Page 41 - Jewish News_may2021
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COMMENTARY                                                                                       May 2021                                 41

 A Jewish refugee and baseball  Where are your manners?

     By Rabbi Jonathan R. Katz, Community Chaplain                                             FED
 tually ended up breaking my heart by   oarse language,  insolence  and   as good manners. We read in the sourc-
 moving away from Brooklyn, and I   threatening  behavior  are  be-  es, “Derech eretz preceded the Torah   we are
 have never recovered my interest in the  Ccoming increasingly common-  by 26 generations.” (Leviticus Rabbah
 game. I learned then, and often thereaf- place in  American society.  Whether   9:3)
 ter, that the loyalty of fans means little  road rage, acting out on the  job, an-  In other words, long before Sinai
 to team owners who care  only about  grily raised voices at the dining room   we were expected to deport ourselves
 the bottom line.      table or intimi-   with decency and honor. In fact, we                     Enriching Jewish Hearts
 Sigmund Tobias is a university profes-  dation  by tweet,   later find the statement: “If there is no
 sor who has retired in Sarasota and is   we are less civil   derech eretz, there can be no Torah.”
 an occasional contributor to this pub-  in the company   (Pirke Avot 3:21)
 lication.             of strangers, col-     Politeness isn’t so much taught as
                       leagues,  friends   caught.  How we treat  neighbors, el-
                       and  family  than   ders, teachers, service providers, etc.,
                       in previous gen-   is keenly noted by our children. When
                       erations.          my beloved daughter  was a young
     Rabbi Jonathan R. Katz  The notion of   child, I recall closely observing every-
     holding one’s tongue seems to be a   thing I said and did in regard to others.
     rather  quaint  throwback  to  a  far  by-  Long before she entered kindergarten,
     gone era. “Just do it” is the ruling man-  she was already a discerning student   our Federation strives to enrich Jewish hearts in our Sarasota-Manatee community —
     tra nowadays, respect and courtesy be   of human relations. The Talmud itself   Yfrom life-changing trips to Israel for teens, community leaders, mothers and fathers,
     damned.                              shares, “What a child says on the street,   to opportunities for youth to develop their leadership skills with our Shapiro Teen
        Feelings of powerlessness may be   the parents said at home.” (Sukka 56b)  Engagement Program (STEP), to being an integral voice for Jewish young adults on
     the culprit in prompting many to exert   Jews have long taken pride in their   local campuses with Gulf Coast Hillel and to providing a connection to the larger Jewish
     a semblance of domination by making   capacity for savoir faire, knowing how   community with our weekly eblast newsletters, monthly Jewish News, and yearly Shalom
     a show of their disgust, criticism and   to do things the right way. But I won-  SRQ magazine.
     disdain of others.                   der if this still holds true in the fashion
                                              It’s been said that  Jews are like 63
        Perhaps a growing sense of entitle-  it  once  did.  I  find  a  disturbing  trend                           
     ment born of both self-absorption and   of disrespect, dismissiveness and pet-                                            941.371.4546
     perceived inadequacy is a major cause.   tiness within the Jewish community.
     If one thinks the world should revolve   Rather  than  the  rule,  menschlichkeit
     around him or herself, it is self-evident   seems more and more the exception. A
     that everyone else should defer and   seeming culture of kvetching has taken
     get out of the way. As a consequence,   over.
     any disappointment, frustration or dis-  Derech  eretz preceded  Torah be-
     agreement  is always someone else’s   cause without it, Sinai could not have                                          % %
     fault.  The blame game has become    meaningfully  taken place. If Torah is  63
     quite popular since it removes the sug-  Judaism’s DNA, then  derech eretz is
     gestion of personal responsibility.   the protoplasm that made it possible.
        Maybe perpetual aggrievement has   Graciousness and manners are the
     become  a state of mind  in the  belief   building  blocks of character.  This  is
     that  the  affronted  wheel  will  eventu-  why they need to be actively cultivated
     ally be rewarded with some grease or   in the home, on the ball field, at school
                                                                                        OF AMERICAN JEWS
     because there has been no nurturing of   and in the mall.
     other more captivating and productive                                              O    F A       ME        RI     C   A    N JE         W     S
     avenues of self-pursuit.             everybody else, only more so. Let this
        Of course, legislating  civility  is   refer to our humanity  and generosity     feel their communities are less safe than
     virtually  impossible.  There  is no law   of spirit, not our peevishness. We have
     against  boorishness or  fully  partici-  much more important things to do.         they were a decade ago.*
     pating in what prominent social critic   Rabbi Jonathan R. Katz serves as the
     Robert Hughes termed our “culture of   Community Chaplain and Director of           In partnership with Secure Community Network (SCN), we are
     complaint.”                          the JFCS Jewish Healing Program. His           dedicated to keeping our Jewish community safe. We provide:
        In Hebrew, the  well-known  con-  position is underwritten by The Jewish                   •  Safety and Security Training
     cept, derech eretz, literally means “way   Federation of Sarasota-Manatee.                    •  Information Sharing
     of the land,” but is generally translated                                                     •  Security Advice and Consultation

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                                Letters Policy                                                          click the red, “Click Here to Report an Incident” button.
      Letters to the editor should not exceed 300 words, must be typed,
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      Letters can be submitted via USPS or email (jewishnews18@gmail.
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      length and content.                                                            *Anti-defamation League survey of American Jews & perceptions of antisemitism

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