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ISRAEL & THE JEWISH WORLD                                                                        May 2021                                 31

 Expanded and reimagined ANU - Museum of the   ANU - Museum of the Jewish People...continued from previous page   ed in 1978 as The Diaspora Museum,   explores Jewish heroes.
                                          like  to further discover  that will  be
     personal typewriter.  Among the fea-
 Jewish People in Tel Aviv opens to the public  tured artwork is Kabbalah art and con-  included  in an email  sent following   setting as a main goal to tell the story   tion is relaunched and reintroduced as
                                                                                                                          And today, the world-class institu-
                                          their visit.  Additionally, the museum
                                                                                of Jewish communities in the diaspora,
     temporary Judaica jewelry as well as
     select pieces from the Nevzlin family   – in partnership with – has   thus  connecting  Israelis  to  their  past.   ANU - Museum of the Jewish People,
     collection.                          developed  a customized  app, MJP &   It was later renamed The Museum of    complete with a new identity and logo.
        The exhibition also features a suite   Me, that enables users  to see if and   the Jewish People at Beit Hatfutsot to   By adding ANU to its formal name, the
     of engaging, fun and immersive  ex-  how they’re related  to famous Jews   reflect its new mission to tell the com-  museum  embraces  broader  inclusion
     periences and displays, delivering the   across the ages; and if these icons are   plete story of the Jewish people, em-  and representation, bringing people of
                                                   part  of  the  exhibition  where   phasizing identity and culture.   all backgrounds together as one.  The
                                                   visitors  can  find  their  loca-  In  2016  –  in  what  was  the  first   refreshed branding features blue and
                                                   tion  in  the  galleries  to  learn   phase of the just-completed expansion   white,  symbolic  of the  colors  of the
                                                   more about them. Patrons can   project  –  the  museum  opened a  new   State of Israel, along with iconography
                                                   even discover if they’re re-  wing with four galleries, including the   that is flexible in both Hebrew and En-
                                                   lated to any other visitors in   Alfred H. Moses and Family Syna-  glish.
                                                   the museum at that moment,   gogue Hall, which displays world-re-      For more information about ANU -
                                                   creating immediate  personal     nowned synagogue  models;  and  the   Museum of the Jewish People, its new
                                                   connection.                  Tamar and Milton Maltz Family Gal-    core exhibition and all of its programs
                                                      “We’ve  been  looking     lery, which features a fully interactive   and  offerings  (in-person  and  online),
        ANU - Museum of the Jewish People - Second Floor  forward to this day for 10   exhibit for children and families  that   visit
     Jewish story at your fingertips. Digital   years,”  said  Dr. Orit  Shaham-Gover,
     interactives  invite  visitors to “cook”   the museum’s chief curator. “It’s been
     and discover traditions and innova-  an intellectual and emotional journey,
     tions in Jewish cuisine from famed   and we are so thrilled to illustrate the
     chefs, collaborate in creating an orig-  story of the Jewish people in its entire-  Market expertise.
     inal  work of art, explore  the wisdom   ty, from past and present to the future.”
     and lessons from the Talmud, or simply   The  museum’s  new expansion  –          Concierge service.
     navigate the endless universe of prom-  designed by Gallagher &  Associates
     inent Jews and their significant contri-  – also houses the Andrew H. and Ann
     butions to humankind. Users can also   R. Tisch Center for Jewish Dialogue,       “We were so lucky to get Rob Krasow as our agent. He was so professional,
     create  their very own songs mixing   established  as both a physical  space      helpful, and supportive even during stressful times. We would recommend
     tracks by Jewish musicians across all   and virtual  platform  that  encourages   Rob in a heartbeat.” – Karen P.
     genres, and use VR headsets to journey   respectful, ongoing discourse about
     to hear  lullabies from  various Jewish   critical issues at the core of Jewish life
     cultures across the centuries.       today. Additional expansion highlights
        Continuing  the  institution’s long-  include a spectacular open-air rooftop                HABLO ESPAÑOL
     standing  commitment  to  experiential   terrace that offers stunning views of the             MOBILE   941.363.6507
     storytelling  and  innovation,  ANU -   city of Tel Aviv and the Mediterranean                 OFFICE    941.349.3444
     Museum of the Jewish People utilizes   Sea.                                          
     radio  frequency  identification  (RFID)   Museum history and branding                 5100 Ocean Blvd  |  Sarasota, FL 34242
     technology  to allow  visitors  to  tag   Located  on the campus  of  Tel  Aviv
     favorite  experiences  or areas they’d   University, the institution  was found-

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