Page 43 - Jewish News_may2021
P. 43

COMMENTARY                                                                                       May 2021                                 43

 A government or a fifth election?  Israel’s election – what now?

     By Rabbi Howard A. Simon
 that holds them together is solely their   srael went to the polls for the   to form a coalition that can take control   dates,  the political  parties,  the  prob-
 desire to end Netanyahu’s reign.   fourth time in the past two years.   of the government. Currently, it looks   lems facing Israel and the electorate.
 They  are  competing  with  Net- IThe turnout of the electorate  was   like the man selected to form the gov-  At the conclusion of the column, I   rael’s future. We now wait to see the
 anyahu to secure Yamina and Ra’am’s  67.2%, a drop of 4.3% since the third   ernment will be Benjamin Netanyahu   wrote these words: “When it comes to   results of this election and whether he
 votes.   election  one year ago. Instead of go-  because he and the Likud Party are the   an election in Israel, never bet against   can achieve these goals for Israel and
 To attract Yamina they will need to  ing to vote, more than 100,000 Israelis   top vote getters in this election.  Bibi.”   its future.
 fulfill Bennett’s desire to be prime min- chose to visit the four new parks that   It is time to take a closer look at   Before  this  election,  Netanyahu   Rabbi Howard A. Simon is the found-
 ister. However, Yesh Atid, headed by  were  opened  on Election   Netanyahu and assess his   stated, “Under my leadership  Israel   ing chair of the Robert and Esther
 Lapid, won 17 seats and Yamina only  Day.            chance  of remaining  the   can do what no other nation can.” That   Heller Community Relations Commit-
 7, presumptively entitling Lapid to be   Those who did vote   prime  minister. At times,   is his belief and that is his plan for Is-  tee, formerly known as the Heller IAI.
 the candidate.   gave  the  most support  to         he has earned the sup-
 A compromise idea has been float- Prime Minister Netanyahu,   port of the public because   Opinions printed in The Jewish News of Sarasota-
 ed to resolve both the policy differenc- but he did not garner the   the electorate entered the   Manatee do not necessarily reflect those of
 es among the opposition parties and  61 seats necessary to form   polling  sites and asked   The Jewish Federation of Sarasota-Manatee,
 the competing desires of Bennett and  a  government.  The  right-  themselves,  “Which  can-
 Lapid. The suggestion is that a coali- wing bloc is led by Likud,   didate will best guarantee   its Board of Directors or staff.
 tion government be formed for a lim- joined by United Torah Ju-  the security  of Israel?”
 ited period of two or three years with  daism, Shas, the Religious   The decision, more of-
 Bennett  serving  for  the  first  half  of  Party and, if Natalie  Ben-  Rabbi Howard A. Simon  ten  than not,  was Benja-
 time  and Lapid the  second half;  and  nett chooses to join the coalition, the   min Netanyahu. At other times, voters   FED
 that the coalition agenda be limited to  Yamina  Party.  That  gives Netanyahu   asked themselves, “Who  is best able
 adoption of a budget and implementa- 59 votes, still two short of his goal. He   to deal  with the leaders  of the world   we are
 tion of an economic recovery program  may look to the Arab Islamist Ra’am   on behalf of the State of Israel?” The
 from Covid with the status quo govern- Party to send him over the necessary   answer, more often than not, was Ne-
 ing all other issues.  number to remain as the leader of the   tanyahu.
 Even if the compromise is agreed  State of Israel. At the present moment,   What  prompted  the  voting  public
 to, Ra’am’s support is required.  This  there is no guarantee  these numbers   to give the majority of votes to Prime   Educating Jewish Minds
 might  be rejected  as taboo  by New  will materialize for the Prime Minister.  Minister Netanyahu in this election?
 Hope and Yisrael Beiteinu, both parties   There  is  a  possibility  that  a  fifth   Voters went to the polls remembering
 of the right.  election could be called for, but no one,   that, thanks to Netanyahu, 5.2 million
 The  opposition  parties  will  need  in or out of government, wants this. The   Israelis had received at least one dose
 to decide whether ending Netanyahu’s  Israeli public has had enough of elec-  of the Pfizer vaccine, allowing them to   our Federation is dedicated to educating Jewish minds — from Holocaust and civil rights
 rule is more important than their differ- tions. They want a decision to be made,   vote.  Yeducation to Israeli history and advocacy through our Heller CRC, to reaching young children
 ences.  an individual to take leadership of the   The question now is, can Netanya-  and their parents through PJ Library, to an array of adult education offerings.  We also take great
 The bottom line, as I write, is that  country, and a budget to be passed so   hu again pull a rabbit out of the hat and   pride in educating the interfaith community on Jewish history and antisemitism.
 it is unknowable whether the political  the economy of Israel can move in a   put together a coalition allowing him to
 game of chess will have a winner (sur- positive and productive manner.   remain in office?                    •   941.371.4546
 prise moves are possible) or if it ends   The next step is for President   In a prior column I wrote devoted
 in a stalemate forcing an unimaginable  Rivlin to name a party leader to attempt   to this election, I dealt with the candi-
 fifth election.
 Harold Halpern is a retired attorney   build.   advocate.
 residing in Lakewood Ranch. He is a
 board member of the American Asso-
 ciation of Jewish Jurists and Lawyers   remember. support.
 and of the West Coast Chapter of the
 American Jewish Committee.
            We build bridges between people by visiting synagogues, churches and civic groups to make
              presentations about Israel, antisemitism and the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement
                (BDS). In addition, we send clergy and community members on missions to Israel to
                  experience and learn about the land while forging friendships that deepen
                     and continue back home in Sarasota-Manatee.

                                                        Robert and Esther Heller                                      ^  Builds Bridges
                                                           CRC                        ^  Advocates through Government Affairs

                                                        COMMUNITY RELATIONS COMMITTEE              ^  Remembers the Holocaust


                                        Fighting antisemitism is an ongoing battle. We have CRC
                                          Ambassadors ready and able to educate the community to
                                            better understand what antisemitism looks like and how

                                             to fight it alongside the Jewish community.

                   HELLER CRC’S MISSION
                  To build relationships within the
               Jewish and non-Jewish communities

             and to advance common interests
           through education and advocacy.                                                             
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