Page 3 - NOM-01_2019
P. 3

Personal Statement from the Editor...

                                               Welcome to our next issue, Narcot-  ed trauma kits (IF AK) to underfunded
                                           ic Officers Magazine, February 2019.   law enforcement agencies, individuals
                                           As always, I would like to thank each   and to K-9 associations as well. Anoth-
                                           of you for advertising, your support,   er program we continue to support is
                                           hard work and dedication. None of this   D.A.R.E. America. It is through drug
                                           is possible without you. I am here to   education that we can continue to teach
                                           educate the public and law enforcement   our youth the dangers and harmful
                                           community in the awareness of narcot-  effects of drug use and abuse. Each year
                                           ics, drugs, and other addictive substanc-  many of our law enforcement officers,
                                           es. I also make every effort to support   including K-9’s and public officials
                                           programs that teach kids, parents, and   make the ultimate sacrifice. We ask
                                           the law enforcement community about   that you remember the fallen as we pay
                                           drug use.                             tribute each year.
                                               Interesting article I read from Re-      Our publication has always received
                                           covery Boot Camp talked about if drug   outstanding support from the public and
                                           trafficking can be stopped. What is law   business community leaders across the
                                           enforcement’s effect on drug traffick-  nation. Our sponsors show their appre-
                                           ing? Law enforcement does its part to   ciation by taking out an advertisement
                                           catch drug traffickers at every level.   in the Narcotic Officers Magazine,
                                           The problem is that there truly is no   displaying their decals on their vehicles
                                           one who’s irreplaceable when it comes   or place of business. Please support
                                           to the drug trade. Everyone involved in   the advertisers whenever possible. The
                                           drug trafficking works hard to evade law  advertisers offer several goods and
                                           enforcement, and it is a constant cat-  services that stretch across the nation.
                                           and-mouse game between DEA agents     If possible, please try to support the
                                           and drug traffickers, distributors, and   businesses that advertise in the Narcotic
                                           dealers. But no matter who law en-    Officers Magazine. You can follow us
                                           forcement catches, there’s someone else   on our Facebook to stay up to date with
                                           ready to step in and take their place.   the latest in equipment donations and
                                               I believe education is a great tool.   news. Together, we can make a differ-
                                           Law enforcement is an important part of  ence! Stay Safe!
                                           stopping the drug trade, but it alone isn’t
                                           enough. There will always be more drug
                                           traffickers waiting to replace anyone   Matt Neelley
                                           who law enforcement catches because                  President
                                           of the kind of money they can make
                                           by selling drugs. If the supply is going
                                           to be there, then the best solution is to
                                           lower the demand. While it isn’t easy,
                                           providing more drug education is a key
                                           factor in stopping people from using
                                           drugs. The best time to educate people
                                           on the dangers of drug use is when they
                                           are children, before they’ve had the
                                           chance to try anything.
                                               We are still donating the much-need-

                                                           FEBRUARY 2019 NARCOTIC OFFICERS MAGAZINE™  —  3
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