Page 70 - Issue 48
P. 70

Installation & Technical Tips      important than frame width)        if not done properly.

                       Get as many                  >> Length                                 Measure & cut original
              measurements as possible and write    >> Steering box location-       frame rails off where deemed
              them down beforehand.              generally I prefer “rear steer”    necessary.
                First mark to measure how far    (steering box behind crossmember)     Usually 2-3 inches in front of
              the center of the hub is from the         > Rack & pinion is the best,   fi rewall is the best for re-welding
              fi rewall, so the tires will be re-  but not always budget friendly    other subframe on without having
              centered in the wheel wells when      >> Height of spindle in relation   to work under the cab too much.
              done.                              to each end of subframe (Will      But it depends on your specifi c
                       purchase a subframe that   determine ride height)            measurements. You can use a
              fi ts your needs                       >> Approx. miles and/or         sawzall, cutoff grinder, plasma,           8” tall on each side. Why 8”? The
                As I mentioned above, there      overall condition of the subframe,   torch or whatever makes the most         2” difference is to account for the
              are many, many vehicles that can   replacement parts can add up fast.  sense for you.                            weighted compression of a coil
              be used as front subframe donors.            unbolt/remove front tins           Determine how high you           spring when the motor & front clip
              It’s just a matter of preference and   as one piece (If possible).    want the car to sit when fi nished.         is all on top of the subframe.
              fi t.  I also recommend getting the    Once subframe is grafted, a new    Measure based on the original              >> Of course, if you are doing
              subframe sandblasted fi rst if you   core support location will have to   frame rail under the body of the        airbags, you can somewhat ignore
              are doing a restoration.           be fabricated for front tins to line   car, just a few inches from where      this 2” drop…. You will want to
                The most important factors to    up. Measure beforehand or keep     you cut off the end. If you want           work off of the “ride height”
              consider when buying a subframe    your tins all bolted up and ready to   the frame rail at this point to be 6”   measurement you have chosen
              are:                               bolt back onto the cab after doing   off the ground, then set the frame       and have the lower arm as close to
                >> Width (track width is more    subframe swap. This can be tedious   rails on a jack stand or wood blocks     parallel to the ground as possible at
                                                                                                                               that ride height.
                                                                                                                                         Mount the exact tire
                                                                                                                               size/rim that you want on the new
                                                                                                                                         Roll the subframe up to
                                                                                                                               the car & start eyeballing what you
                                                                                                                               will need to do to make it line up.
                                                                                                                                  NOTE: Here it is crucial that you


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