Page 35 - Jewish News_may2021
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ISRAEL & THE JEWISH WORLD                                                                        May 2021                                 35

 Rights Council on Tuesday, March 16,     children how to assemble assault rifles,   new findings shown in the archive    smoother than originally predicted.
 Yoseph Haddad, an  Arab Israeli so-  BRIEFS  to carry out military maneuvers and to   leak and in reports from the UN    The IAEA’s strict inspections were
 cial activist, speaking on behalf of UN   learn about cyber warfare. The books     over the past two years.              the single most viable and effective
 Watch, noted that he is an Arab from  continued from previous page  idealize  young  people  who  sacrifice   ‹   Iran has used every lifting  of re-  tool of the deal, but even these in-
 Nazareth who has been vaccinated.        their lives to export the Iranian revolu-  strictions provided by the accord    spections  ultimately  proved  to  be
 “Accusations  have been made  tural and economic boycotts, alongside   tion, glorifying child soldiers who died   to  push forward its  uranium  en-  useless.
 against Israel that its vaccination pro-decisions from UN organizations, will   during the Iran-Iraq War or displaying   richment, bolster its technological   ‹   As we predicted,  the  deal  failed
 gram is racist and that is not true. Like  force Israel to its knees. Beyond this,   children wielding rocket launchers.  capabilities and produce advanced   not because of Israel, but because
 me, my family, friends and hundreds of  the Palestinians hope that when the   Iran’s textbooks scapegoat Jewish   centrifuges.  the  accord  failed  to  achieve  the
 thousands of other Arab Israelis have  moment of truth arrives, the American   people for a range of societal ills. All   ‹   Iran has acquired  the  advanced   very goals it set out to accomplish.
 been vaccinated. The State of Israel is  administration will turn on Israel. The   Jewish people who aspire to any form of   technological  methods needed   It is clear that the old deal cannot
 campaigning  in  Arabic  to encourage  Palestinians, however, are destined for   self-determination are labeled “enemies   for quick production of weap-  achieve  those goals now. (Brig.-
 us Arab Israelis to get vaccinated, and  disappointment.  of Islam.” (David  Andrew  Weinberg,   ons-grade materials, regardless of   Gen. (res.) Prof. Jacob Nagel, who
 Israel’s Magen David Adom National   The spirit of the times has pro-  Washington Director for International   what the 2015 deal said. A return to   headed the Strategic and Defense
 Rescue  Organization,  which consists  duced  the Abraham Accords,  where   Affairs at the Anti-Defamation League,   the 2015 deal will allow Tehran to   Policy Directorate  at Israel’s Na-
 of Jews and Arabs, works directly with  several leading  Arab countries have   Arab News - Saudi Arabia)  install new advanced infrastructure   tional Security Council from 2011
 Arab communities to vaccinate its res-declared that peace is the Arabs’ only       at  its  covert  facilities  and  obtain   to  2015,  where  he  led  the  Israe-
 idents.”  path forward, not the path of armed   ISRAEL IS NOT TO BLAME             enough enriched uranium  needed       li experts team  working with the
 Haddad concluded  that  he is  struggle.  Ultimately, the  Palestinians   FOR THE FAILURE OF THE   for the bomb.         countries  that  negotiated  the  Iran
 “proud to be an Arab and I am proud  will find themselves alone. (Prof. Eyal   IRAN NUCLEAR DEAL  ‹   Findings today  show that  Iran’s   nuclear deal, Ynet News)
 to be an Israeli because Israel cares for  Zisser, Israel Hayom)  ‹   Israel  fought  tirelessly  to  explain   road to getting the bomb was far   continued on next page
 all its citizens and even for others.”       every fault, loophole and danger in
 (Aryeh Savir, Tazpit Press Service)  WHY IRAN’S HATE-FILLED   the 2015 Iran nuclear accord and
     SCHOOLS SHOULD BE                        did all it could to persuade the U.S.
 THE PALESTINIANS WILL  A GLOBAL CONCERN      to quit  the agreement.  Benjamin
 BE LEFT WITH A HAGUE   Public school teachers in Iran indoctri-  Netanyahu’s presentation  of the
 HANGOVER  nate young people to export global rev-  stolen Iranian nuclear archive was
 Despite the rejoicing in Ramallah over  olution using terrorism. A new study of   just the push needed  to convince
 the International Criminal Court’s de- hate and extremism in current Iranian   then-president Donald Trump that
 cision to investigate alleged Israeli war  textbooks finds that they encourage ter-  the whole accord was based on lies
 crimes,  the decision  has not and will  rorism and political subversion against   and deceit.
 not  advance  the  Palestinians an  inch  Arab states. They also demonize Amer-  ‹   There are clear facts that show how
 closer toward realizing their ambitions.  ica, Israel and the Jewish people.  the  current  situation  differs  from
                                                                                          FRI S
 Recall that in 2004, the ICC ruled that   The textbooks indoctrinate  chil-  that of 2015.  These facts include   FRI SAT SUN | 9am-2pmT SUN | 9am-2pm
 the security barrier Israel built to pro- dren with messages that put them on a   Iran’s advancement  of its nuclear
 tect its citizens against a deadly wave  permanent footing for war. They teach   program  since 2018, as well  as
 of terror was illegal, and asked that it
 be torn down.  Get to know Israel and her people!
 After  failing  in  their  efforts  to
 break  Israel’s will  with  violence  and   Visit                        1445 Second Street | Sarasota, Florida 34236
 terror, Palestinians now hope that cul-                                                         

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