Page 24 - Jewish News_may2021
P. 24

24                         May 2021                                                                       JEWISH INTEREST

     Being grateful: “America the Beautiful/Oseh Shalom”
                                                                                                                                                        K’zohar Ha-Ivrit

     and “This Land is Your Land”                                                                                                                       Zahav – Gold

     By Arlene Stolnitz
           ately, like many others, I have   1995, he formed the Jewish rock band     justice in this land.”              It is interesting to see the technol-
           been thinking a lot about what   Eighteen  and co-founded Shulhouse   Az ikh ver elter                     ogy used in each of the videos.  The
     Lis  important  to  me.  The  pan-   Rock, a song-leading workshop  for    Dos iz mayn kholem:                   performers  have  recorded  their  songs
     demic  has caused many  of us to ex-  Jewish high-school  students.  He  per-  Ikh vintsh far kinder             separately, and then  had them  com-
     amine our priorities more closely. For   forms around the world serving in con-  A velt mit sholem               bined to create a finished product. It’s
     some,  material  things have  become   gregations  and  camps  in  addition  to   A land fin lernen              amazing  technology in the time  of
                       less  important  as   BBYO and NIFTY conferences.        A land fin mentchlekheyt              the pandemic and another example of
                       we  have  become       The  recording  of  “America  the   Dos land is dayne dos iz mayn       innovation  arising out of a stressful
                       more    reflective   Beautiful”  coupled with “Oseh Sha-  (As I grow older                     time.
                       during this pro-   lom”  is a beautiful  reminder  of how   This is my dream:                      “America the Beautiful/Oseh Sha-
                       longed    period.  precious the country we live in is, and   I wish for children               lom” and “This Land” can be found on
                       Personally, I have   all with stunning images from around   A world of peace                   YouTube.
                       come  to appreci-  the  nation.  The  surprise during the   A land for learning                Arlene Stolnitz, founder of the Sara-
                       ate many things    second part of the recording in hear-  A land of humanity                   sota  Jewish  Chorale,  is  a  member of
                       I have taken for   ing “Oseh Shalom” sung to the tune    This land is yours and this is mine.)  the Jewish Congregation of Venice. A
                       granted. This has   of “America the Beautiful.”  As  ex-     In the video of “This Land” on    retired educator from Rochester, New   Dr. Rachel Dulin
        Arlene Stolnitz  led me to think   pressed by Cantor Marci  Vitkus of   YouTube, be sure to notice the cool   York,  she  has sung in  choral  groups
     about why our forefathers came here.   the Jewish Congregation of  Venice:     map of the United States with names of   for over  25 years and also sings in
     What motivated them to take that ar-  “Brilliant!”                         states written in Yiddish. “Guide to the   The Venice  Chorale.  Her interest  in
     duous journey, giving up family and      Next, the song “This Land is Your   U.S. for Jewish Immigrants,” the map   the preservation of Jewish music of
     friends, for a better way of life?   Land” by Woody Guthrie is unlike the   is  available  at the  National  Museum   all kinds has led to this series of ar-
        All of this has guided me to two   protest song we remember  from the   of American Jewish History (NMAJH     ticles  on Jewish Folk  Music in the
     songs that I recently heard, each very   past. This version is sung in Yiddish!   Museum Store) website at judaicashop.  Diaspora.
     different, but each expressing a similar   If you recall, Guthrie wrote his song in   net for $14.95.
     sentiment.                           the ’40s as a criticism of Irving Ber-
        “America the Beautiful/Oseh Sha-  lin’s  “God  Bless America.” Although
     lom”  is performed by two talented   not Jewish himself, but with a Jewish                                       Point your cell camera at this QR code  Point your cell camera at this QR code  REWARDS
     musicians:  Dan Nichols, vocalist  and   mother  in-law, Guthrie  often  wrote                                                                           UP TO
     guitarist, and Elana Arian, who is fea-  songs on Jewish themes.                  STOPPERS                                           UP TO
     tured on vocals and violin.              Daniel Kahn, punk-klezmer musi-                                                          $ 3000             $  3000
        Dan, who lives in Raleigh, North   cian, has taken Guthrie’s ballad, which   Pd by CSTF  of Sarasota County   sarasota  sarasota
                                                                                                  of Sarasota County
                                                                                    Pd by CSTF Pd by CSTF
     Carolina,  has  had  a  legendary career   often was thought of as radical, and put                                                THAT LEAD TO AN ARREST  THAT LEAD TO AN ARREST
                                                                                                                                                            FOR ANONYMOUS TIPS
                                                                                                                                         FOR ANONYMOUS TIPS
     in  the  world of  Jewish music,  but   a Jewish spin on the verse. His Yiddish   941-366-TIPS
     what impressed me the most about     version is written in “solidarity  with
                                                                                   SEE SOMETHING? SAY SOMETHING!
                                                                                   SEE SOMETHING?  SAY SOMETHING!
     him was his desire to have a meaning-  Indigenous, Black and immigrant voic-  SEE SOMETHING?  SAY SOMETHING!
     ful connection with Jewish youth. In   es calling  for power, reparation  and

          2021-22 SEASON


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