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ISRAEL & THE JEWISH WORLD                                                                        May 2021                                 37

     Wasserman Schultz, Rubio: Restore rights

     of Holocaust-era insurance policy beneficiaries

              ashington, D.C. – April 13,   ty’s darkest hour, leaving a permanent   rations to hold onto this unjust enrich-  cies. Equally as important, it will ex-
              2021 – U.S.  Rep. Debbie    stain on history for all nations,” Rubio   ment  is  an  offensive  re-victimization   pose details about the insurers’ history
     WWasserman Schultz (FL-23)           said.  “Congress must  continue  to  do   that cannot stand,” Wasserman Schultz   of collaboration with Nazi authorities,”
     and U.S. Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) re-  everything we can to support survivors   said.                             said David Schaecter, of Miami, Presi-
     introduced bipartisan legislation today   and their families. It is unthinkable that   Various groups have offered their   dent of the Holocaust Survivors Foun-
     to restore the rights of Holocaust-era   a large number  of Holocaust-era  in-  support for the legislation.     dation USA.
     insurance  beneficiaries  in  recovering   surance claims remain unpaid. It is far   “Holocaust  survivors are very   “Holocaust survivors are in shock
     billions  in  unclaimed  payments  that   past time that survivors and their fam-  grateful to Senators Rubio, Rosen and   that the U.S.  government took away
     were left behind amid the chaos and   ilies retrieve what they are rightfully   Scott, and Representatives  Wasser-  our rights to go to an American court.
     destruction of World War II.         owed.”                                man Schultz, Zeldin, Kustoff and Ga-  Insurance  policies  are  contracts,  not
        Due to federal court rulings and a    The Holocaust Insurance Account-  ramendi,  for leading  Congress in  the   charity. How would those State  and
     failure by insurance companies to ad-  ability Act of 2021 is being re-intro-  quest  for  accountability  from  the  in-  Justice Department officials, and those
     equately publish the names of recipi-  duced by  Wasserman Schultz  and    surers who betrayed our families. No   judges, feel, if they lost everything, and
     ents and pay these claims, 97% of the   Rubio, along with its original co-spon-  one can ever repay us for the murder   then their own government  said they
     approximately 800,000 policies held in   sors, who include Senators Jacky Ros-  and destruction of the Holocaust. Yet,   couldn’t even go to court like every
     1938 have yet to be honored. The in-  en (D-NV) and Rick Scott (R-FL), and   insurers  that  profited  from  the  Holo-  other American citizen? They wouldn’t
     surers’  demand  that  death  certificates   Reps. John Garamendi (CA-03), David   caust, like Allianz, Generali, AXA and   stand for it, and we shouldn’t have
     and original policy paperwork be pro-  Kustoff (TN-08) and Lee Zeldin (NY-  others, have never been held account-  to, either. So, we are very thankful to
     duced was all but impossible for many   01). This legislation would:       able. These companies owe more than   Senators Rubio, Rosen and Scott, and
     of those families who, at the time, had   ‹   Validate state laws requiring insur-  $25 billion to Holocaust victims, while   Representatives  Wasserman  Schultz,
     just survived death camps, experienced   ers to publish policy-holder infor-  so many survivors are living in pover-  Zeldin, Kustoff and Garamendi, for be-
     forced relocations,  torture  and death   mation                           ty and misery, enduring suffering that   ing our voice in Congress to change the
     marches.                             ‹    Establish a federal cause of action   should have never been allowed. This   law and restore our rights. You are our
        “It is the victims of the Holocaust   in U.S. courts to ensure Holocaust   vital  legislation  will allow survivors,   last hope for justice,” said David Mer-
     and  their  families  who should  be  the   survivors and heirs have access to   and our children and grandchildren, to   melstein,  President of the Holocaust
     heirs to unpaid policies that were set   U.S. courts                       recover our family histories and lega-  Survivors of Miami-Dade County.
     aside for times of trouble  – not the   ‹   Provide a 10-year period of time
     insurance  companies,”  Wasserman        for cases to be brought after the
     Schultz said. “This legislation  would   date of enactment
     help restore the rights of families who   “Preventing  Holocaust survivors
     were  forced  to  endure  the  worst  that   and their families  from collecting  on   HANDCRAFTED CUISINE.
     humanity can inflict on a people.”   documented policies is truly tragic, but   LEGENDARY HOSPITALITY.
        “The  Holocaust remains  humani-  allowing these global insurance corpo-    AWARD-WINNING WINE LIST.

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     nation-state  of the Jewish people, as   demise is the core identity of the Pales-
     well as one that really addresses Isra-  tinian people. Israel does not deny that   FRESH KOSHER CHALLAH
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