Page 46 - Jewish News_may2021
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46                         May 2021                                                                       FOCUS ON YOUTH

     Temple Sinai Passover Race delights young congregants

     By Gail Glickman
           emple Sinai created  a socially   tasks were assigned.  The  participants   members made up over 30 volunteers   in the backyard behind the social hall
           distanced  Passover celebration   were required to complete their tasks,   for the event.  Congratulations to the   on the grassy area and with available
     Tto thrill its young congregants:    sign off and move on to the next loca-  Fletcher Family, the first team to find   tents.
     an exciting Passover Race on Sunday,   tion. They drove from one destination   the  afikomen  and  return  it  to  Tem-  This was a year of Passover cele-
     March 28.  The unforgettable  family   to the next using the clues, each place   ple Sinai. The families, especially the   brations never to be forgotten. We read
     adventure, a fun activity like the show   representing an important  part of the   children, had a blast and learned much   the Haggadah and said, “Next year in
     The Amazing Race, was inspired by the   Passover Seder. They included kadesh,   about Passover at the same time.  Jerusalem.”  This  year, Temple  Sinai
     Passover Seder.                      karpes, motsi and matzah to name a        The day ended with a wonderful    adds, “Next year together, under one
        The  families  met  in  the  Temple   few. Blue balloons and Amazing Race   in-person, Covid-friendly  Passover   roof!”
     Sinai  parking  lot  where, all  standing   signs drew everyone’s attention.   picnic  for children,  from in-
     outside their  cars, they said the  She-  Over 40 families participated with   fants to eight  years old, that
     hecheyanu together  with  Rabbi  Sa-  over 60 students, as well as SAFETY   included a free family Seder
     mantha Kahn. Bethany Leinweber,      (Sarasota Area Federation of Extreme   goodie bag for all. Everyone
     Director  of  Youth  Education,  gave  a   Temple Youth) members and their fam-  was told to BYOB – bring your
     list of destinations to each family and   ilies. Religious-school staff and temple   own blanket – to enjoy the fun

                                                                                                              Temple Sinai Passover Race coordinators Melanie Epstein,
     Temple Sinai volunteer Laurie Criden with the Fincher Family at the Passover Race  The Weiner Family enjoying the festivities  Bethany Leinweber and Rabbi Samantha Kahn



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