Page 3 - 2019 CareHere Enrollment Guide
P. 3
Your 2019 Benefits Guide Eligible Employees

Welcome to 2019 Benefits Enrollment You may enroll in beneits if you are a
regular full-time employee who is actively
At CareHere we offer our employees a competitive and comprehensive working a minimum of 30 hours per week
benefits program. This is one of many ways we recognize how or a regular part-time employee actively
important you are to the company. This benefits guide briefly working 20-29 regular hours per week.
summarizes our program in a quick and easy-to-understand way. Please note—part-time employees are
not eligible for all beneits. The eligibility
New Hire Enrollment requirement is listed in the beginning of
each beneit description throughout this
Welcome to our team! As a new employee, you are eligible for coverage guide.
the first of the month following 30 days of employment. However, you
must enroll in benefits prior to your effective date of coverage. Eligible Dependents
Eligible dependents generally include your
Open Enrollment legally married spouse and children up to
age 26, regardless of their marital status,
Open enrollment is your opportunity to review your current benefits work, or inancial dependency status.
and make benefit changes for the upcoming plan year. During open Children may include natural, adopted,
enrollment, you can add, change, or waive coverage. In addition, you step-children, or children obtained through
can add and/or drop dependents from coverage during this time. court-appointed legal guardianship.
If you have a baby or adopt a child
Qualifying Life Event throughout the year, you must log onto
ADP and enroll your newborn/newly
Once you make your elections, you will not be able to make changes adopted child within 30 days of the date of
until the next open enrollment period unless you experience a birth in order for coverage to be efective.
qualifying life event. A qualifying life event is a change in your
personal life that may impact your eligibility or dependent’s eligibility Documentation and
for benefit coverage. Examples of qualifying events include the Identification
following. All new enrollees must provide dependent
documentation, such as marriage
„ Change of legal marital status (e.g., marriage, divorce, death of certiicates, and documentation of current
spouse, legal separation) marital status such as a joint bill or bank

„ Change in number of dependents (e.g., birth, adoption, death of account for spouses, and birth certiicates
for children. We ask that you provide valid
dependent, ineligibility due to age) Social Security Numbers and/or tax payer
„ Change in employment or job status—including moving from ID for each enrolled dependent. Employers
part-time to full-time status or vice versa. are required to provide names and Social
Security Numbers (when possible) to the
If such a change occurs, you must log into ADP to make the federal government for each individual
changes to your benefits within 30 days of the qualifying event enrolled in medical coverage. This
date. Documentation may be required to verify your change of reporting requirement helps the federal
government verify compliance with Health
status. Failure to request a change of status within 30 days of the Care Reform.
qualifying event may result in having to wait until the next open
enrollment period to make your change; this includes the enrollment
of a newborn child. Please contact your benefits department at 3 to request a change.
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