Page 72 - Issue 48
P. 72
determine steering quality, grit fl apwheel from Empire box or “fi shplate” accordingly.
ride quality, motor mounting Abrasives on this grinder, but Welding vertical down will give
options, etc. that’s totally preference. you the strongest weld if you are
To make sure it is “square” Once tacked well (on all welding with a machine smaller
in relation to the existing frame 4 corners of each joint on than what is preferred- like most
on the car, measure in an “X” each side), you can check all of us backyard guys are.
pattern from a common point on
pattern from a common point on these measurements again. Use of proper welding wire
the original frame to a common If anything moved, you may is essential. I always use Blue
point on the subframe. I usually need to cut & re-tack until it is Demon .035” welding wire on
say within ⁄8” is acceptable, but correct. structural components and .023”
the closer to perfectly square Tip: too much welding on on sheet metals.
(0” difference) the better. one side or in one place at a I usually like to add some ⁄8”
>> Using the aforementioned time will cause the end of the or thicker steel (8-12” long) all
digital protractor and/or digital subframe to move- this is what the way around the joint and
level to make sure each side is you need to be most careful lap weld it, that ensures that
identical at the graft joint can of. If possible use clamps and the main weld joint cannot fl ex,
also be helpful. tubing to brace when welding. therefor it won’t ever fail. If it’s
Once measurements, I make sure to weld as evenly not boxed, box it.
joining pieces & adjustments as possible; moving from frame Make all the rest
are all made, use heavy tacks rail to frame rail. Heat in metal of the shiznit line up and work
& clamps to hold all the pieces causes distortion, so always properly.
together. consider that. This is the most time
Any clamps or other ways Finish weld & then consuming part of the process.
you can keep the parts from Everything in the front will have
moving at all will be benefi cial changed; core support, steering
before tacking! These Milwaukee shaft to column, motor mounts
torque lock clamps are a new (in some cases) and a handful
tool that I have found works of other smalls. Just take it one
much better than the standard step at a time and try to be
“Vise Grips” by Irwin, because positive, you just made a huge
you can actually tighten them upgrade to your car!
down tighter with the use of a To see more on the IFS setup
screwdriver in the end of the and steps involved, in video
adjuster screw. These work much
adjuster screw. These work much format, go check out “How
like a c-clamp, but much easier to Graft a Subframe” on my
one-handed operation. YouTube at
Make sure that you grind all tinman2kustoms
of your surfaces clean before In the next article, I will
welding. I also just invested in write on Independent Rear
a bunch of cordless Milwaukee Suspension (IRS), which is a
tools, this M18 Fuel grinder lot less common of a swap
being one of them; I LOVE not because it is a slightly less
having to fuss with any cords impactful to the overall quality
or hoses to do quick grinding of the car, than that of an
like this! Usually I use a 60 IFS swap.
68x73tinman.indd 72 2/18/18 2:12 PM