Page 35 - 2024 Program File
P. 35

Thursday, November 21, 2024

                                                Stop, Collaborate, & Listen
                                            Thinking Mathematically Together

                                   Session 8 will be held in the Senate Room from 10:10 - 11:00.

                    Quadra�cs! Func�ons Formula Factor – Crea�ve, Unique

                                     Teaching Ideas – with Technology

               Use graphing technology to assist students to discover how to graph quadra�c
               func�ons in 3 forms by hand: standard, vertex, factored - quickly and accurately
               using the “parabola dance.” Get students to discover and recognize paterns of

               transforma�ons. Use technology to apply/use the quadra�c formula and to
               visualize factors. Get e flash cards. Grades 6 - 12

                                               Tom Reardon, Fitch High School

                                                     Texas Instruments

                                 Session 9 will be held in the Carolina A Room from 10:10 - 11:00.

                Pathways to Personaliza�on: Crea�ng an Implementa�on Plan

                                                    for Big Impact

               Explore the transforma�ve power of personalized learning in this session that
               highlights best prac�ces and the most effec�ve strategies and tools for
               personalizing learning. This session will equip par�cipants with the knowledge to

               create an implementa�on plan and ensure that they will be personalizing learning
               in no �me! Grades PreK - 12

                                                 Shannon Blake, McGraw Hill

                                                 Shannon Feit, McGraw Hill

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