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Highly Trained Officers Deliver the   always  at  our  family  dinner  table  on  the  local  institutions,  found  universally  in  all
        Curricula                            days he/she was in our child’s classroom/  communities,  benefit  substantially  when
                                             school.”                             there is “collaboration” among representa-
        Only officers who are carefully vetted by                                 tives of the various institutions. Nationally,
        leadership in their community law enforce-  Annual National/International Training   “community-based policing” is a dominant
        ment agencies are sent to DOTs. They are  Conferences                     approach  for  law  enforcement  agencies.
        further  vetted  by  the  mentors  responsible                            D.A.R.E.  is  an  essential  component  of
        for  training  new  D.A.R.E.  officers. Then,   In 2017, D.A.R.E held its 30th annual train-  community-based policing.
        D.A.R.E.  officers  undergo  a  rigorous  80-  ing conference for D.A.R.E. officers offer-
        hour training course conducted by mentors   ing over 70 workshops on updates of the   From  a  prevention  perspective,  the  pre
        with a significant number of years of class-  curricula and topic-specific issues that will   K-12, D.A.R.E. keepin’ it REAL curricula
        room experience as well as university-lev-  help the officers address issues experienced   are targeted at all students (i.e. “universal”
        el educators in Colleges of Education. All   by youth in preK-12 grades. In addition to   prevention)  rather  than  being  targeted  at
        officers are taught to deliver the curricula   the  United  States,  trained  officers  deliver   students with specific risk factors (“select-
        exactly as they are written, thereby achiev-  D.A.R.E.  curricula  in  52  other  countries.   ed” prevention) or at students who are al-
        ing the goal of nearly 100% implementa-  The Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs Com-  ready using drugs (“indicated” prevention).
        tion fidelity. It is important to note that not   mittee  of  the  International Association  of
        all who begin a DOT graduate. Through-  Chiefs  of  Police  (IACP),  responsible  for  The  primary  goal  of  most  school-based,
        out the 80-hour course (this includes only   drug abuse issues held its annual summer  curriculum-driven  prevention  program-
        time  spent  receiving  instruction,  it  does   meeting at the 30th D.A.R.E. training con-  ming  is  to  encourage  decisions  to  never
        not include hours of practicing the lessons   ference.                    use drugs, or at least facilitate a significant
        in small groups and in front of the entire   Annual College Scholarship for One   delay in the onset of use of drugs. The fo-
        group) officers in the DOT are assessed for   Youth Leader                cus of social-emotional learning principles
        readiness to deliver the curricula. It is not                             in  the  D.A.R.E./keepin’  it  REAL  curricu-
        unusual for an officer undergoing the train-  For  25  years,  from  1995-2017,  D.A.R.E.   la  could  be  critical  elements  in  decisions
        ing to be sent home without graduating.  America  has  awarded  an  annual  college   to not continue using drugs, to encourage
                                             scholarship  to  one  member  of  the  Youth   decreasing and/or completely stopping the
        “Local Human Face” for Prevention at   Advocacy Board that is comprised of one   use of drugs.
        the Community-Level                  representative  from  each  state.  D.A.R.E.   D.A.R.E. America recognizes that its com-

        When classroom teachers deliver a preven-  enlists  an  intensive  and  extensive  review   prehensive pre K-12 curricula are only one,
        tion curriculum, parents and others in the   and selection process to select the annual   although  a  potentially  significant  part  of
        community  think  of  them  as  “teachers”   recipient  to  receive  the  $20,000  scholar-  an overall and comprehensive approach to
        of a certain grade, or “teachers” of a cer-  ship.  Since  1995,  D.A.R.E.  has  awarded   drug use and abuse. It is important to note
        tain  topic  (mathematics,  English,  Civics,   $440,000 in total scholarship funds; no oth-  that all law enforcement agencies are offi-
        Health Education, etc.), not as teachers of   er curricula program has a college scholar-  cially committed to the mission of reducing
        “prevention.”  However,  parents,  school   ship award.                   the supply of drugs (i.e., supply reduction)
        administrators,  teachers,  and  members  of   Every  one  of  the  3,142  counties  in  the   as  well  as  reducing  the  demand  (demand
        the  general  community  think  of  law  en-  United  States  contains  at  least  one,  often   reduction) for drugs via prevention.
        forcement officers as THE D.A.R.E. Offi-  more  than  one  law  enforcement  agency
        cer who teaches drug prevention. The most   and one or more community schools with   Why D.A.R.E. (n.d.). Retrieved January 22,
        common  comment  from  parents  received   grades pre K-12, and the appropriate edu-  2019, from
        by researchers evaluating the effectiveness   cational  administrative  structures.  These
        of D.A.R.E. is: “The D.A.R.E. officer was

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