Page 71 - Issue 48
P. 71

if not done properly.                                                              you can adjust fore & aft to the
  Measure & cut original                                                            tenth of a degree.
 frame rails off where deemed                                                               > For this measurement
 necessary.                                                                         you can also use any surface on
 Usually 2-3 inches in front of                                                     the spindle that may be perfectly
 fi rewall is the best for re-welding                                                perpendicular (vertical) to the
 other subframe on without having                                                   ground.
 to work under the cab too much.                                                       >> If you have any doubts on the
 But it depends on your specifi c                                                    caster for your particular subframe,
 measurements. You can use a                                                        I recommend taking measurements
 sawzall, cutoff grinder, plasma,   8” tall on each side. Why 8”? The   DO NOT use a bubble level.  Even   of the caster on the original vehicle
 torch or whatever makes the most   2” difference is to account for the   variations as small as tenth of a   before removing the subframe from
 sense for you.  weighted compression of a coil   degree can make a huge impact     that vehicle, but that’s not always
  Determine how high you   spring when the motor & front clip   on the fi nished ride. I always use   an option.
 want the car to sit when fi nished.   is all on top of the subframe.   digital levels as they are much more   Once the caster is set, block the
 Measure based on the original   >> Of course, if you are doing   precise (but only if your fl oor is   subframe (front & rear) so it cannot
 frame rail under the body of the   airbags, you can somewhat ignore   perfectly level!)  rotate, and then access what you
 car, just a few inches from where   this 2” drop…. You will want to   Caster of the subframe MUST be   need to do to combine the original
 you cut off the end. If you want   work off of the “ride height”   set backwards 2 or more degrees   frame and subframe at the joint.
 the frame rail at this point to be 6”   measurement you have chosen   >> Caster allows the steering to
 off the ground, then set the frame   and have the lower arm as close to   “self-align” so wandering doesn’t
 rails on a jack stand or wood blocks   parallel to the ground as possible at   occur when driving.
              that ride height.                         > The only con of setting
                       Mount the exact tire      it too far back is less steering
              size/rim that you want on the new   responsiveness.
              subframe.                             >> Use a steel ruler or piece of
                       Roll the subframe up to   straight steel to form a line between
              the car & start eyeballing what you   the upper and lower balljoints.
              will need to do to make it line up.  Attach a digital angle meter (I use
                NOTE: Here it is crucial that you   the Mittler bros one pictured) and
                                                                                       >> If your subframe has or will
                                                                                    need a “Kick up” or “Z” in it, you
                                                                                    will have to fi gure out how to do
                                                                                    that. If both surfaces are blocked
                                                                                    exactly where you want them, just
                                                                                    measure and cut the fi ller pieces
                                                                                    that you need.
                                                                                       >> I use a Mittler bros digital
                                                                                    protractor to determine the exact
                                                                                    angle of the kickup piece needed
                                                                                    and then base my cuts off of that
                                                                                              Measure, measure &
                                                                                    measure again! This is the most
                                                                                    important part of your car. It will

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