Page 30 - 2024 Program File
P. 30
Dr. India White is a prominent figure in the
educa�onal landscape, known for her impac�ul
work as a TEDx speaker, na�onal educa�onal
consultant, and author of over 45 books. She
serves as a co-author for Savvas Learning
Company, contribu�ng significantly to educa�onal
resources. Dr. White’s academic journey is dis�nguished by her three
degrees from the University of Florida, where she majored in
mathema�cs and educa�onal leadership. Her extensive experience
includes roles as a math teacher, math coach, assistant principal, and
na�onal educa�on consultant, reflec�ng her deep commitment to
advancing educa�onal prac�ces.
At the core of Dr. White's mission is the pursuit of equitable prac�ces
that cul�vate resilience and grit in students. She is passionate about
bridging the achievement gap, ensuring that all students have the
opportunity to succeed.
Dr. White is an ac�ve member of several professional organiza�ons,
including the Na�onal School Board Associa�on, the Superintendent’s
Associa�on, the Na�onal Alliance of Black School Educators, and Black
Women in Educa�on. Her involvement in these groups allows her to
collaborate with leaders in legisla�on and the educa�on sector,
advoca�ng for equity, diversity, and inclusion in educa�on. Currently,
she serves as the Equity and Access Chair for the Florida Council of
Teachers in Mathema�cs, where she is focused on presen�ng on equity
in mathema�cs and collabora�ng with educa�onal leaders in Florida to
enhance learning experiences for all students.
Dr. White’s Keynote Address is
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