Page 42 - Jewish News_may2021
P. 42

42                         May 2021                                                                               COMMENTARY

     A government or a fifth election?                                                                                                                  Israel’s election – what now?

     By Harold M. Halpern
        srael’s election on March 23 for the   Accords and standing up to foreign   other leaders of the opposition, he has   that holds them together is solely their
        Knesset’s 120 members, the fourth   critics, were acknowledged by all.  not ruled out joining a Netanyahu gov-  desire to end Netanyahu’s reign.
     Iin two years, is front and center on    However, the opposition urged that   ernment.                               They  are  competing  with  Net-
     Israel news.                         Netanyahu was a morally unfit leader,     If Bennett decides that the choice   anyahu to secure Yamina and Ra’am’s
        All four elections resulted in polit-  on trial for bribery and breach of trust,   comes to joining Netanyahu or a fifth   votes.
                      ical deadlock. The   who divided society and put his inter-  election, he may opt to take his party   To attract Yamina they will need to
                      elections  in April   ests ahead of the country’s interests.  into a Netanyahu-led coalition, in turn   fulfill Bennett’s desire to be prime min-
                      2019 and Septem-    The election results (61 needed for a   receiving an influential role in the new   ister. However, Yesh Atid, headed by
                      ber 2019 ended in   majority):                            government.                           Lapid, won 17 seats and Yamina only
                      deadlock  without   For Netanyahu - 52:                       Until this election it was taboo to   7, presumptively entitling Lapid to be
                      the formation of a   30 Likud                             seek support from Arab Israeli parties.   the candidate.
                      new government.     9 Shas                                But in this last campaign,  Netanyahu     A compromise idea has been float-
                          The deadlocked   7 United Torah                       switched gears seeking support of Arab   ed to resolve both the policy differenc-
                      third election, in   6 Religious Zionist                  Israelis,  promising  them  additional   es among the opposition parties and
       Harold M. Halpern  March 2020, end-  Against Netanyahu - 51:             economic aid, increased social services   the competing desires of Bennett and
     ed with a government when Benny      17 Yesh Atid                          and assistance in dealing with rising   Lapid. The suggestion is that a coali-
     Gantz, leader of the Blue and  White   8 Blue and White                    crime in their communities.           tion government be formed for a lim-
     party, broke his promise not to be part   7 Labor                              Ra’am, an Israeli Arab party led by   ited period of two or three years with
     of a Benjamin Netanyahu cabinet “for   7 Yisrael Beiteinu                  Mansour Abbas, has expressed a desire   Bennett  serving  for  the  first  half  of
     the  good of the  country  during  the   6 Meretz                          to be a player in the political sphere for   time  and Lapid the  second half;  and
     Covid epidemic.”                     6 New Hope                            the  betterment of his community  and   that the coalition agenda be limited to
        The  decision  was not  good for   Uncertain - 17:                      not to be merely an opponent of gov-  adoption of a budget and implementa-
     Gantz. He lost half of his party mem-  7 Yamina                            ernment, whatever its stripes.        tion of an economic recovery program
     bers who joined the opposition at Yesh   6 Joint List                          To  secure  Ra’am  support,  Net-  from Covid with the status quo govern-
     Atid under the leadership of Yair Lapid.  4 Ra’am                          anyahu must not only satisfy Ra’am    ing all other issues.
        Netanyahu and Gantz were incom-       Yamina and Ra’am appear to be in   but also placate members of his coali-   Even if the compromise is agreed
     patible. The government automatically   the catbird seats. Together they have a   tion, particularly the Religious Zionist   to, Ra’am’s support is required.  This
     dissolved on December 23, when they   sufficient number of members to pro-  party, which has publicly  stated  that   might  be rejected  as taboo  by New
     could not agree on a budget.         duce a majority of 61 votes for either   Arab Ra’am support in the selection of   Hope and Yisrael Beiteinu, both parties
        The campaign in the fourth elec-  Netanyahu or the opponents’ designee   a prime minister “will not happen on   of the right.
     tion was not on policy differences but   for prime minister. Yamina and Ra’am   our watch.”                          The  opposition  parties  will  need
     on whether one was for or against Ne-  are  negotiating  with  both  Netanyahu   Recognizing that Ra’am may con-  to decide whether ending Netanyahu’s
     tanyahu. His opposition came not only   and the opposition.                tinue  to be unacceptable,  Netanya-  rule is more important than their differ-
     from the left and center but also from   Naftali Bennett, the head of Yami-  hu will try to peel  away at least  two   ences.
     his former supporters on the right.   na, self-described as right of Netanya-  members of the opposition, likely New   The bottom line, as I write, is that
        His achievements over 15 years as   hu, is more compatible with Netanyahu   Hope, a right-wing party with former   it is unknowable whether the political
     prime minister in keeping Israel secure   than the center and left parties of the   Likud members.               game of chess will have a winner (sur-
     and  economically  strong,  his foreign   opposition. However, he feels it is time   Netanyahu  is playing  a game of   prise moves are possible) or if it ends
     policy skills in achieving the Abraham   for Netanyahu to go. But, unlike  the   chess with both his coalition group and   in a stalemate forcing an unimaginable
                                                                                the opposition.
                                                                                                                      fifth election.
          community                                                             getting  61 votes is no less daunting.   Harold  Halpern is a retired attorney
                                                                                    The possibility of the opposition
                                                                                                                      residing in Lakewood Ranch. He is a
                                                                                New Hope, Yisrael Beiteinu are parties
                                                                                                                      board member of the American Asso-
                   havdalah                                                     of the right, Yesh Atid and Blue and   ciation of Jewish Jurists and Lawyers
                                                                                White  are in the political  center, and
                                                                                                                      and of the West Coast Chapter of the
                                                                                                                      American Jewish Committee.
                                                                                Labor and Meretz on the left. The glue
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