had asked me about the possibility of   learn  from  the mindset  and working   munities  for decades,”  says Bright   game of baseball in Israel and Dubai
     competing in Israel, you already know   spirit of the Jewish people. Israeli peo-  Path Strong Co-Director Chris Taylor.   as a basis for peace  and cooperation
     the answer. I would have told you that it   ple working on the farm do not have   “This has amplified the effects of the      continued on next page
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