Page 44 - Jewish News_may2021
P. 44

44                         May 2021                                                                        FOCUS ON YOUTH

                                                                                Temple Emanu-El teens

                                                                                prepare for Confirmation

               AFIKOMAN                                                               emple  Emanu-El  is excited  to   der and equality; Yiddish short stories;

                                                                                      announce  the  Confirmation  of
                                                                                                                      Hebrew words everyone should know;
                           HUNT!                                                Tsix wonderful tenth graders – as     Jewish humor; little-known Bible sto-
                                                                                well as eight wonderful eleventh grad-
                                                                                                                      ries; and Jewish teachings on death,
                                                                                                                      mourning and the afterlife.
                                                                                ers whose original  spring 2020 Con-
                                                                                firmation service was canceled due to     To  be  confirmed  on  May  14  are
                 PJ Library families had a blast at the recent                  the Coronavirus pandemic – on Friday   eleventh  graders  Benjamin  and  Mir-
                   Afikoman Hunt, which took place on the                       evening, May 14.                      iam  Baram,  Eden  Glickman,  Aaron
                   Federation Campus on March 28, 2021.                             Since March 2020,  Temple  Ema-   Lurie,  Megan  Meese,  Danielle  and
                                                                                nu-El’s Confirmation class has contin-  Jayme Rudd, and Robert Witherspoon;
                                                                                ued monthly. At first, students gathered   and tenth graders David Bayer, Miran-
                                                                                only via Zoom with instructors Rabbi   da Lauber, Claire Opal-Levine, Garet
                                                                                Brenner  Glickman  or Rabbi Michael   Pearson, and Evan and Zachary Rubin.

         We found our Afikoman!                           On the hunt for Afikoman!  Some of Temple Emanu-El’s Confirmands at their first in-person class since the start of the pandemic

                                                                                Shefrin, but supplemental class meet-     “These are our most dedicated stu-
                                                                                ings – masked and outdoors – have tak-  dents, who signed on for three years of
                                                                                en place since January.               study following  bar  or bat  mitzvah,”
                                                                                    Confirmation  covers  a  variety  of   Rabbi  Glickman  stated.  “They  love
                                                                                topics selected by students at the start of   their temple,  they love Judaism and
                                                                                the year. Subjects have included “Sev-  they love being together.”

                                                      Hannah and Jaime Marco,   en Things about Judaism We Don’t Tell     For more information about Con-
                                                      Asher Resnick, and David  Kids,” hot topics such as abortion, im-  firmation  class  and  teen  programs
                                                   Lancenese run to find Afikoman.  migration, tattoos and piercings, and   at  Temple  Emanu-El,  please  call
         Mitchell, Maya and Madison
                                                                                the environment; organ donation; gen-
         Hime enjoy the beautiful day.

                                                                                                                                                        By MG Berman, PJ Library Community Connector

                Antonio and Ethan Sheib                  Jacob Bunin loves his prize!                                 M            E          R
                 show off their prizes
                                                                                     S U              Camp Gan Israel                     2021

                                                                                                            JUNE 28 - JULY 9

             Jordana Tesoriero and Eva                                                                  VENICE, FLORIDA
             Colkitt show off their Afikoman
                                                 Listening to the story of Passover.

                                                                                   Warm & Caring Staff  Exciting Trips     Sports          Entertainers

             STEP teens acting out                who participated!               Snacks & Lunches included  Swimming  Art, Science & Baking  Specialty Clubs
                                                   Thank You to all
              the story of Passover
                                                                                  A Summer of Fun... A lifetime of Memories!

                                                                                  MONDAY - FRIDAY  SCHOLARSHIPS
                                                                                  9:00 AM - 3:30 PM                 941.493.2770            AVAILABLE
                                                                                  Before and aftercare available
                                                                                               MINI GAN IZZY DIVISION   GAN IZZY DIVISION
                                                                                                    Boys & Girls           Boys & Girls
                                                                                                     Ages 2-4              K-8th Grade


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