Page 68 - Issue 48
P. 68

                                Tinman   Kustoms

                      Ditching the Straight Axle:

                                                   Part 1 (IFS)

                                    PHOTOS AND WORDS BY LUKE MERRILL (TINMAN 2 KUSTOMS)

               Graft: To combine two into one

                   Independent Front
               Caster: The angular difference
               between a vertical line and an
               imaginary line between the upper
               & lower balljoints

               Bumpsteer: The amount of
               steering change as the suspension
               travels through its range of motion

               Fishplate: A steel plate that is
               welded over the top of existing
               weld joints; usually diamond

                  fairly common modifi cation
                  done in the street rod world
              Ais to “front clip” your car.
              What that means, is taking a       axle/leaf spring confi guration      of Independent Front Suspension,
              complete subframe off of a newer   out front. The newer style          as well as execution of an IFS or
              vehicle (like a 70’s Nova/Camaro,   “Independent Front Suspension”     subframe graft on your ride.
              70’s pinto, 80’s jaguar, 80’s      (IFS) is, functionally, a much better   In short summary, why chose
              mustang, 90’s crown vic, etc.) and   alternative to a traditional straight   IFS? With IFS, each wheel works
              transplanting (grafting) that onto   axle. While the straight axle has   independent of each other, therefor
              the front rails of your classic car.   worked for many years and has   you have less negative effect on
              “Classic” is just a general term I   proven its value, like anything else,   one side if you hit a dip or bump
              am using to group together most    there are always ways to improve    on the other. Versus with a straight
              American made cars (from 1920-     on old ideas with new technology.   axle each side is affected. Thus
              1960) with the factory straight    I’ll outline the basic pros & cons   the IFS will ride better and stay


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