Page 24 - Enrollment Guide
P. 24
Critical Illness—Alac
A lump sum critical illness insurance policy provides a single cash beneit
to you if you’re diagnosed or treated for a covered critical illness event.
This plan includes a $50 health While you, or a covered family member, are being treated for or are
screening beneit (employee and
covered spouse only), payable one recovering from a critical illness, there’s a good chance that you will be
time per year. facing out-of-pocket medical expenses and possibly costs for travel and
Covered health screening tests lodging. The security of knowing that you’ll receive a lump sum cash
include but are not limited to stress beneit from Alac will allow you to concentrate on your recovery, not
test, fasting blood glucose test, your inances.
blood test for triglycerides, breast
ultrasound, chest x-ray, colonoscopy, This beneit is paid upon the onset date of the following critical illness
mammography, pap smear, and PSA events.
Cancer (internal or invasive) 100%
Heart attack 100%
This plan contains a pre-existing Major organ transplant 100%
condition exclusion that includes a End stage renal failure 100%
12 month look back and 12 month Stroke 100%
wait for those conditions or illnesses Carcinoma in situ 25% *
which you received medical advice Coronary artery bypass surgery 25% *
or treatment or caused symptoms * Payment of the partial beneit for carcinoma in situ will reduce by 25 percent the beneit for
for which an ordinarily prudent internal cancer. Payment of the partial beneit for coronary artery bypass surgery will reduce
person would seek medical advice or by 25 percent the beneit for a heart attack.
Critical Illness—Monthly Rates
Guaranteed Benefit—This
Enrollment Opportunity Supplemental Options Cost of Coverage
During this annual enrollment Age Employee $10,000 $20,000 $10,000 Tobacco $20,000
window, you can elect coverage 18–29 $5.45 $9.15 $7.95 $14.15
without medical questions. 30–39 $8.55 $15.35 $13.45 $25.15
40–49 $15.55 $29.35 $30.75 $59.75
Employee: $20,000 50–59 $26.68 $51.62 $51.75 $101.75
Spouse: $10,000 Spouse $5,000 $10,000 $5,000 $10,000
Child(ren): 50 percent of 18–29 $3.60 $5.45 $4.85 $13.45
employee-elected amount (at 40–49 $8.65 $15.55 $16.25 $30.75
no additional cost, up to age 50–59 $14.22 $26.68 $26.75 $51.75
Critical Illness—Alac
A lump sum critical illness insurance policy provides a single cash beneit
to you if you’re diagnosed or treated for a covered critical illness event.
This plan includes a $50 health While you, or a covered family member, are being treated for or are
screening beneit (employee and
covered spouse only), payable one recovering from a critical illness, there’s a good chance that you will be
time per year. facing out-of-pocket medical expenses and possibly costs for travel and
Covered health screening tests lodging. The security of knowing that you’ll receive a lump sum cash
include but are not limited to stress beneit from Alac will allow you to concentrate on your recovery, not
test, fasting blood glucose test, your inances.
blood test for triglycerides, breast
ultrasound, chest x-ray, colonoscopy, This beneit is paid upon the onset date of the following critical illness
mammography, pap smear, and PSA events.
Cancer (internal or invasive) 100%
Heart attack 100%
This plan contains a pre-existing Major organ transplant 100%
condition exclusion that includes a End stage renal failure 100%
12 month look back and 12 month Stroke 100%
wait for those conditions or illnesses Carcinoma in situ 25% *
which you received medical advice Coronary artery bypass surgery 25% *
or treatment or caused symptoms * Payment of the partial beneit for carcinoma in situ will reduce by 25 percent the beneit for
for which an ordinarily prudent internal cancer. Payment of the partial beneit for coronary artery bypass surgery will reduce
person would seek medical advice or by 25 percent the beneit for a heart attack.
Critical Illness—Monthly Rates
Guaranteed Benefit—This
Enrollment Opportunity Supplemental Options Cost of Coverage
During this annual enrollment Age Employee $10,000 $20,000 $10,000 Tobacco $20,000
window, you can elect coverage 18–29 $5.45 $9.15 $7.95 $14.15
without medical questions. 30–39 $8.55 $15.35 $13.45 $25.15
40–49 $15.55 $29.35 $30.75 $59.75
Employee: $20,000 50–59 $26.68 $51.62 $51.75 $101.75
Spouse: $10,000 Spouse $5,000 $10,000 $5,000 $10,000
Child(ren): 50 percent of 18–29 $3.60 $5.45 $4.85 $13.45
employee-elected amount (at 40–49 $8.65 $15.55 $16.25 $30.75
no additional cost, up to age 50–59 $14.22 $26.68 $26.75 $51.75