Page 4 - 2019 CareHere Enrollment Guide
P. 4

Medical coverage MEDICAL
provided by CareHere offers medical insurance to our regular full-time employees actively
BlueCross BlueShield working a minimum of 30 hours per week. We partner with BlueCross

of Tennessee. BlueShield of Tennessee (BCBS of TN) to offer this coverage.

Plan Highlights
In-Network vs.

Out-of-Network We offer one medical plan with a choice of two networks.

A network is a group of providers Option 1—Network S (Tennessee residents only)
your plan contracts with at
discounted rates. You will almost Selection of this network is limited to employees who live in or border
always pay less when you receive Tennessee. Network S does not include the HCA/Tri-Star family of hospitals/
care in-network. providers in middle Tennessee.

If you choose to see an out-of-
network provider, you may be Option 2—Network P
balance billed, which means If you do not live in Tennessee you must elect Network P. Network P accesses
you will be responsible for the nationwide BlueCard network. If you live in Tennessee, you also have the
charges above BCBS of TN’s
reimbursement amount. option to elect Network P.

The BCBS of TN website, offers many valuable services
including the following.

„ In-network providers

„ Cost and quality tools
„ Access to temporary ID cards and means to order another ID card

„ Information regarding paid and pending claims
„ Access to BlueHealth Solutions

„ Fitness member discount opportunities via FitnessBlue can be found at

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