Page 12 - NOM-01_2019
P. 12
Multiple Sentences Imposed in Massive
Synthetic Narcotics Distribution Network
HOUSTON - The five leaders and eight Muratalla, who worked for out of state All 13 defendants sentenced this week
other co-conspirators have been sentenced manufacturers of synthetic cannabinoids were convicted of conspiring to distrib-
for their roles in one of the largest syn- here in Houston, and Taha, a clerk at ute a variety of synthetic cannabinoids,
thetic cannabinoids distribution networks Smoke Zone, who sold packages of syn- all Schedule I controlled substances. In
in the United States, announced Drug En- thetic cannabinoids were both sentenced committing the offense, several co-con-
forcement Administration Special Agent to four-year-terms of probation. spirators were accused in a scheme to
in Charge Will Glaspy and U.S. Attorney defraud by marketing their products as
Ryan Patrick. The sentences ranged from Also sentenced this week were other dis- though they were safe labeled the drugs
140 months in federal prison for a leader tributors and managers involved in the as “potpourri” or “incense,” with some
to probation for an hourly wage clerk who distribution of synthetic cannabinoids in labels including false information such as
sold the drugs. the Houston area. Those included Salem “100% legal,” “lab certified” or “not for
Fahed Tannous, 58, of Houston (Khader
The defendants were sentenced for their Tanous’s brother who collected money for human consumption,” when in fact these
products were dangerous drugs.
involvement in the manufacture, posses- him from synthetic narcotics sales), Ali
sion and distribution of synthetic cannabi- Tafesh, 37, of Houston, who owned and There are no standards for making syn-
noids commonly, but mistakenly, referred distributed the drugs from a store named thetic cannabinoids which contain hazard-
to as synthetic marijuana. Azell Cell Phones, Hazim Hisham Qa- ous chemicals often imported from Chi-
dus, 34, a permanent resident alien who na that, when smoked or ingested, could
Today, U.S. District Judge Gray Mill- resided in Houston and distributed drugs have serious (sometimes deadly) side ef-
er ordered Khader Fahed Tanous, 52, of from a store named Moon Mart and Azell fects. Frequently, as in this case, various
Manassas, Virginia, who distributed large Cell Phones and Nagy Ali, 61 of Spring, “brands” are mixed together in the same
amounts of synthetic cannabinoids to the manager of Smoke Zone. Tannous cement mixer, so two packets of a brand-
Houston area distributors, to 121 months was ordered to serve 49 months in prison, named product may have the identical
imprisonment. Earlier this week, Judge while Tafesh, Qadus will both serve sen- chemicals. Often, the same cement mixers
Miller sentenced Muhammad Shariq Sid- tences of 97 months. Nagy Ali received a are used for multiple batches of synthetic
diqi, 48, of Sugar Land, to 140 months in 120-month-prison term for his role. cannabinoids, so the “final” products may
prison. Siddiqi was a major manufacturer also be contaminated with other drugs or
and distributor in the Houston area. Throughout the three days of hearings and
the handing down of these sentences, the toxic chemicals from previous batches.
Also sentenced today was Ayisha Khur- court’s repeated theme was its concern The amounts of synthetic cannabinoid
ram, Siddiqi’s partner in manufacturing that the dangerous drugs these defendants in packages may also vary even within
and distributing synthetic cannabinoids were manufacturing were being marketed the same batches because the product is
as was the de facto owner of the Smoke and distributed to juveniles. not mixed uniformly within the cement
Zone Khalil Munier Khalil, 43, of Spring. mixers. Therefore, “hot packages” with
The Smoke Zone was the most prolific Siddiqi and Qadus are not U.S. Citizens a higher concentration of the applied
distribution store front in the country for and are expected to face deportation pro- chemical are a common danger. Accord-
synthetic cannabinoids. Khalil was sen- ceedings following the completion of their ing to the Center for Disease Control,
tenced to a 135-month prison term while prison terms. synthetic cannabinoids may cause hallu-
Khurram received a 95-month term of im- cinations, delusions, psychosis, suicidal
prisonment. Omar Maher Alnasser, a 37-year old resi-
dent of Sugar Land and former University thoughts and violent behavior. The health
Today, Judge Miller further sentenced of Houston professor, was previously sen- problems associated with the drug in-
Sayed Ali, 53, of Sugar Land; Abdalnour tenced to 12 months and one day in pris- clude heart attack, stroke, kidney failure,
Izz, 33, of Houston; Steve Amira, 61, of on for aiding and abetting an unlicensed breathing problems and muscle damage.
Richmond; Mohammed Rafat Taha, 29, money transmitting business. He had The drugs the defendants admitted to
of Spring; and Frank Muratalla, 25, of admitted he was paid to wire more than having distributed were all Schedule I
Downey, California. $200,000 in U.S. currency from a bank in drugs – substances or chemicals with no
the United States to accounts in the coun-
Siddiqi paid Ali to dilute, mix and apply try of Jordan. currently accepted medical use, have a
the chemicals he supplied to the plant ma- high potential for abuse, are the most dan-
terial. Izz delivered the drugs and collect- The dismantling of this organizations and gerous drugs of all scheduled drugs and
ed payments for Tanous. Amira was the the convictions are the result of a multi- have potential for severe psychological or
owner of Houston Beverage and a synthet- year, multi-agency federal investigation physical dependence. The packaging was
ic cannabinoids distributor. Ali received into one of the largest synthetic distribu- also typical of synthetic cannabinoids -
a sentence of 50 months, while Izz and tion networks in the nation and operated contained colorful illustrations that target-
Amira were each sentenced to 36 months. in the Houston area dubbed “We Can Hear ed not only drug abusers, but also children
You Now.”