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Why D.A.R.E. - The Most Comprehensive

        Drug Prevention Curricula in the World

        D.A.R.E. Education                   the  effectiveness  of  prevention  programs   Scientific American
        Programs                             and policies.” keepin’ it REAL curriculum
                                             is among a number of programs the Sur-  In  its  September  10,  2014  issue,  Scien-
        The  Drug  Abuse  Resistance  Education   geon General identifies as building social,   tific  American  published  an  article  enti-
        (D.A.R.E.)  program  is  the  most  com-  emotional, cognitive, and substance refusal   tled, The New D.A.R.E. Program – this
        prehensive  drug  prevention  curricula  in   skills that provide children accurate infor-  one works.  The  article  notes  that  Rich-
        the  world  taught  in  thousands  of  schools   mation on rates and amounts of peer sub-  ard  Clayton,  Ph.D.,  a  retired  prevention
        throughout America’s 50 states and its ter-  stance use.                  researcher  formerly  of  the  University  of
        ritories, as well as in 50+ other countries                               Kentucky,  was  also  once  an  outspoken
        reaching  more  than  1.5  million  students  The President’s 2017 Commission on   critic of D.A.R.E., has since been invited
        annually.                            Combating Drug Addiction and the     to join D.A.R.E.’s board of directors and
                                             Opioid Crisis                        chair its Scientific Advisory Committee.
        D.A.R.E. Education Program
        Endorsements & Support               This  Presidential  Commission’s  recently   Alcoholism & Drug Abuse Weekly
                                             released  report  states…Substance  abuse
        D.A.R.E.’s  elementary,  middle  and  high   prevention  is  a  process  which  requires  a   In August 2017, Alcoholism & Drug Abuse
        school  curricula,  as  well  as  its  enhance-  shift in behavior, culture, and community   Weekly published a comprehensive article
        ment lessons on subjects that include bul-  norms…When  evidence-based  programs   on the significant changes in D.A.R.E. cur-
        lying, internet safety, and over-the-counter   are  selected  for  specific  populations  and   ricula over the past decade. Among the in-
        prescription drug and opiates abuse, have   implemented with fidelity, they can be ef-  formation presented in the article are the
        been developed through partnerships with   fective…  School  programs  implementing   following:  “Randomized controlled trials
        highly  respected  universities  and  preven-  environmental  approaches  targeting  chil-  of the new curriculum, called “keepin’ it
        tion  education  experts.    Each  curriculum   dren focus on building a repertoire of pos-  REAL,”  have  shown  that  in  14  months,
        has been developed and approved under the   itive competencies, including in the areas   drug use was reduced in students who re-
        guidance of D.A.R.E. America’s Scientific   of  academics,  self-regulation,  and  social   ceived the D.A.R.E. curriculum compared
        Advisory  Committee  chaired  by  Richard   skills.  The  Commission’s  report  identi-  to peers who didn’t.”
        Clayton, Ph.D.                       fies keepin’ it REAL as one such interven-  What keepin’ it REAL
        After  a  review  that  considered  multiple   tion programs.             Evaluations Conclude
        criteria, D.A.R.E. America partnered with   California Healthy Kids Resource
        Pennsylvania  State  University  to  develop   Center                     Drs.  Michael  Hecht  and  Michelle  Mill-
        and  adopt  the  keepin’  it  REAL  drug  pre-                            er-Day have authored several of the stud-
        vention  curriculum.  In  2008,  D.A.R.E.  The  California  Healthy  Kids  Resource   ies  that  demonstrated  keepin’  it  REAL’s
        launched  keepin’  it  REAL  in  middle  Center, a division of the California Depart-  effectiveness.  The largest one, published
        schools; in 2013, D.A.R.E. launched kiR’s  ments of Health and Education, profession-  by Hecht, Miller-Day, and their colleagues
        elementary school curricula.         al Research & Evaluation staff ensure op-  in  2003,  asked  6,000  students  to  fill  out
                                             timal services for families and children by   questionnaires about their use of alcohol,
        Multiple government organizations and in-  providing internal and external stakehold-  tobacco  and  marijuana  at  several  points
        stitutions, as well as highly respected jour-  ers with useful tools and information that   over a two-year period. The reports from
        nals, have endorsed and favorably reported   can be used for program evaluation, fore-  students who completed keepin’ it REAL
        upon D.A.R.E.’s keepin’ it REAL curricula.  casting  and  strategic  planning,  contract   indicated that:

        Surgeon General Report               compliance,  and  advocacy.  The  Center   • They had used these substances less than
                                             lists keepin’ it REAL as “research validat-
        The Surgeon General’s 2016 landmark re-  ed”…its  equivalent  of  an  evidence-based   those in a control group, and used a wider
        port entitled, Facing Addiction in America:  ranking.                      variety of strategies to refrain from using
        The Surgeon General’s Report on Alcohol,                                   alcohol, tobacco and marijuana.
        Drugs, and Health, concluded that alcohol   United Nations                • Their anti-drug attitudes were also more
        and drug misuse, disorders, and addiction,   D.A.R.E.  is  the  only  international  drug   likely to stick over time. A subset of that
        are among America’s most pressing public   prevention  curricula  to  hold  consultative   study,  comprised  of  1,300  students  who
        health concerns. As the Surgeon General’s   status with the Committee on Non-Govern-  were already using drugs, showed a much
        report states, “The good news is that there   ment Organizations of the United Nations   larger  percentage  reduced  their  use  of
        is  strong  scientific  evidence  supporting   Economic and Social Council.  drugs than did those in the control group.

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