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28                         May 2021                                                                       JEWISH INTEREST

     Stars of David                                                                       Interested in Your

     By Nate Bloom, Contributing Columnist
     Editor’s note: Persons in BOLD CAPS are deemed by Nate Bloom to be Jewish             Family’s History?
     for the purpose of the column. Persons identified as Jewish have at least one Jew-
     ish parent and were not raised in a faith other than Judaism – and don’t identify
     with a faith other than Judaism as an adult. Converts to Judaism, of course, are     Nate Bloom (see column at left) has become a family history expert in 10
     also identified as Jewish.                                                   years of doing his celebrity column, and he has expert friends who can help
                                                                                  when called on. Most family history experts charge $1,000 or more to do a
     Catch-Up and Look Ahead              Jew whose family originally was from    full family-tree search. However, Bloom knows that most people want to start
     The Wedding  Coach, a six-episode    Poland (her paternal  grandfather  died   with a limited search of one family line.
     Netflix  romantic  reality  series,  began   in the Holocaust). Laurent’s mother, a
     streaming on April 7. Here’s the official   former ballerina, is of Tunisian Sephar-         So here’s the deal:
     publicity  release:  “Former  bride  and   di descent.
     forever comedian Jamie Lee shares her    Laurent is best known for her       Write Bloom at and enclose a phone number.
     irreverent yet practical tips and tricks   co-starring role in Inglorious Basterds   Nate will then contact you about starting a limited search. If that
     for wedding  planning  with  struggling   (2010). She played Shosanna Dreyfus,   goes well, additional and more extensive searches are possible.
     lovebirds.”                          a Parisian Jew who seeks revenge on
        Lee, 38, has climbed the comedy   the Nazis. Also, in 2010, she co-starred   The first search fee is no more than $100. No upfront cost. Also,
     ladder.  She  was  a  writer’s assistant   in  The Roundup and  Beginners.  The   several of this newspaper’s readers have asked Bloom to locate
     (2010) to  JERRY  SEINFELD  as he    Roundup  is  a  French  film  about  the   friends and family members from their past, and that’s worked out
     co-hosted the reality  series  Marriage   complicity of the French police in the
     Ref.  In  2011,  she  finished  second  on   Nazis’ roundup of Jews. In Beginners,   great for them. So contact him about this as well.
     the  Last Comic  Standing stand-up   a very good American film, she played
     show. After that, she did stand-up sets   the  French-Jewish girlfriend  of an   version of the “evil white guy,” Ridge-  HANDLER, 46, who had a “2  tier”
     on just about  every  major  talk  show.   American who finds out his elderly fa-  way, in the original Amazon series The   talk show, appears in the series. Also
     She’s perhaps best known for being a   ther is gay and that his late mother hid   Underground Railway (about slavery).   appearing  is  LORNE  MICHAELS,
     core cast member on the popular MTV   her Jewish background.               It premieres  on May 14. Hechinger    76, the creator of Saturday Night Live
     series Girl Code (2013-15).              Oxygen, which only has three ac-  also has a co-starring role in White Lo-  and the producer of  Late Night, now
        Lee’s book, Weddiculous: An Un-   tors, co-stars MATTHIEU AMALRIC,      tus, a limited HBO series that will air   hosted by Seth Meyers (who isn’t Jew-
     filtered Guide to Being a Bride (2016),   55. His mother was Jewish. He ap-  sometime this year. Hechinger’s grand-  ish, but his wife is, and he was married
     chronicled  her  wedding  to  comedi-  peared  in  Munich  and  played  the   father, also named Fred Hechinger, fled   by a rabbi).
     an  DAN  BLACK, 38ish. In 2016,      bad  guy  in  the  Bond  flick  Quantum   Nazi Germany and became a top New     On March 31, the  Forward, the
     Lee told the Jewish Journal that even   of  Solace.  Oxygen was directed  by     York Times reporter and editor (the ac-  famous Jewish newspaper, ran a back-
     though her mother is Jewish, she never   ALEXANDRE  AJA, the son of an     tor’s other grandparents were Jewish,   ground piece on Joel Greenberg, who is
     practiced any religion. Dan, she said,   Algeria-born  Jewish father  and a   too).                              now infamous in Florida. The bottom
     wanted  to incorporate  Jewish tradi-  non-Jewish mother. Aja,  42, is a  top   The Story of  Late  Night is a six-  line: He isn’t Jewish, as most assume.
     tions into their wedding and his wish-  horror/thriller  filmmaker  (High Ten-  part  original  CNN series (starts Sun-  His father is Jewish, but he was raised
     es  prevailed:  they  signed  a  ketubah,   sion, The Hills Have Eyes).    day, May 2). It’s about the history of   in his mother’s Christian faith and is,
     were married by a rabbi and danced the     The Woman in the Window is a usu-  late-night  talk shows.  For  whatever   or was, a member  of a local  church.
     hora.                                al pandemic  story that  was supposed   reason,  there  has never  been a  Jew-  Google this article title for more: “Dis-
        Oxygen,  an  original  Netflix  film,   to be in theaters long ago – that didn’t   ish  host  of  a  “big  ratings”  late  night   graced tax collector Greenberg poses
     begins streaming on Wednesday, May   happen  – and now being  released  on   talk show. However,  CHELSEA        as Jewish.”
     12. MELAINE LAURENT, 38, stars       Netflix (Friday, May 14). Amy Adams
     as  a  woman  suffering  from  severe   stars as an agoraphobic psychologist
     memory loss as she wakes up inside of   who makes friends with a neighbor.
     a cryogenic  chamber.  Trapped  inside   Then her neighbor disappears and she   Learn about our growing
     and rapidly losing oxygen, the key to   suspects foul play.  The supporting     Jewish community in this comprehensive
     her survival is remembering who she   cast includes  JENNIFER  JASON
     is.  The movie is billed  as an Ameri-  LEIGH, 58, WYATT RUSSELL, 34            population study of Sarasota-Manatee
     can-French production. But, as you’ll   (GOLDIE  HAWN’s son), and “hot
     read, it is largely a French-Jewish pro-  newcomer”  FRED  HECHINGER,
     duction.                             20.
        Laurent  is a  well-known  and  re-   Hechinger had a biggish role in the
     ally good French Jewish  actress. Her   2020 Tom Hanks’ Western News of the
     father, a  voice actor, is an Ashkenazi   World. He can be seen as the young

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              HEALTH & WELLNESS                                                                           Jewish Community Study
                     Senior Centers                                                             Cohen Center Authors:
                                                                                                               community in Sarasota-Manatee
                                                                                                 Matthew Boxer
                    Friendship Cafés                                                            Matthew A. Brookner  A socio-demographic portrait of the Jewish
                                                                                                 Eliana Chapman
                     Senior Fitness                                                             Janet Krasner Aronson
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