Page 40 - Jewish News_may2021
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40                         May 2021                                                                               COMMENTARY

     A Jewish refugee and baseball

     By Sigmund Tobias
           he  beginning  of  the  baseball   arranged for me to attend a festive lunch,   perennial  winners they had always   tually ended up breaking my heart by
           season made me recall my ap-   organized so that a number of refugee   been.                               moving away from Brooklyn, and I
     Tpearance on Jackie Robinson’s       kids could enjoy their first Thanksgiv-   The  Dodgers’  first  World  Series   have never recovered my interest in the
     radio program shortly after arriving   ing dinner.  The lunch was held in a   victory finally came in 1955. I was a   game. I learned then, and often thereaf-
     in the U.S. in 1948. Robinson was the   well-known restaurant in Manhattan’s   graduate  student  by then,  struggling   ter, that the loyalty of fans means little
     first  African  American  permitted  to   Central Park. At the meal, I was one of   to  make  it  on a  tight  budget.  Never-  to team owners who care  only about
                       play in the major   several kids who spoke English fluent-  theless, my wife Lora and I celebrated     the bottom line.
                       leagues the previ-  ly enough so that we could be invited   the team’s victory by splurging and ac-  Sigmund Tobias is a university profes-
                       ous year. He rap-  to appear on Robinson’s radio program   tually going out to dinner in a restau-  sor who has retired in Sarasota and is
                       idly became a star   in honor of the holiday. Robinson had   rant.                             an occasional contributor to this pub-
                       for the  Brooklyn   a 15-minute sports show on WMCA in       Unfortunately, the Dodgers even-  lication.
                       Dodgers, an ex-    New York at that time. I knew nothing
                       cellent  hitter  and   about the game but loved the idea of
                       fielder, as well as   appearing on a radio program. On the   ADULTS
                       a feared base run-  field, Robinson was known as a fierce
       Sigmund Tobias  ner.               competitor. Off the field, however, he                      CHARITY        CULTURE
        I was living in the Hebrew National   was a kind and gentle man who appre-
     Orphan Home in Yonkers, New York,    ciated the story of how this refugee kid   KIDS
     at that time until my parents followed   came to America.                             JEWISH
     me to America a year later. The Home     Naturally, I became a rabid Dodg-          CALENDAR
     Crossword Puzzle                     ers fan who loved this former docile           OF EVENTS           Your Hub
                                          team that had perennially been at the
     Solution to puzzle on page 27        lowest levels of the National League.            IN SARASOTA       for Jewish Events
                                          During Robinson’s years  and  there-            AND MANATEE
                                          after, the lowly Dodgers reached new
                                          heights and became frequent contend-
                                          ers  for  the  pennant  who played,  and
                                          lost, in several World Series. That did
                                          not stop my enthusiasm for the team.                   LEARN
                                          I recall getting my parents’ permission  FAMILY
                                          to wake up at 5:00 a.m. one morning
                                          and line up for the inexpensive bleach-
                                          er seats at Ebbets Field, the Dodgers’
                                          them lose, as usual, to the New York
                                          home stadium in Brooklyn. I watched

                                          Yankees, who had the chutzpah of the



                                                                                                                Anna Maria
                                                                                                                Anna Maria
                                                                                                                Anna Maria
                                                                                                                Anna Maria
                                                                                                                 Island/03.07.21                                  What do you think?
                                                                                                                                                           The Jewish News wants to know!

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      their Judaism and their connection
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