Page 36 - 2024 Program File
P. 36

Thursday, November 21, 2024

                                                Stop, Collaborate, & Listen
                                            Thinking Mathematically Together

                                 Session 10 will be held in the Carolina B Room from 10:10 - 11:00.

                    Differen�ated Math Instruc�on: Strategies for Inside and

                                             Outside the Classroom

               Discover seven effec�ve strategies to meet the diverse needs of your students.
               Explore methods for op�mizing classroom �me and maximizing learning outside
               the classroom, including a�er-school care, at-home learning, and tutoring. Learn
               to use personalized and adap�ve tools to support students in and out of the

               classroom effec�vely. Grades PreK - 8

                                          Rachel Hester, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt

                                  Session 11 will be held in Lexington A Room from 10:10 - 11:35

                    Nurturing Mathema�cal Minds: Exploring Posi�ve Youth

                                     Development in Math Classrooms

               This session explores the Posi�ve Youth Development (PYD) Framework in math
               classrooms to challenge nega�ve stereotypes and promote student strengths.
               Atendees will learn strategies to promote PYD, fostering a suppor�ve
               environment that enhances student engagement and academic success in

               mathema�cs. Grades 9 - 12

                                                     Elena Stout, S2TEM

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