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 Y YOUTH MENTAL                   May 2021                                               ISRAEL & THE JEWISH WORLD
 HEALTH FIRST AID                                                                                                     Rights Council on Tuesday, March 16,
                                                                                       BRIEFS                         Yoseph Haddad, an  Arab Israeli so-
                                                                                                                      cial activist, speaking on behalf of UN
                                                                                                                      Watch, noted that he is an Arab from
                                                                                continued from previous page
 64.1%   Why Youth Mental Health First Aid?  H                                  between our countries,”  said IAB     Nazareth who has been vaccinated.
                Y YOUTH MENTAL
                                                                                                                          “Accusations  have been made
 Youth Mental Health First Aid teaches you how to identify, understand and respond
                  Y YOUTH MENTAL
 of youth with major depression   to signs of mental illness and substance use disorders in youth. This 6-hour training   President Jordy Alter and Dubai Little   against Israel that its vaccination pro-
                HEALTH FIRST AID
 do not receive any mental   gives adults who work with youth the skills they need to reach out and provide initial   League  President Roger Duthie in a   gram is racist and that is not true. Like
                  HEALTH FIRST AID
 health treatment.  support to children and adolescents (ages 6-18) who may be developing a mental
 health or substance use problem and help connect them to the appropriate care.  joint statement. “We see this as a major   me, my family, friends and hundreds of
 – Mental Health America
                                                                                step forward.… We hope these games    thousands of other Arab Israelis have
           64.1%              Why Youth Mental Health First Aid?                lead to further regional cooperation.”  been vaccinated. The State of Israel is
 1 in 5   Three Learning Options  Who Should Take it                                Saeed  Mohammad  Hareb, Secre-    campaigning  in  Arabic  to encourage
                              Youth Mental Health First Aid teaches you how to identify, understand and respond
                                  Why Youth Mental Health First Aid?
                              to signs of mental illness and substance use disorders in youth. This 6-hour training
       of youth with major depression
        Youth Mental Health First Aid training teaches you how to identify,
                              gives adults who work with youth the skills they need to reach out and provide initial
 •  Virtual. First Aiders will complete   •  Teachers                           tary General of the Dubai Sports Coun-  us Arab Israelis to get vaccinated, and
                                  Youth Mental Health First Aid teaches you how to identify, understand and respond
         do not receive any mental
                              support to children and adolescents (ages 6-18) who may be developing a mental
           health treatment.
        understand and respond to signs of mental illness and substance abuse disorders
                                  to signs of mental illness and substance use disorders in youth. This 6-hour training
 teens and young adults   a 2-hour, self-paced online class,   •  School staff  cil, said, “I cannot think of anything
        of youth with major depression
                              health or substance use problem and help connect them to the appropriate care.
           – Mental Health America
         do not receive any mental
 lives with a mental    and then participate in a 4-hour,   gives adults who work with youth the skills they need to reach out and provide initial   Israel’s Magen David Adom National
        in children and adolescents (ages 12-18) and connect them to the appropriate care.
                                  support to children and adolescents (ages 6-18) who may be developing a mental
            health treatment.
 health condition.  Instructor-led videoconference.  •  Coaches                 better than to have children represent   Rescue  Organization,  which consists
                                  health or substance use problem and help connect them to the appropriate care.
           1 in 5
            – Mental Health America
                             •  Camp counselors
                               Three Learning Options
 – National Alliance for Mental Illness  •  Blended Learning. After completing   Who Should Take the Class?  Who Should Take it  the bright future that we look forward   of Jews and Arabs, works directly with
                                •  Virtual. First Aiders will complete
                                                          •  Teachers
 a 2-hour, self-paced online class, First   •  Youth group leaders  • Youth Group Leaders  to growing together. The Dubai Sports   Arab communities to vaccinate its res-
         teens and young adults
        • Teachers
                              • Coaches
                                 a 2-hour, self-paced online class,
            1 in 5
                                                          •  School staff
          lives with a mental
                                 and then participate in a 4-hour,
 Aiders will participate in a 4-hour, in-  •  Parents Three Learning Options  •  Coaches Who Should Take it           idents.”
                                                                                Council is proud to support this initia-
                              • Camp Counselors
        • School Staff
                                                    • Parents
           health condition.
                                 Instructor-led videoconference.
                                    •  Virtual. First Aiders will complete
 person, Instructor-led class.  •  People who work with   •  Camp counselors Teachers
        – National Alliance for Mental Illness
                                •  Blended Learning. After completing
          teens and young adults
 5.13%   •  In-person. First Aiders will receive   youth  a 2-hour, self-paced online class,   •  Youth group leaders  tive, which is a testament to the won-  Haddad concluded  that  he is
                                                                   •  School staff
                                 a 2-hour, self-paced online class, First
           lives with a mental
                                      and then participate in a 4-hour,
                                                          •  Parents
                                 Aiders will participate in a 4-hour, in-
 of youth report having a   their training as an 6.5-hour   Only ONE training session left!     $36  •  Coaches  derful  volunteers of  the  Dubai  Little   “proud to be an Arab and I am proud
            health condition.
                                      Instructor-led videoconference.
                                                          •  People who work with
                                 person, Instructor-led class.
 substance use or    Instructor-led in-person course.  •  In-person. First Aiders will receive   youth  •  Camp counselors  League  and  the  Israel Association  of   to be an Israeli because Israel cares for
                                    •  Blended Learning. After completing
         – National Alliance for Mental Illness
                                      a 2-hour, self-paced online class, First
 alcohol problem.  of youth report having a   their training as an 6.5-hour   •  Youth group leaders
                                 Instructor-led in-person course.
           substance use or     MAY 23                             •  Parents   Baseball.”                            all its citizens and even for others.”
                                      Aiders will participate in a 4-hour, in-
  – Mental Health America  alcohol problem.  person, Instructor-led class.  •  People who work with   Dubai Little League has over 400
           – Mental Health America  9:00am-2:00pm                   youth                                             (Aryeh Savir, Tazpit Press Service)
                                    •  In-person. First Aiders will receive
 What it Covers  of youth report having a   What it Covers                      players, ages four to 18, playing base-
                                      their training as an 6.5-hour
                              Registration Deadline
 •  Common signs and symptoms of mental illness in this age group, including    ball  and  softball  in  Dubai.  The  IAB   THE PALESTINIANS WILL
                                •  Common signs and symptoms of mental illness in this age group, including
                                      Instructor-led in-person course.
            substance use or
 The course will teach you how   The course will teach you how   •  Anxiety
            alcohol problem.
                                   May 12, 2021
       to apply the ALGEE action plan:
 to apply the ALGEE action plan:  •  Anxiety  •  Assess for risk of suicide or   •  Depression  runs teams for ages six to adult, as well   BE LEFT WITH A HAGUE
            – Mental Health America
 •  Depression                    •  Eating disorders
 •  Assess for risk of suicide or   harm.  •  Attention deficit hyperactive disorder (ADHD)  as the Israel Baseball Academy for 14-   HANGOVER
                                   What it Covers
        •  Listen nonjudgmentally.
 harm.  •  Eating disorders     •  Common signs and symptoms of substance use   to 21-year-old standout players, and
                                    •  Common signs and symptoms of mental illness in this age group, including
                                   To sign up, visit
        •  Give reassurance and
       The course will teach you how
 •  Listen nonjudgmentally.  •  Attention deficit hyperactive disorder (ADHD)  •  How to interact with a child or adolescent in crisis  the Baseball Le’Kulam program bring-  Despite the rejoicing in Ramallah over
                                       •  Anxiety
         professional help.
       to apply the ALGEE action plan:
        •  Encourage appropriate
                                       •  Depression
 •  Give reassurance and   •  Common signs and symptoms of substance use  •  How to connect the person with help      the International Criminal Court’s de-
        •  Assess for risk of suicide or
                                •  NEW: Expanded content on trauma, addiction and self-care and the impact
                                       •  Eating disorders
 information.  •  How to interact with a child or adolescent in crisis  of social media and bullying  ing together Jewish Israel and  Arab   cision to investigate alleged Israeli war
        •  Encourage self-help and
         other support strategies. For more information, contact Trudi Krames at
        •  Listen nonjudgmentally.
 •  Encourage appropriate   •  How to connect the person with help  •  Attention deficit hyperactive disorder (ADHD)  Israeli  sixth-graders. (Abigail  Klein   crimes,  the decision  has not and will
                         941.706.0037 or
                                    •  Common signs and symptoms of substance use
        •  Give reassurance and
 professional help.  •  NEW: Expanded content on trauma, addiction and self-care and the impact   Leichman,  not  advance  the  Palestinians an  inch
            As adults, we sometimes forget how hard it was being an adolescent. When we see a kid who is just miserable at school, we might
                                    •  How to interact with a child or adolescent in crisis
            think they choose to be that way — or that it’s just part of adolescence. But in fact, they might be in a mental health crisis, one they
 •  Encourage self-help and   of social media and bullying  •  How to connect the person with help                    closer toward realizing their ambitions.
            certainly did not choose and do not want. When a teacher says, ‘How can I be helpful?’ that is a powerful question.”
        •  Encourage appropriate
            — Alyssa Fruchtenicht, school-based mental health counselor
                                                                                ARAB ISRAELI DEFENDS
 other support strategies.  professional help.  •  NEW: Expanded content on trauma, addiction and self-care and the impact
        •  Encourage self-help and   SPONSORED BY                                                                     Recall that in 2004, the ICC ruled that
                                      of social media and bullying
 As adults, we sometimes forget how hard it was being an adolescent. When we see a kid who is just miserable at school, we might   ISRAEL ON VACCINES   the security barrier Israel built to pro-
          other support strategies.
                                  • Bunny Skirboll OR EMAIL
 think they choose to be that way — or that it’s just part of adolescence. But in fact, they might be in a mental health crisis, one they
             As adults, we sometimes forget how hard it was being an adolescent. When we see a kid who is just miserable at school, we might
 certainly did not choose and do not want. When a teacher says, ‘How can I be helpful?’ that is a powerful question.”   AT UN HUMAN RIGHTS   tect its citizens against a deadly wave
                              • Joan and Brian Wides
             think they choose to be that way — or that it’s just part of adolescence. But in fact, they might be in a mental health crisis, one they
 — Alyssa Fruchtenicht, school-based mental health counselor  certainly did not choose and do not want. When a teacher says, ‘How can I be helpful?’ that is a powerful question.”   COUNCIL  of terror was illegal, and asked that it
             — Alyssa Fruchtenicht, school-based mental health counselor
                                                                                After representatives from Iran, Qatar   be torn down.                   Get to know Israel and her people!
 TO FIND A COURSE OR CONTACT AN INSTRUCTOR IN YOUR AREA, VISIT                  and the Palestinian  Authority con-       After  failing  in  their  efforts  to
       TO FIND A COURSE OR CONTACT AN INSTRUCTOR IN YOUR AREA, VISIT OR EMAIL               demned Israel for its Coronavirus     break  Israel’s will  with  violence  and OR EMAIL
                                                                                vaccination  policy at the UN Human   terror, Palestinians now hope that cul-       Visit
                                                                                                                                   continued on next page
                                                                             Monday, May 10 at 2:00pm
                                                                                                 Pamela Nadell
                                                                                          America’s Jewish Women
                                                                                  In America’s Jewish Women: A History from Colonial Times to Today,
                  PEOPLE OF THE BOOK                                              Pamela Nadell asks what does it mean to be a Jewish woman in America?

                                                                                  Weaving together stories from the colonial era’s matriarch Grace Nathan
                                                                                  and her great-granddaughter poet Emma Lazarus to union organizer Bes-
                                                                                  sie Hillman and justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Nadell shows two threads
                                                                                  binding the nation’s Jewish women: a strong sense of self and a resolute
                                                                                  commitment to making the world a better place. America’s Jewish women
                                                                                  have left deep footprints in the history of the nation they call home.
         Author Lecture Series                                               Tuesday, May 11 at 2:00pm
             MAY EVENTS                                                                          Janice Kaplan
        THEME: WOMEN                                                                        The Genius of Women
                                                                                  We tell girls that they can be anything, so why do 90% of Americans
                                                                                  believe that geniuses are almost always men? Janice Kaplan explores the
         Events are $10 each per                                                  powerful forces that have rigged the system – and celebrates the women
                                                                                  geniuses past and present who have triumphed anyway. Using her unique
         household or $18 for all                                                 mix of memoir, narrative and inspiration, Kaplan makes surprising dis-
                                                                                  coveries  about  women  geniuses  now  and  throughout  history  in  fields
               three May events.                                                  from music to robotics. Through interviews with neuroscientists, psy-
                                                                                  chologists and dozens of women geniuses at work in the world today, she
                                                                                  proves that genius isn’t just about talent.
         For a complete schedule                                          Wednesday, May 12 at 7:00pm
            of events, admission
         information, author bios                                                                  Bill Haltom
        and book synopses, visit                                                          Why Can’t Mother Vote?
                                                      This is the story of Joseph Hanover, an unsung hero of the fight for wom-
                                                                                  en’s suffrage. Hanover, an Orthodox Jew, had fled Poland in 1895 to es-
                                                                                  cape the Czar of Russia and the pogroms. This immigrant and his family
                                                                                  found a new life in Tennessee. As a young new citizen of the U.S., he read
         Authors appearing in the                                                 the Constitution and became deeply patriotic about his new homeland. He
      monthly series of the People of                                             asked his parents, “Why can’t mother vote?” He went to night law school,
       the Book are members of the                                                became a lawyer and was elected to the Tennessee Legislature. There, in
                                                                                  August 1920, he led the successful fight for the ratification of the Nine-
       Jewish Book Council Network.                                               teenth Amendment to the Constitution, giving women the right to vote.
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