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COMMENTARY                                                                                       May 2021                                 39

 Combating antisemitism: We need swivel-headed Jews Shavuos  Torah indeed should go to mankind.
                                              This  fascinating  encounter  high- What we learned

                                          lights a principal idea and vital theme
                         From             of  the Torah. That  albeit  the Torah’s  from Covid
 of the Arab media.                       sacredness, the intent of the lofty hid-
 By all means, we must shout from   the   den treasure was not to remain only in   By Margo Moore, President, Congregation for Humanistic Judaism
 the rooftops our utter revulsion when    the heavenly domain. True, the Torah’s       ovid changed everything.       mourners, and just plain scared.
 Congresswoman Greene spouts her   Bimah  eternal sanctity will always remain in-      When  the  fact  that  we  would   As the months went by, somehow
 wacko theories, is assigned a seat  on   tact and will always retain its holiness,   Cneed to stop meeting finally hit   we shifted from crisis mode to some-
 the House Education  Committee,  en-  Rabbi Levi   but the ultimate was not for it to be pre-  home, almost a year ago, I had never   thing else. At first, we didn’t trust our-
 joys inexplicable support in her district   Steinmetz –  served in heaven, it was to be given to   felt  so helpless,  or so scared for our   selves to do our services alone, so we
 and is reportedly attracting significant   Chabad of   the people.             group, the  Congregation  for Human-  got outside help for the High Holidays,
 financial support.                           The  angels’ perspective  caused   istic Judaism. We last met for Purim,   which  produced  pretty  services  but
 Jewish dismay  also needs to be   Downtown   them disbelief as to how such a divine   many in costume, and enjoyed a glori-  didn’t satisfy our inner needs. We took
 manifested when members of Con-  Sarasota  and Gdly possession can be degraded in   ous sing-along.                  the plunge, got on Zoom and dove into
 gress, from the other end of the spec-  he  entire  Jewish nation,  mil-  the hands of humans – humans who are   I had no idea of how to keep that   our new world, by ourselves.
 trum and a different party, level toxic   lions of souls, men women and   not perfect like angels, humans abiding   high spirit going in lockdown, or how   I don’t know what took us so long
 dual-loyalty  charges against  Ameri- Tchildren, stood by the foot of   in  a  physical  world  and  who  indulge   to deal with all our personal fears and   to tear through all of our own manu-
 cans who support the U.S.-Israel rela- Mount Sinai awaiting the long-antici-  in material matters. Clearly though, as   confusion  about  the  future.  We  were   factured obstacles. But how long did
 tionship, suggest that Israel is guilty of,  pated event of the giving of the Torah.   Moses’ undisputable response empha-  simply  in  freefall.  Worse, we were   it  take  us  to  figure  out  that  women
 yes, blood libels, and support groups  After 49 days of traveling through the   sized, the true and ultimate purpose of   hampered by our previously comfort-  weren’t second-class citizens, that
 calling  for  Israel’s disappearance.  desert, and intensive preparations un-  the Torah was that it be given to regu-  able assumptions about ourselves: we   people of color were entitled to equal
 And add the  small  handful  of fellow  derway, the Jewish people were count-  lar people to have access to spirituality,   were older, retired and therefore enti-  chances in society, that gay people
 legislators who support them, as well  ing down to the special occasion – the   and for the material world to be affect-  tled to not have to be tech savvy. Hoo   were fine as mothers and fathers?
 as those in Congress who endorsed  magnificent  experience  which  would   ed by divinity.   boy, were we in for an awakening!   Covid pushed us to “grow up” in
 their re-election last year and even,   make  them  into  a  nation,  becoming   By the giving of the Torah, when   Unwittingly, we had bought into   a new sense, solve our problems our-
 shockingly, contributed  to their cam- Gd’s chosen people.   Gd gifted the Jewish people with his   the myth that we were somehow tech-  selves and handle what life throws at
 paigns.  However, up on high, upon real-  precious possession, the boundaries   nologically disabled due to age. Hah!   us. We learned there is nobody else, but
 In other words, those who genuine- izing  the destination  of the holy  To-  between  the  physical  and  spiritual   Yes, we were confused by varying   we are enough.
 ly care about antisemitism must open  rah, the prized possession of the upper   realms were broken, the separation be-  health pronouncements, and had a few   We dragged each other into the
 their eyes wide and be swivel-headed  realms, the distraught angels confront-  tween the two domains were no longer.   aches and pains, but our critical facul-  new century, and we made  ourselves
 and not allow partisan political think- ed Gd expressing their dire concern.   This was the revolution of that experi-  ties were quite intact, thank you.  responsible for the welfare of the con-
 ing  to  narrow  the  field  of  vision  and  “The Torah is going to be given to hu-  ence by Mount Sinai. The Torah being   I think what was more crippling   gregation as a whole. We learn all the
 sense of outrage.  mans?! This precious hidden treasure   given to humans meant that honoring   was our indeterminate  sentence  of   time. This is the message.

     –  you  seek  to  entrust  with  flesh  and   one’s mother and father is doing some-  house arrest, that Death could actually   We grow inside when we push our-
     blood?!”                             thing holy, fulfilling a command of Gd,   lurk on the street or at the supermar-  selves to spread knowledge and sup-
        The Talmud relates this metaphori-  a mitzvah. This physical act infuses the   ket, and that so many of our fellow   port each other and make a difference
     cal conversation, which continues with   person, the object and the world with   Americans  had gone crazy  and were   in the world.  And we are never too
     a  response  to  the  angels.  Gd  called   gdliness, with the spiritual in the phys-  putting us at risk. We were depressed,   old.
                                                                                missing family, unable to comfort our
     upon Moses to address their concern,   ical.
     to  which Moses pointed  out  what is    This is the same idea as a holy
     actually  written  in the  Torah. “Hon-  object  – the  scroll  of a Torah  retains
     or your father and mother,” “I am Gd   holiness.  The skin of an animal,  and
     which took you out of Egypt,” “Don’t   the leather of tefillin can become holy,
     kill, don’t steal.”                  once a mitzvah is performed with it.
        “Do you angels have parents to        When we do a mitzvah, when ful-
     honor?” Moses asked. “Were you tak-  filling a command, although to the sim-
     en out of Egypt? Are you capable  of   ple eye it seems as an ordinary act, in
     stealing?”  Moses  rested his case and   truth, through the Torah, a great divine               FREE  VOLUME 2  |  2020-2021         FREE
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