Page 32 - 2024 Program File
P. 32
Thursday, November 21, 2024
Stop, Collaborate, & Listen
Thinking Mathematically Together
Session 2 will be held in the Ballroom from 8:30 - 10:00.
Cul�va�ng the Power of G.R.I.T. in the Math Classroom
Low gradua�on rates among first-genera�on students remains a concern to
educa�on policymakers and prac��oners. With 2 million students dropping out of
college, and 2022 NAEP data revealing a na�onal decline in math scores, this has
affected underserved students’ abili�es to dare to dream and think big in the
classroom. This presenta�on will highlight the main takeaways of Dr. India White’s
TEDx Talk on “The Power of G.R.I.T.” and will feature tangible strategies that
leaders and educators can use to incorporate grit in ways that will produce
measurable results and break down invisible barriers between students and their
Dr. White’s framework and G.R.I.T. Workbook will provide solu�ons to teachers
and students who feel like they have litle hope le�. Educators will walk away with
a greater understanding of how they can connect with their students and
mo�vate them to think beyond the four walls while excelling in their class. As the
informa�on from this presenta�on, the G.R.I.T. Framework, and G.R.I.T. workbook
is applied, atendees will no�ce students will have a greater sense of belonging,
academic iden�ty, and greater results in persistence, causing an overall
improvement in academic achievement as they cul�vate grit while thriving in their
math class. General Audience
Dr. India White, SAVVAS Na�onal Consultant